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this is a comedy

link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kh1ucepi1om9bgqjjdqrh/Interview-202.mkv?rlkey=5fguwn8o9z1vw3mpcllaa0mfn&st=c0uqp6c1&dl=0



Miss Tickle

I think the pages that Armand's name is in aren't the ones from when Claudia met Bruce, rather some other pages that they removed. In season 1, we see that the Bruce-related pages were torn out in, I think, ep 5, but in episode 7, there are more pages missing from her diary. Daniel says something about how these weren't torn out but removed with a ruler or something like that. It doesn't get adressed again because that's when everything goes down with the Armand reveal etc., but yeah - I think they removed more pages throughout the diaries, and some of them have Armand's name in them. But they aren't necessarily the pages from when Claudia met Bruce. The question is, though - why remove those pages? Just because Armand's name is in them, and he didn't want to be in the interview?? Or are there other reasons?? What's going on with that? None of this is in the books/movie lol so I have no idea. But it's fun to think about. Great reaction as always!!