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Elite S4 E7 Before I Go Part 1 Full.mp4


Carla Bleiker

OMG am I so over the Omar/Ander bs. They should just not be together. And neither of them should be with Patrick. Aside from the Guzman character assassination, that was my biggest problem with this season. They wanted us to be emotionally involved but I couldn't get there because it was too much back and forth for me, where I couldn't keep up with their motivations, so I just didn't care anymore and wanted them to go away haha. Here's the thing with Mencia. As an adult, I obviously agree that her decision to go along with Armando's blackmail instead of just telling her dad is incredibly stupid. But I also get it a little bit. She's 16 and has had a bad relationship with her dad her entire life so far. That moment was the first time he was nice and he wants her to "deduce" he loves her? That's not how parenting works, Benjamin. So I am not entirely surprised that she doesn't go to her dad to tell him she's been having sex for money. Phillipe would have definitely raped Caye had she not been able to push him off, so I assumed from this that the rumors about him are true. But that made sth really disturbing to me: Ari (and Patrick, but he never interacted with Caye) KNEW about the rumors of Phillipe being sexually abusive, and from how we've seen her act around him, she believed them and all she did with Caye was make vague allusions?? Was that because her dad forbade them from telling anyyone? But still, she knew Caye was going out with him and she couldn't directly warn her, like "Hey, there are rumors that I think are true that say this guy you're dating has abused girls in his previous relationships"? I get that it was implied, but I still think she should have been clearer with Caye. But of course what happened at the end there wasn't Ari's fault, that was all disgusting Phillipe.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Ugh, don't make me re live Ander and Omar LOL I deff agree with the Mencia situation considering how I know Benjamin's reaction when he does find out and ugh Benjamin. This is really the beginning of where I started to despise Ari. I really don't understand any of the choices she makes.


The ring Ander was holding was the family ring he got from Alexis in their shortstory. Not sure why they decided to reference that. Samu and Guzman would never do that throuple thing with Ari. I think especially Guzman would be a problem. He is too possessive and jealous. I think Patrick genuinely likes Omar. And I still think they match better and Ander has been kinda stupid and an ass this season. And Patrick was trying to help Omar get over Ander, but it backfired.