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We're gonna try out this method one more time since all pilots of MHA, JJK, CSM, and CG are still posted. Link also posted to the doc!


(No title)


Keshan Fonseka

This way is so much more convenient. hope no problem arises. Also 7 more episodes and we're done with Death Note. The end is Near.

André Carvalho

Great reaction! By the way, in the last episode, there was something that I don't think you caught 100%: the way Light used Misa's eyes to find Mello's hideout. Your doubts seemed to revolve around the "lending" and "property" rules of a Death Note, and you may not have been totally on board with Light's plan to kill L. So, as a total Death Note nerd, let me explain something here. :) The Death Note that Mello acquired was Light's original Death Note, which was dropped on Earth by Ryuk (who acquired it tricking The Great Shinigami and meant to be shinigami Sidoh notebook before Riuk steal it). It was the same notebook that Higuchi used for some time, and Light regained possession of it by killing Higuchi using the watch trick. That was possible because there's a rule that states: "if a Death Note has an owner, the only way to become its owner is by killing the previous owner and being phisically in possesion of the notebook at the time of previous owner death. You might ask, "if it was Light's original notebook, why was Rem the one with the task force after they acquired it? Shouldn't it have been Ryuk?" And now you can fully understang that scene in the woods, with Light making both Shinigami get the notebook, dropping it in the human world, and then getting it again. This was done so Rem could be the Shinigami present with the task force, which was a crucial part of Light's plan (as you witnessed, haha). Additionally, Light needed to touch his own original notebook to regain his memories, which is the same reason Misa saw Ryuk in the woods when she found her buried notebook: Ryuk was the Shinigami tied to it. When Rem died, Light secretly acquired her notebook, which became Light and Misa's official notebook since Sidoh was going to come to the human world to retrieve "his" notebook. Light was in possession of two notebooks: his original notebook (with the task force) and Rem's notebook. When Sayu was kidnapped, Light forfeited ownership of his original notebook (although this information needs confirmation, I'm 99% sure of it). Therefore, the notebook that Chief Yagami brought to Mello's hideout had no owner. When the criminal wrote the name of his colleague on it and killed him, he became the owner. If Light hadn't forfeited ownership, it would have been a case of notebook lending, and the criminal wouldn't have become the owner at all. But after that, using Misa's eyes, they were able to locate a person on a mafia criminal's list who had no life span visible to Misa. This is similar to how Misa determined that Light was Kira in Aoyama, as he made a clever plan to be around a lot of people, but Misa could only see the life span of everyone except for him. "A person with Shinigami's eyes cannot see the life span of other Death Note owners." They used the same logic to find the current owner, killed him, and made him send a letter with the current hideout location before passing away. Sorry for the longest Death Note explanation of your life, haha.

Peter Amet

I said this previously but I know patrons who got videos flagged on Vimeo and they migrated to a site that still shows on Patreon the same for us, an embed but seems to not get flags. It's called bunny . Cdn or something I can give you their names too I'm sure they'd be happy to explain as they do movie or album reactions so different but same issue. Just FYI I don't mind but if you want embeds that might work for ya :)


I disagree that pointing out the good parts makes it so you think it's just. Just because the outcome of an unjust action is convenient, doesn't mean it suddenly becomes just. It just means you're looking at the situation realistically. The world's nations have tried for years to find and stop Kira to no avail, yet the world seemingly becomes a safer and calmer place for the innocents. (I say seemingly, because the only way to properly determine innocence or guilt is through the justice system, of course). They simply seem to be powerless in stopping it, on top of the fact that they would essentially be going against the one thing that has so far been able to create some kind of "world peace". You don't have to think something is "just", for you to accept that it's no longer beneficial to move against that thing. Unjust things happen in international politics all the time. Wars are fought all over the place. If a country decides not to interfere with certain matters, it does not mean they think those matters are just. Even if they point out that there are some benefits to them from that situation. Anyway, wall of text. Imma continue watching the rest of the reaction. Edit: Of course them eventually bowing to Kira's orders is completely unjust, since now they're actively participating.


I reallllyyy like that last point Montana made. Never thought of it that way


From our point of view we know that the killings are just Light but from the public's perspective there is some sort of supernatural God like being killing criminals which is important when it comes to how the public perceives Kira. A large chunk of Kira supporters would not support Kira if they knew it was just some guy with a superiority complex versus what seems like divine judgement.

Johan Hultbäck

I really like Montanas point on the tarrot cards. Ryuk is death personified, not in an image of torment and evil, but as death that inevitably will meet us at the end of our lives. Light is the devil because he seeks to use death as a punishment, a way of making sure wrongdoers get "what they deserve". Light has an agenda, Ryuk doesn't. The only reason Ryuk is still here is he finds Lights agenda interesting, how he turned death to be something evil rather than to be the inevitable end.

First Grade Sorcerer - Day (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-12 06:22:24 One thing that was never explained i think, was the in Light's origibal deathnote, Ryuk is the one who wrote the rules down, i think he says so himself that he wrote the rules in english since its the most common language ww (or something along the lines)
2023-11-11 01:08:14 One thing that was never explained i think, was the in Light's origibal deathnote, Ryuk is the one who wrote the rules down, i think he says so himself that he wrote the rules in english since its the most common language ww (or something along the lines)

One thing that was never explained i think, was the in Light's origibal deathnote, Ryuk is the one who wrote the rules down, i think he says so himself that he wrote the rules in english since its the most common language ww (or something along the lines)