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Released to The Cats Meow/Meeow on Friday August 25th!!


Person of Interest S2 E14 One Percent


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

One Percent- Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Person of Interest, Jessie!! I really love this episode a lot, and I love this episode's "person of interest"... Logan Pierce! Played by actor, Jimmi Simpson, whom I've also seen in a number of shows and movies too. And he's always great! Here in this episode of Person of Interest... Logan Pierce is an eccentric and erratic billionaire, who does nothing easy. Making Reese's and Finch's job to protect him insanely difficult, simply because he enjoys the thrill of the excitement currently happening, all because the people closest to him want him dead. I love Logan Pierce's eccentric personality and his crazy way of life, as someone who buys only one of the things he loves, such as the two million dollar watch, the fancy expensive car, his suit, etc... I also love how he drives like a mad man, goes to the hood to play basketball and talks smack to the other players, and how he's eccentric enough to fly all the way to St. Petersburg simply for double fried dumplings. I love his personality and eccentricities around his so called friends, even though it's incredibly annoying. Logan Pierce is absolutely a very entertaining and fun, as well as memorable character. But more so... I love how Reese approaches going about protecting Logan too, even though he almost gives up on Logan when Logan refuses to abide by Reese's demands after he invites all of his friends to join him at the bar in St. Petersburg. Simply because Pierce wanted to see how Reese and Finch would react, not really thinking too hard about how his decision might actually get himself killed. Not good. And then... I love the scene when Reese saves Logan from dying from his allergy to something in the spiked scotch. And I love that even though Reese and Finch believed Logan was still passed out from his near death experience, Logan suddenly appears before them during their private meeting and Logan meets Finch. Yikes! I also love how Finch suspects that Logan has given Reese the two million dollar watch as a gift in the end, more so that he might be able to track Reese and Finch in order to try to learn more about them. Simply out of curiosity because he's interested in who Reese and Finch really are. Which is exactly what he does. I love that Finch turns out to be right about his suspicions towards Pierce, as he smashes the watch to find the GPS chip hidden inside the watch's face. And this sets up the possibility that Logan Pierce could be trouble in the future... or not. Curiosity can indeed kill the cat. And Logan's curiosity may very well unwittingly cause more trouble for Pierce, as well as Reese and Finch. Quite the mystery that is indeed very interesting. Next... I really like the overall storyline between Fusco and Carter as Fusco struggles with whether or not he can trust Carter with his secret about the two dead corrupt cops. My only dislike in this episode, is when Fusco finally decides to tell Carter the truth because he really wants to come clean, only for Carter to shut him out and her refusal to listen to him. It's disappointing to me that she would treat him so harshly after all he's done for her since they've become partners. However, I do certainly understand why she says what she says. I understand that she's still a cop. It's still sad that she isn't willing to help him more too, like she has done for Reese and Finch. I just always want to see them working together, and protecting one another. No matter what the situation may be. I'm just grateful that she at least admits she feels Fusco is a true friend. And lastly... I once again very much love the flashback scenes between Finch and Nathan. In case you didn't notice... Finch strangely winds up saying the same words to Nathan about the planes crashing into the towers on 9/11, that Reese says to Jessica about them as well, shown in the Pilot episode. This shows us just how similar Reese and Finch are in a lot of ways, in spite of them both being very different as well. But more so... I absolutely love seeing Nathan's continued concern and guilt over them ignoring the irrelevant numbers. And I love that in the end, we see that Nathan has decided to try to help the numbers as Reese does now. I've always really loved Nathan Ingram's character. And upon seeing him going behind Finch's back so he can try to save as many of these numbers as he can, after Finch continues to insist that they just ignore the numbers for their own safety, even though he is in no way a fighter like Reese... This makes me love Nathan as a character all the more. And I do. He's a hero. Thank you so much again for this great reaction, Jessie! I can't wait for your next reactions for more Person of Interest coming up! So, until then, my dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I didn't catch that Finch and Reese said rhe sane words durin that time, that's a clever touch! And I too was a bit dissapointed about the Fusco/Carter situation even though I do understadn it. I just feel bad becuase if I rememebr correctly, wasn't he forced to kill that cop?IT wasn't back in his corrupt days when it happened like Carter is insinuating, poor Fuz!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

It was actually Reese who killed both missing cops. The first cop... Detective Stills in the Pilot episode in order to save the life of a prosecutor, prosecutor's son, and an innocent former convict. And the second cop... Reese killed him to save Fusco's life in season one's episode, titled... Blue Code. Fusco has now had the chance to snitch on Reese twice now, and he's refused both times now because he cares about Reese as much as Carter does. I love it! Heidi