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Let's talk about this busy month!


A lot of editing. Obviously, I got "you look really tired" out, but the second video I had planned to be up in March isn't up yet. But IT WILL be up on Monday.

I also had to get a bunch of other stuff prepped for the next show Karen and I are pitching! It's a weird time to be doing it, considering there will most likely be a writer's strike in the coming months, but we've gotta keep pitching stuff or else executives will think we're dead! That's the business, baby!

Hey, also, did you see that I'm in the new Ian Hubert video? I am so gosh dang excited to be associated with his work, since he's an incredible independent special effects artist/blender prodigy/director/writer/whatever other million things he manages to do with very little outside input. Mark my words, he's gonna be a big deal. My floating head was created from a single "filming" session that was just him capturing my webcam footage. It's astounding. Technically, my work was done months ago, but I can finally post about it here so I'm counting it as a March win.


I PROMISE that the new video is going live at 9am PT on Monday, April 3rd. It's already scheduled to post then. I've known that this would be the case for the past two weeks, because I've had to upload the music to DistroKid (the service that allows me to put it onto Spotify/Apple Music/etc.), and you have to give them at least a week or two in order to get the music distributed in time. So the video will be live that day AND the music will be everywhere that day as well.

After that, I'll be trying to get my silly Disney Park parody edited to see if it's worth it to upload. BUT FIRST: We're going on a little trip next week! It's been a very long time since we've had a chance to take a real break without it being a work- or family-obligated trip, so it'll be nice to try and relax for a couple days.

When we're back, Karen and I will be in BIG PITCHING MODE for a bit. It's pretty weird, but this is our second time pitching, so we know what we're in for. And what we are in for is anywhere from 0-4 pitches at random moments throughout our day, and then hurriedly trying to do all our other work between those pitches.


I have two ideas for the next videos. They're both a little more in-depth than these past ones, because one would require actors that aren't just Karen and I, and the other would be a silly blender animation that I want to work on. I'm excited about both of these ideas since:

  • I like working with other people
  • I like learning new skills and programs

But they might take a little longer! We'll see how they both go.

Also, I'll probably be popping up in some other videos/shows/games in the near future! I'll tell you as soon as I am able to without being murdered by a pack of lawyers.


I'm gonna go pack up for our trip now. We don't leave until Monday, but if I don't do it now I'll definitely wait until Monday morning to do it. So I'll be proactive and put some pants in a bag right now.

(Also, if you feel like tuning in, I'll be on Sungwon Cho's stream at 3:30pm PT today raising money for charity!)



Wildly excited for possibly in-depth ideas, love to see a collaboration, love to see more skills and programs. I hope your trip is wondrously fun and restful, congratulations on taking a real break!


Wishing you and Karen the best of luck with your pitches!


I LOVED your performance in the Ian Hubert video, it’s always such a cool surprise to see you pop up unexpectedly in other peoples stuff. Also, hurrah for vacation time! I hope you get the relaxation you both deserve.


Have a great trip and enjoy some time off!! I am so obsessed with the Ian Hubert stuff now, it was so awesome. Break a leg with those pitches!