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Enjoy! Next ep either Thursday or Saturday!



Francesca White

My fav episode!! It's especially amazing in sub, Nobihiko Okomoto, the Japanese voice actor for Bakugou, gives such an emotional performance. I definitely recommend checking it out sometime

James S

Awesome! Two episodes!

Æther Paradox

Thanks for bringing this to us.



Danny C

I swear, the dub for this episode has some of the best character moments in the show. From Bakugo’s breakdown, to Deku screaming AT BAKUGO, to the iconic “Allmight was my hero, but you were the one actually in my life!). This is top 5 episodes for me, easily. Also, classic GOAT Kenny giving us a double upload 🫡

H-Bomb 24

Dropping two epic episodes bact-to-back. This is why you're the GOAT reactors.


Yay I am so happy with the double drop. This is my favorite episode of the whole show…

Javier Morales

So glad you decided to give us both episodes, they really need to be watched together.

H-Bomb 24

From this episode forth, Bakugo becomes INFINITELY more tolerable.

H-Bomb 24

Clifford Chapin, Bakugo's English VA, ain't slacking off this episode, either.

Francesca White

@H-Bomb 24 true he's great, but I think what makes the Japanese better in this particular scene is that Okomoto sounds a lot younger and has more voice cracks, so it really sells the fact that Bakugou is really just a hurt child in this moment


i love him :(

ryan davis

such a good episode to release back to back!!


In my very first watch of MHA years ago (back when only three seasons were out), it quite literally took me until this episode to really give Bakugo a chance and understand him a little better. What a great character development.

Caitlyn Jones

All Might pulling Bakugo into a hug always gets to me :')


I completely agree. I always suggest people watch the sub for this show spacif8cally because of bakugo in this episode.


This is the episode that turned this show from one i casually enjoyed to my absolute favorite anime. It also solidified how much I love Bakugo as a character.


all might: "i am here" deku: "im still here"


gosh I cannot WAIT for you guys to get to That Scene at the end of season 6

Izrail Gevorgyan

Even though this episode is incredible, I still just cannot stand Bakugo... I get where he's coming from, but idk, I just don't like him.


Bro not me having to pause four times to keep from crying


the reaction to "is that all you got?!" was priceless


This episode was sooo important and exciting so glad you guys did a double drop. It would have been hard to wait till next week knowing it was on the way! Also loved Montana's Taylor Swift lyric analysis.


so many great lines but my favorite was Deku screaming about all might "He may have been the hero I idolized, but you were the one actually in my life" It's such a good line.


I’ve always gotten a Naruto vs Sasuke vibe from this fight

Eric C

let's gooo double upload! it's the moment i've been waiting for since you guys started S3.


i absolutely cant wait to see your reactions to the end of season 4


yeah. we forget they are all 14/15 yrs old


my fav episode!! bakudeku the best 💪


Agreed. Honestly, on re-watch KNOWING how Bakugo has felt his whole life... his arc is incredible. You just only come to understand it HERE. He's a kid that has been openly praised and told he was the best since he was 4 years old. It makes perfect sense why he acts the way that he does. And the voice acting of the whole fight scene was incredible. Clifford Chapin nailed that raw emotion so perfectly.


So excited for next episode's reaction!!

Joel Gilmore

Can’t wait for episode 25!


This just proved Kenny loves us


The double episode felts so good but the withdrawals hit so hard


By some oversight on my part, I totally missed that this episode already dropped!!!! I JUST now saw this and thought it was the episode that was dropping today! 🤣😅


100. The complicated love hate relationship from someone who's always been a natural genius and the one he's always looked down on as the weakest and most embarrassing person


I have been waiting for confirmation that Montana is a Swiftie. Legendary taste on all fronts!

Jacob Herrera

In order to like him, you have to understand him how Deku does. There's a reason most people don't like him in the show, because he's that hard to understand. This episode and the last is what truly got me to love Bakugo, because of how well they portrayed him and Deku as the exact same, just in different fonts. How they both love All Might for different reasons, and that you do in fact, need both of their personalities to be a great hero. You need to want to win no matter the sitaution (Bakugo), but also want to save those in need (Deku). Bakugo wanting to be like All Might, to win every fight, is essentially what drives his ego and personality. How he responds to things is clearly from his home life lol. Understanding a mixture of these things helps to like him a little more, but also remember, the kid is 14 or 15. He's gonna be immature and struggle to communicate, especially since communication in his home was just yelling. Also, I love how Bakugo embodies everything Deku does, but just not in a cliche anime way, positive, can do attitude, super nice, etc.

rEDAct channel

I love his monologue so much it made me tear up and seeing those all might cards will forever haunt me

Beta Trix

So so so many good moments between them, not only through their actions but their words too. And here we finally get to see why it was both of them that needed to work on communication during the final exam arc. They were both so blinded by who they were that neither of them could interact with the other in any normal way. And it's so amazing that it's only until both of them start talking in each other's language (i.e. Bakugou speaking with words and Deku using his fists) that they can understand each other. I also love just how much we get to see what each of them thought of their past, since we've only seen bits and pieces of what happened. It's so wholesome that Deku chooses to admire Bakugou's strength/drive when he could easily hate Bakugou for everything he has done. We also get to see/understand why Bakugou chose to reject Deku so completely with his bullying. He doesn't understand Deku or his thoughts at all and really, Deku isn't normal because who in the hell chooses to admire their bully? That doesn't mean that his actions are justified, though. It's just cool to see that it wasn't just because Deku was weak or quirkless that he got targeted. But, anyway, how amazing is it that they're finally rivals? Besides that, now I can finally say that "Save people to Win and Win to Save people" is one of the best lines in the show.


Love this episode, "my idea of victory is so tied to you in my head" if you go back and watch his previous fights you can hear him yelling like bakugo, but prior to this no one ever notices lol. Also part of the motivation for the fight was to force midoriya to admit he got the power from all might, because if he did that would mean all might losing his power might not be bakugos fault.


I watched in dub originally and I'm rewatching in sub just to get both perspectives and Izuku calls Bakugo "the incarnation of victory" in the sub which is....metal.


Everyone sees characters in different ways based on their life experiences. Are you caught up to season 6 yet? Hopefully you will grow to understand him and like him better by then but it's ultimately up to you what characters you like and dislike.


As someone who watched the german and english dubs, the japanese version with english subtitles is so weird sometimes. In my opinion, the dubs do a way better job at translating the meaning than the "original" subtitles. Even though the subtitles are often closer to the original japanese, I think the dub translation actually tries to make it sound good. For example in the Shoto vs Deku fight. The subtitle is "It's your power, isnt it?" while the english dub is "It's yours. Your quirk, not his!" It's just way better in delivering the intended direction in my opinion.