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i can't believe she's here

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hspo4n5qn5qsanlh60jak/Bsg-107.mkv?rlkey=hzce0fn39wdwgl1gl4749yrld&dl=0



Andrew Pulrang

The whole situation was such a perfect torture for Dr. Baltar. He's been terrified of being "found out" for the actual role he played in the Cylon attack. But when he's finally a step away from being discovered it's for a specific thing he DIDN'T do. You can almost hear it in his denials -- they are almost like saying, "But I ACTUALLY didn't do THAT thing!"

Jonathan Hall

Gaius gave the Cylon woman access to the defense system but he didn't know she was a cylon. If I remember correctly he thought she was a defense contractor or something so he was giving her a leg up on the competition. Corrupt and stupid but not actually malicious.