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a bittersweet ending

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p17ktjncldph0n5/Angel%20422.mkv?dl=0




i know how much everyone hates Connor, but i really think he is probably, if not the most, tragic character in the entire buffyverse. the little snippits we got of his childhood in a hell dimension with holtz only seem to touch the surface of his trauma. the idea that just erasing his memories and giving him memories of a happy family is enough to help him, is just further proof of how much of his experiences in life shaped the characteristics he has that everyone hates.

Jesse baldo

The person you recognized, the scientist talking to Fred Was the vampire that had a long conversation with buffy in the cemetary , he basically was counseling buffy during a hard time i think in S6 And then buffy says 'i have to kill you now' or something, they talk in the moselium about high school and all her life issues, its a weird turn for a second because she just talks with this vampire about her problems and then they fight and she stakes him. its the same Actor being re-used