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Based on exposure to different superhero universes, what do you predict is behind the varying powers in this show? For example there are a few common tropes like lab experiment gone wrong, magic, gene mutation, or alien relation (like Mark) etc? Do you think their power-origin is unique to each hero or is universal?

MattyG (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 10:41:48 What are your thoughts on Omni-Man casually genociding an entire planet after he went through the portal? How do you think mark would react if he saw this?
2024-03-29 01:15:51 What are your thoughts on Omni-Man casually genociding an entire planet after he went through the portal, then proceeding to eat dinner as if nothing happened? How do you think mark would react if he saw this?

What are your thoughts on Omni-Man casually genociding an entire planet after he went through the portal, then proceeding to eat dinner as if nothing happened? How do you think mark would react if he saw this?

Jalen Brown

what's your opinion on the human (non superhero) characters in mark's life and his current dynamic with them, and how do you think they can develop.


In this episode, we meet Cecil. What do you think of his gruff personality? Do you think he is going to be an ally of Mark or an obstacle for him?