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well this was an explosive episode amirite

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/znwgabx0ixet6il15tc9f/Lost-124.mkv?rlkey=sk7k6vxt59rijph70w22xa2ch&dl=0




Goodbye Arzt, you were a good annoying side character. If Hurley is right about the curse, he should've been the one to carry the dynamite. It's always the people he's with who have bad luck, not him, so he'd be safe. So if hope is in the hatch, does that mean it's Pandora's box? And if so, should it really be opened?


I had the HONOR of running into Daniel Roebuck (Arzt) while out at dinner on the way to the 10 year anniversary of LOST (where they actually played part 1 of Exodus before the panel) and he gave me his autograph and wrote "Don't play with dynamite" and it is so precious to me lmao