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Becky is nice! I like that we get more from the school now. Damian is annoying, but hey, maybe that will change? I still think the friendship plan is more likely than Anya becoming a Scholar. I really enjoyed that little bonding moment between Anya and Yor. Yor is really trying her best to be a mom. And training her was a fun idea, even if it got Anya in trouble, but to be fair, Damian deserved that punch.

Britney R.

I love this episode! We really get to see both Yor and Loid's characteristics in Anya. Composure and killer instinct from Yor, and the art of lying and having a poker face from Loid.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

So true! Anya has been learning SO much from the both of them, and what makes it so fun is that I don't think either of the 3 even realize that lol