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the gnarl has found its match

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rckx8em2xel36y/Angel%20420.mkv?dl=0




I find it interesting that Connor (I know he isn’t a favorable character but he is an interesting one, to me) has been lied to all his life by Holtz, then “Cordy”, now Jasmine and though, Im sure many times he questioned the validity of these people and their lies, it felt better not to so he pushed it away. In order to find any peace in his life he had to pretend he thought he was loved by those who lied to him and used him and because of that I assume that’s why he feels and acts like an outsider when there are people willing to actually love and care for him. We’ll actually thats just me rambling about his psychological patterns which to me is interesting but what’s really interesting is how the show swaps it and puts all of the characters in his shoes when Jasmine puts her … um spell on them? (Ugh magic again! Someone tell Connor!) Then when it is taken away from them, too. They got a small taste of what Connor has felt his whole life. A false hope of something better that makes them act like fools but then even worse when it’s taken away. They all seem to get a taste of Connors perspective through this storyline. After it is taken away Gun is full of anger, Angel is apathetic, Wesley is depressed. Fred had more time to work through it than the others and had to do it alone and in a weird way I think that worked out well for her because now she can appreciate her friends and even her emotions (the little things) more which I think shes been kind of numb to. I think in a weird way it is helping them all… Gunn is filled anger, which I feel he’s been avoiding because he didn’t want to be angry w Fred. Wesley allowing the lonliness than comes from being abandoned which he was probably avoiding because he felt he didn’t deserve it since he betrayed his friends. I think Angels apathy is helping him realize he can’t control everything and sometimes has to let go to see the bigger picture. Of course, they are all taking it to the extremes because shit is crazy right now, this lesson is likely just that a lesson that will help them learn… eventually. Thats the difference between them and Connor, they have a “normal” to go back to because they have all experienced free will, love and trust whereas Connor really hasn’t even if Angel has tried to give him all of those things, it is not something he’s been able to accept yet because he probably thinks losing true love over manipulative love wouldn’t be bearable and even if it were, he probably doesn’t feel like he deserves it. (It reminds me of that quote, ‘we accept the love we think we deserve.’) Anyway, I really do find it interesting that they were able to flip it around like that and give us a glimpse through the main characters we love so we can experience (maybe with more understanding, through this lense) what Connor has been experiencing his whole life. To a little kid, I think, Holtz could have as much power over him as Jasmine does over everyone she infects or a “Cordy” could have over a confused, hormonal lusting teenage boy. He couldn’t help being entranced and becoming a victim any more than they could and they can’t help feeling and acting out in pain, just like him, but luckily they have good experiences to bring them back into balance if they so choose to. They have their free will and can now choose for themselves where they go from here. I don’t know if Connor ever has had any free will though and wonder if he ever will and what it would take for him to get it?? (Sorry this is so long. I tried to post it on here the other day but the format got messed up so I just fixed it quickly now. Hopefully it isn’t all jibberish but it’s something I just noticed consciously and thos is far from my first watch lol and now sorry for making this even longer haha)

Rachelle G

Fair enough! Fair enough enough! I love that demon

Chris Carman

So, I don't think anybody in the history of Buffyverse viewing has ever been "pro-Connor"--- but he is a fascinating character. (Sidenote: when all this first dropped, back in the day 20 years ago, me and my friends were like--- 'Aw, man, that dude just *can't act!*' :D But we were mistaken! Respect to Vincent Kartheiser...) I find a deliberately "difficult" character far more interesting than, say, an all-too-human Regular Joe mid-series love interest--- who just never seems to drum up much interest (I mean, just for example). Just like Marc Blucas (for the most part, on BTVS) and even Michelle Trachtenberg (for a time, on BTVS), he is deliberately directed to be annoying, purposely presented in a way that's meant to rub viewers the wrong way--- but just like "new relative" Dawn, he is more than just a plot device. (Whether or not Riley Finn is a pure plot device--- can be debated to infinity. :D) They may be very small hints, but there are hints sprinkled throughout his arc that Connor knows, on some gut level, that he *is* getting played by the powerful individuals who claim to "love" him--- and that he apathetically, complacently plays along anyway because, hey, what else ya gonna do? (Facing, dealing with, and reconciling all his issues with his father would take an awful lot of time and work.) Example from this episode: the whole "stigmata" scene. Jasmine (happy as a clam): "They won't know what hit them." Connor (sullen and disenchanted-looking as ever): "I'm sure of that."