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harmony needs her own spin off show

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/00g78x7s8wyynf7ikkyqq/Angel-509.mkv?rlkey=efj8ptqtiojcphbxjew1hsu5l&dl=0




The ignoring of Harmony makes a kinda sense. It’s the corporate world. It’s already evil enough. That’s the point. Selfishly wanting to get yourself ahead. Remember how Lila got her promotion. She literally got a head. Her boss’s. It’s all about, usually, using everyone else’s body as a ladder.

Cory James

Me rewatching this episode: Excuse me is that DA Cecile Horton?! It is! I can't believe I didn't remember Danielle Nicolett was in this episode! Omg when Harmony said "You need extension 529 for curses" she followed it up with "Foiled again" and laughed and I never caught that before. That is so adorable. It's a reference to Snidley Whiplash from Rocky and Bullwinkle. Tbh they could have given Spike a literal generic excuse and it would have been better than that bs reason. He could have just said "whatever Angel is eventually going to fight over WRH is going to need fighters and that's where I'm needed." He could have literally just called Buffy on the phone and been like "Hey I'm alive and in LA, but I need to help them here. Come visit if you want but if not, I'll see you when I'm done." ANYTHING would have been better lol.