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i can't believe he just did that

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cd1b2ieiuvfhh6ivb03wq/Lost-115.mkv?rlkey=zethknyldbighm5dpfmuam2fc&dl=0




Charlie failing the sales pitch is so awkward. It is very hard to watch. If Charlie hadn't shot Ethan, maybe Ethan would've escaped. He has shown that he could kill someone while they were watching out for him, so it's not hard to believe he could find a way to escape even if they guarded him. But yeah it did take away their chance to get more information.


It was not the smartest choice for charlie to shoot ethan, but remember charlie almost died because of him. Im sure there is some ptsd from that and he wasn't clearly thinking at the moment. Plus he's still going through withdrawals. I also think they would of gotten maybe a crumb of information from ethan. If there are others, how long do you think it will be before they come to get ethan before anyone even knows?