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this got me emotional

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1d576lpg133ur65oihh08/Angel-518.mkv?rlkey=wag5prcfvve425ykba4qtahs3&dl=0




This is a really good episode, but it's also kind of infuriating to see this and know that this is the Connor we could have and should have gotten last season. Sure, he was dealing with trauma from being raised by Holtz and growing up in a hell dimension, but the whole Connor hating Angel thing was dragged out far too long, in my opinion. I think it was fine to have him be against Angel for the first part of season 4, but then the writers should have had him come to his senses and actually be a part of the team. Instead, they had him be super annoying for the entirety of the season, to the point where we all couldn't wait to get rid of him. I think his sendoff at the end of season 4 was a good way to end his character arc, but I do also like that they brought him back in this episode to give his character a bit of redemption.

Cory James

omg I can't believe I missed the post for this LOL I love this episode! His comments at the end are way too pointed and intent to not have been the real Connor coming through. Like he is consciously choosing to embrace what Angel gave him while acknowledging him. I always love that Sahjahn's comments on Free Will come right before Wesley exercises his own and realizes he made a mistake, except his free will is what brings Connor back and kills Sahjahn. I find it funny that Wesley lost the memory of keeping justine in a cage and, it seems, his memories of Lilah and of Jasmine entirely. so it makes me wonder how they honestly thought they spent the last year and where the gritty version of Wesley that remained came from in his memories.