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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday May 17th 2024!!


Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 6 Pretenders


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Pretenders- Thank you very much for another fabulous reaction for Person of Interest, Jessie! I really love this episode! It's not quite as good as some of the best episodes throughout this series, but for me... This episode is still one of my favorites, nonetheless. I am entertained all the way through. I love the overall storyline, and how this episode starts off with Reese fighting to save a number, only for him to immediately get thrown into another case. I also really enjoy Finch's side story as well. And as for this episode's person of interest... I love Walter's character. First... My favorite moment throughout this episode is the ending between Reese and Walter, when Walter quietly shares with Reese his reasons for choosing to step up to try to help people, because he believed that the "Man in the Suit" disappeared, only for Walter to realize that Reese never really did disappear completely. I just really love this scene. I love how in spite of as foolish and naive as Walter is, that he is willing to step up to try to help someone he cares about even though he technically breaks the law by pretending to be a detective. And I love Reese's facial expressions when Walter talks about him as being the "Man in the Suit" and a hero Walter looks up to. We know that Reese has never thought of himself as a hero. That he still thinks of himself as a monster in spite of all the good he's done. So, I just love seeing someone aside from his friends recognize him as the hero he really is. Reese most certainly needed to hear Walter's praise of him. And Walter is a goofy and lovable kind of guy. I really love his character overall because he cares about the woman he likes enough to put his own life in danger in order to find out the truth behind what happened to this woman's brother for her. I love how Reese fights to keep him safe and gets himself shot doing so, and seeing Walter in turn get himself shot to protect Reese. I really like the banter between them, and how Walter applauds John for having a girlfriend like Shaw, then asks him "Why not?" when Reese denies that he and Shaw are together. I also love when Walter asks Reese how he talks like he does, as if Reese is throwing his voice like Batman. So hilarious!! Like you... I love Elias' involvement in every episode. I absolutely love his character, and the actor who plays him... Enrico Colantoni. I also love his right hand guy, Anthony... better known as Scarface, as well. I love the moment Scarface appears in the fight in the end with that big gun to stand with Reese and Fusco against the Armorer, then the moment he and Elias confront the Armorer and kill him, before confronting the real bad guy behind bringing the guns into the city... Dominic. Any scene with Elias is amazing. :) And lastly... I enjoy Finch's storyline when he goes to Hong Kong to meet with a woman who's algorithms have fallen on Samaritan's radar. I love how confident he is with this woman, and in doing as he does with hiring the hacker to plant a bug, or chip into her computer after he robs them. I like the mystery behind why the Machine sent Finch to meet this woman and just what it is Samaritan wants with her work. Overall... a brilliant and fun episode! So, thank you so much for your reaction for more Person of Interest, Jessie! As always! And I can't wait for many more to come!! :) Until next time... Thank you! Sincerely, Heidi

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

This was a wonderful episode that is definitely brewing up something exciting!