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Released to The cats Mewo/Meeow on Thursday September 14th!!


Queer As Folk S2 E15 Rage Against This Machine



oh i’ve been so excited for you to get to this one! i know you love comic books and michael and justin creating their own was something i knew you would enjoy. the fact that they created their hero based on brian is so them. brian admitting his jealousy at the end was huge for him. thank god debbie got through to him. and yeah i don’t think he really thought anything went on with them that night but ben had just gotten into his head about the intimate connection creating art together could be and it being more meaningful than anything else even the greatest fuck and then he saw them together after feeling ignored and left out and he just freaked. him being so drunk didn’t help. i loved ted being completely there for emmett in this episode. going to the memorial with him and telling him he could read him the speech after he was kicked out. but i’m so glad emmett was able to read it and dedicate his award in honor of george. i think you’re right that his friends probably didn’t understand the extent to which he loved him but i think at least now ted knows.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

We really had a lot of strong Emmett and Ted moments this season and that's really amazing development considering where we end up!

Johanna Nel

This episode shows how important it is to get your affairs in order, especially as a gay couple. I have seen on many occasions where people were kicked out by their family and they moved away and made a successful life for themselves. When they pass, the family swoops in, kicks the life partner out and take all the assets, despite knowing full well the deceased intended for everything to go to the partner. As in this case, they will not even allow the partner at the funeral. Get your affairs in order, people!!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

100% agree! It's sad to think about death especially yours, but it's even more sad to imagine your partner having to go through hell after loosing you!!