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Comment spoiler free questions below!


Kacey Coins

So far, what do you think of the blended cg and animation art-style, along with the character designs? Initially reminded me of Legend of Korra's slight add ins at first, but Mappa was definitely flexing with this production and changed my opinion on the style. So what's yours?

First Grade Sorcerer - Day

Devil-hunters all have a set goal in mind or a strong purpose driving them to hunt devils. Aki mentions that he didn't think Denji would cut it, saying he only "wanted to life the good life." Given what we know about Denji's past, having to sell his organs, work for the mafia, and even dying a gruesome death, do you think Denji's focus of a living a regular life is unworthy of being a reason to hunt devils? Why or why not? What about his goal to cop some tiddies?

Angela Zhu

(Copied from previous question thread): In this episode before the fight/transformation, Denji objectifies Power by calling her 'his tits' basically, yet at the same time deeply empathizes with her, putting himself in her shoes and wondering how she felt when Meowy was in danger, humanizing her in the process. What do you make of this discrepancy between what Denji says/what he thinks he feels and what he actually feels?