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whose dagger???

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nd2cdgcmc5792l79djapf/Game-of-Thrones-103.mkv?rlkey=phzfgcuha1zy35qp17voowpk9&dl=0



Chris Costelloe

Fun reaction by Lexi again! Thanks!

Victor L.

Haha, in the intro when you said "I think that was like, Woo-hoo, our side won. Now we can elect a new king." As anyone who has seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail knows, "you don't vote for Kings." https://youtu.be/ScqJaijBwtA?si=fd-hH1LIFo8sKFTP (But seriously, there was a line from Robert Baratheon in the previous episode, when he was talking with Ned, "There are still those in the Seven Kingdoms who call me Usurper.")

Victor L.

It's funny...I googled "usurper" to check my spelling and an image of Robert Baratheon popped up. No joke.