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did he choose the right side?

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ua3gmdmc6vh4l9hxba5ru/Bsg-103.mkv?rlkey=t84a303q4coio98calhm8y67a&dl=0




There's a thin line between Starbuck's behaviour being roguishly charming and just mean-spirited. She's lucky she's charismatic, because looking at it objectively she really is just mean. Then again, she did try to offer an olive branch by bringing water to the XO, and his reaction was pretty bad. As the guy who attacked Cally demonstrated, letting all the prisoners free may not be unequivocally the right thing to do. Zarek may ultimately have noble goals, but I'm not sure he's fit to keep the others in check. Adama talking about "choosing sides" seems pretty stupid. The only sides at the moment are humans versus cylons.


yeah that choosing sides thing from Adama was so random. like my guy what different sides are you seeing here??

Andrew Pulrang

The introduction of Tom Zarek had a double impact when originally broadcast. In the story it's the impact of seeing the prison ship's population already organized behind someone most people regard as a notorious terrorist. But for viewers in the early 2000s, it was seeing the actor Richard Hatch who played Apollo in the original 1970s Battlestar Galactica. And that appearance had an additional meaning -- in that Hatch had been rather vocally opposed to remaking Battlestar Galactica, but seemingly won over by the quality of the new version and ultimately given a pretty interesting part in the show. His appearance was seen as a kind of endorsement for fans of the old show.