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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Tuesday January 23rd!!


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Cheers to your friend for excellent tv taste :D I agree that this have similar dynamic to GOT, but it remains a good quality through all 4 seasons and I would say the story is told with a purpose, something that failed GOT at the end. Black Sails as a show is quite unique. It is prequel of sorts to Treasure Island with some characters being a young versions of characters from the book. Some pirates are real historical pirates. And finally some characters are fully fictional. It makes the world really lived-in and it helps make each characters just unique enough you do not mind that most of them are pirates at the end of the day. I am very happy you included Jack in your liked characters. I think what really sells it is they write him as smart. And a lot of a time, us as viewers are ahead of characters, but Jack was given a few scenes already where he could deduce motives and analyze others' motives. This really cast him in unique light. Poor Max. Those few episodes are trully tragic for her. So when Vane tells about her 'anwsering' it is in 'anwsering for crimes' kinda spirit. As she cost his crew money in his eyes, she was basically given free to abuse to the crew (as they would normally pay for her services). This is the 'repayment' here. She was already assaulted before Vane agrees to release her, the escape attempt just makes this assault that much more public. I think it is hard to judge a lot of those characters and situations by our morality. As even Jack's assumption was that they will just kill Max to cover tracks before Eleanor finds out. And Jack is one of the nicer pirates we've met. Vane doubtful act of kindness (deciding to release Max after all) now cost him the crew. And yeah while Jack's loyalty was steady, Anne was ready to bolt. I love Anne and cannot wait for her to get to know her better. Flint's relationship with Miranda is wonderful and the actorss really have great acting chemistry. Also of note Toby Stephenson (Flint) is a son of Maggie Smith (known from many things, but surely you will recognize her as McGonagall from Harry Potter :)) And for sure we are continuing the season :D It only gets better from now on. Like you said the story? The story on the surface is simple. Just a big treasure hunt. But characters oh the characters will take you on a journey.