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Enjoy! Next ep Next Friday!



big chungus

To clear things up, Megumi and Maki are NOT a thing, they’re cousins 😭

Bob Loblaw

I read that Black flash is to the power of 2.5 and not just multiplied by 2.5

no u uwu

When you watch season 2, please watch the blue ray. Idk if it‘a available in dub tho. But if it is definitely watch season 2s blue ray

Jc Eugene

can't wait for next episode.


jjk 2x a week would be godly 😭


10/10 cliffhanger reaction 😭😭


I can't til yall reach season 2.

Daaylen Watson

Itadori does not have a technique, He only has cursed energy. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but Ep7 or 8 gojo says that "Techniques are engraved upon your soul at birth and he said itadori didn't have one.

Katsuki BakuGOAT

You guys are so not even ready for season 2 holy crap LOL it's going to knock your heads off 💥🤣

Katsuki BakuGOAT

Yeah if anything Maki has a little bit of a thing with the classmate that isn't around right now ;-)


Cool detail I missed first time watching the show, useless Miwa sword is probably not a cursed item, cause Miwa wouldn't need one cause she can imbue objects with curse energy and they probably more expensive than regular swords, that's why it shattered right away when Maki hit Hanami

Katsuki BakuGOAT

Hey Kenny, this will help you understand Inumaki's Ingredients meaning Kelp: used in greeting Salmon: Used for affirmation or positive indication Caviar: used as an expletive Bonito flakes: Used for negation, and usually negative. feelings in general Tuna mayo: Used as general talk like"do something" (about the situation). Everything else is nonsense though Cod Roe/Spicy Cod Roe: usually Used motivationally Tuna/Tuna Tuna: Used to call attention to something, like "look". Mustard Leaf: Used to show concern/worry. But also keep aware that just because he uses one of these words doesn't mean that he is necessarily putting those exact meetings behind it. It's just more of a guideline for his Norm


Thanks for answering my question again! Been watching you both since the atla tik tok reactions and when I saw you were doing jjk I knew I had to put my two cents in 😊


Is it bad I get so much enjoyment out of the cliffhanger moments when y'all just sit there with the "fuuuuuuuck this" looks on your faces???? 🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅

Katsuki BakuGOAT

See I've never admitted it but dude so do I 😂 I'm sitting there waiting for the cliffhanger just to watch Kenny's head throwback and Montana's face fall down in sad disappointment because this is just so hype 🤣 we had to wait a whole week to watch ours too now they know the pain and torture!! 😁

Juan Solo

They're in for a rough time with season 2's cliffhangers, that's for sure.

wanira 11

Next ep is a banger!

Erin Ryan

I never realised how weird the juju scrolls were since rewatching it with them 😂😂


They seemed pointless after the second one I watched (when I first watched this series) and said "screw it" and didn't bother with the rest...I see my judgement wasn't wrong 🤣


It’s okay Montana I got your carrying the team joke

Team Outbreak Paintball

“His cursed speech is so powerful”. Ima let you know right now, it rlly isn’t😭


There’s like two that are actually funny, and the rest are nonsense lol


for the cursed speech. i wanna say that there's a code cypher online that translates what he says.




To clear things up about the "aiming for your heart line" The curse was quite literally trying to pierce Maki's heart with the attack after Megumi was already kneeling. Maki was concerned about her fellow classman and looked away from the enemy. The curse was impressed that Maki took a hit to the shoulder(doding the attack while looking away) instead of the fatal one to the heart.


Or you could just let them watch the show!

Alexis Aparicio

For Black Flash, its not times 2.5 but its to the power of 2.5 like 100^2.5 not 100x2.5. Miss translation unfortunately. The strength is exponentially greater than what people think


It's also kinda hard to tell how strong something is by using Yuji as a measuring stick. He punched a hole clean through a concrete wall in episode 3. Kid's a freak.


The Blu-ray added roughly three minutes worth of content and it's all fight it's really not worth it especially since it supports Mappa

no u uwu

The animation for a fair few episodes has been polished up, you can literally see the difference. But I get what you mean, no one wants to support mappa, just the talented employee.


To clear up hanamis arc is learning that all that motivation was worthless and that the only reason they need to kill is to kill and that as a curse there should be no greater motivation than that


So it must be my browser but I can’t hit start and play


Yes, but Gojo also said that over time Sukuna’s techniques would be engraved on Yuji’s soul. So given enough time Yuji could reach a point where he would be able to use Sukuna’s techniques


So about the juju stroll, the author for JJK doesn’t really like or get attached to any of his characters because he feels it makes it harder to kill them and put them in bad situations. Gojo in particular is the character the author dislikes the most, hence the whole turning him into a coat rack


I know he sounds like a girl but hanami the cursed spirit is actually male lol