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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Thursday December 14th!!


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I haven’t watched this yet, but one of my all-time favorite Queer As Folk characters is introduced in this episode!! Can’t wait!


You forgot to post the link below, just to let you know! Got it on my phone though, so no worries! Sorry this is happening!


I definitely think the Ethan thing was smth Justin & Brian needed to go through. It'll make them *both* appreciate each other more. Towards the end of Justin and Brian's relationship, Justin started questioning if Brian loved him because he never said it, & I think that was the big issue. Justin had been so sure that Brian loved him, but eventually those doubts in his mind popped up because their relationship was so different looking to everyone else's and Justin IS young. Brian is and was all his firsts. Then Ethan came along and told him everything he wanted to hear from Brian, but in the end, Ethan is the one who betrayed those things, and I do think it actually made Justin look back and realize Brian has done his best to show he loves him in the ways that he can. Cuz Justin has always known Brian better than anyone else, and he knows Brian has... so many unresolved issues. In the time that Justin spent with Ethan and had that relationship, Justin did grow up a lot so I think that allowed him to look back and realize the mistake he made in trying to measure him and Brian against everyone else's relationship. Ofc, there can be an argument about how Brian could try to do better, and perhaps, but for me personally, the show has done a good job of showing how much Brian struggles with those things & its easier said than done to just... get over things. Brian has made good strides and he does try, but some times its just... a lot for him. One thing about having ANY sort of relationship with Brian, you really have to be patient as far as how he handles and deals with emotions. Can you tell how much I love Brian?? haha maybe I'm just heavily biased towards him, but as someone who LOVES to write, from a writer's standpoint, his character is just... absolutely wonderful to dissect and discuss for me. And Hunter!!! my baby. i love him so much. This poor kid :( he's like 15/16 years old and living on the street, selling himself to creeps just to try and live another day. I love this story with Ben and Michael and Hunter, and it hurts to see someone who is literally a child living that life. Since the last time I watched QaF, I have had major back issues to the point where I couldn't move or use the bathroom without screaming in pain so seeing Ted hurt like this makes me cringe cuz i literally know the pain IRL he must be feeling. I didn't use any pain tho and went the chiropractor route like Michael in season 1 lmaoo it was slow going & full of intense and horrible pain, but after a year i was almost pain free and 3 years later, no pain at all but oof... seeing Ted like this sure does bring back memories for me.

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I think the main redeeming quality for Brian is that he DOES evolve. He may be a stubborn ass sometimes, but eventually he observes and learns and does correct things like a healthy evolving human should do. Like you said, it's not always at the speed everyone wants it to be lol but he does it at the speed he can handle and that's what makes him so unique. And that's awful!! Back and neck pain is really the worst, when it hits you it's out of know where and it just cripples you ughhhh. I've been fortunate enough to not get that chronically, I'm glad to hear you're pain free now!