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that damn banshee

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/28qazof96q7ycpnbnyuvv/Lost-Girl-109.mkv?rlkey=8hhpu6gwm31ipwfzofgb4gy0s&dl=0




Those lights in the top right went out a couple of times; you may have a bad connection somewhere. The Blood King is the one who wrote all the Fae laws, is what they said in the episode. And this was over 1000 years ago. I guess Trick is a bit older than he looks. Poor Kenzi saved the day and her only reward was losing a friend.

Jonathan Hall

I think they only thing they really said in the episode about the Blood King was the he setup a lot of the ancient rules for the fae. And they did say the rules were 1000 years old so that means he's older than that.