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Enjoy! Next ep next Monday!


The Lorax

One theory I heard about just the other day that I found interesting. In Sock Opera, Bill offered specifically "a hint" in return for a favor. In that episode, Bill smashes the laptop and doesn't tell Dipper anything. In the moment, you might think Bill broke the deal, or at the very least isn't bound by the deals he makes. However, it turns out breaking the laptop ended up giving Dipper the hint that lead to McGuckit and everything that comes from it. I don't know if this was intended or not, but it does close a small loop hole in that Bill IS actually bound by his contracts, which is important. He can't break them willy nilly, but he can bend them.

McKenna DeFranco

the society of the blind eye only erases the minds of people who report/talk about the things they’ve seen! the mystery shack crew keeps all their encounters to themselves so the society never sought them out


I’ve been waiting for the episode ever since the mcguckit hate started😭


You guys would love Disenchantment. It’s 5 seasons, all on Netflix, and so well done. (It’s like a medieval/magic/comedy style show)

Big K

It’s interesting, because I don’t think that the memory gun selects specific memories, it just gets rid of memories involving the keyword, so you could end up deleting memories that have nothing to do with the incident. Like you type tiny men and then forget about your short friend

Big K

Also, I want to say, about the last question, generally people's brains can just kind of skip over things that don’t make sense.


I love this episode. "YROO XRKSVI GIRZMTOV"!

Max F.

Keep an eye on Grunkle Stand hand moving forward. The next handful of episodes all happen close together and the bandage on his hand is visual short hand to show that.


Fun Fact: Rick and Morty S1E10, which premiered months *before* this episode came out, has a minor Easter egg referencing this episode. I'll post a link to a YouTube video of it in a reply. (Sometimes, links in comments get caught in Patreon's spam filter.)


There's no spoilers in the video for future Gravity Falls episodes, but be careful of YouTube recommended videos next to or below the video: https://youtu.be/821TmxO95iE


Yeah...I NEED that memory eraser gun, like I would pay good money to have that available for a one time use 🤣🤣

J. Jenny Jameson

This episode is especially memorable to fans watching at the time, because some of us had correctly guessed who the author was. In response, Alex Hirsh made a fake spoiler revealing McGucket as the true author, having a sixth finger hidden by the cast he always wears. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gravityfalls/images/4/45/Fake_Leak.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210712035122 It was so convincing that fans argued for months before this episode came out and Alex admitted he was behind the leak.


Definitely every time they've seen him in an ep and commented on what a menace or low-key villain he is, and how he belongs in jail, etc. ;-) (I mean... we can discuss how much of a menace he really *is*; but i loved hearing all those comments while knowing they were going to get to this ep eventually.)


I'll have to check the DVD commentaries again, because I'd love to know whether Alex knew the R&M episode would come out before this one, or whether this one was unexpectedly delayed by Disney's random long hiatuses. Fortunately, given the nature of different dimensions, it still works perfectly well for it to "start" in Gravity Falls later than it "ended" in R&M.


You guys were commenting on this a bit, but I wanted to draw your attention specifically to the fact that some well-known and beloved town characters *have* always seemed not quite "there" -- and the idea that the memory gun might have been used on them multiple times (over years) seems like an explanation for that. Think of Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland, for example. They're comic relief, and we often marvel over just how BAD they are at their jobs. But... being cops in the town of Gravity Falls, doesn't it seem possible that they've been called to the scene of a lot of weird happenings over the years, and gotten their memories erased *A LOT*? And maybe that's why they act the way they do.


You have no idea how many times i've wanted to write "I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS MCGUCKET SDLANDER" in these comments but that would've been a slight spoiler, finally i can speak freely lol