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the creators are not seeing heaven after this 

link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/57javnvh8hiqvtd/Angel%20405.mkv?dl=0



Garrick Smalley

Daredevil is a Marvel title. Daredevil's first real love is Electra they met in collage and had a love affair until her father was killed by gangsters. She ended it and moved back to Greece. While there she went a little revenge crazy and became a hit woman. Bullseye is also a hired killer. Daredevil is a blind man (Matt) who became a lawyer who also fights crime dressed up as a devil. On a job Electra comes back to New York renews her relations with Daredevil but before they can fully reconcile Bullseye kills her. this link should be a picture of the killing https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Bullseye_(Lester)_(Earth-616)?file=Elektra_Natchios_%28Earth-616%29_and_Bullseye_%28Lester%29_%28Earth-616%29_from_Daredevil_Vol_1_181_001.jpg I have been a fan of Daredevil for many, many years. Since you react to shows and movies I would take it as a kindness if you would react to the 3 seasons of Daredevil that originally came out on NetFlix but are now on Disney. (As well as the Defenders show.) Please ignore the Daredevil and Electra movies they just piss me off. Thank you

Cory James

I'm actually really glad you're on the side of 'cordy ick' here cause initially lots of people are mad at CONNOR for taking advantage of her memoryless state (I don't think he is I think he is desperate for affection however it comes. Boy is touch starved.). But like...she knows she's a full-grown adult, lol, and she knows she has a picture of baby Connor who is Angel's son and she has a pretty good idea she used to be in love with Angel. So absolutely Cordelia ick. and I feel really bad for Connor who literally just needs SOMEONE to love him out loud. I am also a fan of Wes/Lilah from a purely entertainment standpoint cause gosh what a shipwreck.