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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday August 7th!!


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I was not looking forward to meeting David again. Great acting though, and the scene with "the guy turning my brother gay" gave me unpleasant flashbacks to the books, it´s so accurate. I could just see the pictures in my head while watching this scene. Can David, Harry and Ben just get hit by a bus, please? Oh and Nick posting the picture with Nellie and Charlie. The way I interpret this is, that he is kinda indirectly saying I love you to Charlie? I mean. "I think Nellie loves him". You could easily read that as Nick talking about himself, without making it too obvious. It´s still not him really saying it to Charlie´s face, but it´s still very cute. While Isaac is not in the books, he is kinda a replacement for a character from the books, that isn´t in the show. In the books there is Aled, who also has a focus in one of Alice´s other books, Radio Silence, which might be why he was written out of the show. I think somewhere in season 1 Isaac is even reading Radio Silence, I think maybe during Charlie´s birthday? Ben having the audacity to compare himself to Nick is laughable. I could excuse most of his behaviour, him being a dick, him insulting Charlie, it can all be written off as self hatred and internalized homophobia, but once he crossed the line with the assault, I´m sorry but he has to do a lot to come back from that. I think Imogen thinks exactly what you said, she knows Ben for a long time, longer than Nick, so she doesn´t want to believe he did something bad. And since Nick didn´t specify she might think it can´t be that bad. While I wish Nick would have just said it, I´m kinda glad he didn´t, it´s not his place to out Ben as bi, even if Imogen wouldn´t have a problem with that part, and even though Ben deserves to be called out, he still should be able to decide if and when to come out to others.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I could see that being him trying to convey I love you, especially because at the end of episode 5 he almost said it, but stops himself and says I really care about you. You can see he wants to say it but I think is looking for the perfect time.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Also, it's all coming back to me now! lol The reason I tried out season 1 episode 1 without reacting to it is because, I hate to say it, but I read Radio Silence and absolutely hated it. Maybe it's one of those books that I needed to read in a different head space or something, but it came HIGHLY recommended by one of my favorite Booktubers and I was so excited for it. I remember it being so painfully boring that I was actually struggling to get through it. So when I realized that Heartstopper was the same author I didn't feel very excited about reacting to the show and just watched it...and then became absolutely obsessed lol Maybe I'll try Radio Silence again.