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they're back and cuter than ever

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2800f2v45j6gyu9/Heartstopper%20201.mkv?dl=0



Ron Fehr

Thank you for all the comments. They were all kindly worded, and I took no offense to any of them. I also tried to respond in kind, and I hope nobody took offense to my comments.


Honestly, I was quite offended, actually, and others were too. It’s not like I can’t understand some discomfort with new things (I’m actually rather fond of it when it comes to myself), or that I don’t want to allow people to their feelings and time, but how it felt to me, since, it seemed so obvious two guys were kissing on that thumbnail, is that you got uncomfortable and you wanted to make it known, and make others feel as uncomfortable as you were. That’s just the impression I got. For extra context, I am a gay woman, which you seem to imply is OK, in your original comment, which also felt like an offensive thing to say, if Im understanding correctly. When I was growing up, being gay was still not as supported as it is today, and I heard things from friends, or teachers at Sunday school that it is unnatural, wrong, and sinful. One of my best friends told me she thought gay people went to hell. I was about 11-12 yrs old and it caused me to be angry at myself, angry at people, and very angry with God. I felt rejected which was horrible, but that was nothing to the fear I felt, thinking that it must be true, and I deserved it. Im 35 now, and I’ve worked through a lot of that, and am at peace with who I am for the most part. But there are SO many who have not, and we don’t know how they will be effected by what people may say to them. It’s hard enough just knowing you’re different from most, especially when you’re young. You mentioned above, having a nice debate if nothing else, and honestly I love watching debates on YT. I watch all sorts of stuff, including people who are against LBGTQ+ completely, and I’m usually fine with it, in a way, because I know what Im going into. I argue with my TV, thinking ‘These people man! What year are we in?’ Sometimes I even find it comical when people say, what I consider, outrageous or ridiculous, and sometimes I feel empathy for these people too. I don’t know what they could be carrying around with them, so I can let a lot go. Just to see it in here, though, a place I deemed very safe, considering all the shows that are reacted to Buffy, Heartstoper, Ted Lasso and more, and that, I think, was what made it harder to see honestly. Days ago, I almost replied to you, but I was pretty upset, and just didn’t want to cause any more attention to it, or any drama, but every time I scroll, I find myself checking the replies, and new comments, and I don’t feel like doing that anymore. The silver lining, for me, is not the “debate” you had with others per say, but the fact many stood up for their beliefs and showed kindness with comments or likes, to what I consider a negative comment, but it also reminded me that there is a lot of hurt still out there, no matter how the times have changed, so I will find a way to be kinder, and more helpful to people in need moving forward, no matter who it is, including myself in that, because you never know when something you say can cause a lasting ripple effect, and I prefer to effect everyone in a way that restores their faith in people, instead of diminishing it, because we all only have one life to live. Just so you know, my intention was not to insult you. My reply was more about explaining to you, and standing up for myself, and others. I just needed to say my piece, so I can find my peace of mind, and then just leave this behind. I hope you are at peace with yourself, as well. Have a good day/night. PS: I hope anyone struggling with their identity, or anything for that matter, knows they are not alone. I think, we all feel different or uncomfortable with ourselves sometimes, and that’s normal, and it usually gets easier with age. Trust that there is more good than bad in this world; the good stuff just seems to be a bit quieter sometimes, though not today it seems 🫶🏳️‍🌈


tao’s flirtation attempts do seem to frequently be apple juice related