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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Thursday November 16th!!


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I agree about Top and Mew. I don’t think that Top is just doing it to sleep with Mew. Maybe for like a quick second at the beginning, it was in his head. But he actually seems to be trying to Mew (besides the whole shower scene, where he should have just pushed Boston away). For Ray, I think you were confusing Nick and Ray as the same person. Nick, the guy from the computer store last episode, is the one sleeping with Boston, not Ray. It's Nick and Boston that have the 'friends with benefits vs fuck buddies' conversation, and the conversation in the red room after Boston takes Nick's picture. Nick is also the one who runs into Sand in the hallway and asks to move in with him. So it's Sand and Nick who will become roommates, not Sand and Ray. The ending of this episode is the first time Ray and Sand sleep together. They didn't sleep together in the first episode, Ray thought they did because he blacked out. So he was accusing Sand of getting him drunk, having sex with him, and robbing him, which is why he apologizes later at the bar and why Sand was so offended by it (because Ray kinda accused him of SA, even though Ray implied he was fine with it). Ray not being bothered by the idea of them having sex when he was so drunk though is kinda concerning. The only scenes between Ray and Sand in this episode was when Ray followed Sand around after seeing the money deal at the school, they drinking the first night at Ray's place, the scene outside the club with the girl, and them going home to Ray's place at the end. A lot of the other ones you were talking about Ray was Nick. It might be a good idea to go back to those scenes so you're not confused for the next episode. For the next episode, just so you get the characters apart, Nick is the one who opens the next episode. Also, at the end of the next episode, there is an end credit scene that's super important. Also, no, haha, I have never personally experienced or had anyone I know experience a friends-with-benefits situation that worked out. They either got together or one or the other was hurt by it.


i do tin top is too arrogant and i feel that he is going to mess up i just get a bad vibe from top and you are mixing up sand and ray with nick and boston nick is who sand is rooming with not ray and in the photo room that wasnt sand and ray that was nick and boston