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Hey all! Someone said the volume on my OUAT reaction sounded very low and was hard to hear, has this been an issue for anyone else or on any other videos? I want to make sure I can fix it before any further reactions! Thanks in advance for the feed back!



I've never had problems with the sound. Yes it is pretty low if you dont use headphones. But if you use them there is really no problem. Its loud enough!

Melissa Amato

I am using head phones, & their Sony, JVC Really good ones, but unfortunately Jessie, the volume has been lower then first OUAT💗Reactions. It would be so much better if I could hear, the Episodes. Don't mean to cause a problem for anyone. Just can't hear it that good, my hearing is good too, so I have no clue what's the what Jessie. Sorry. Lei & CC💗🌎💗 ✨🍄🌙🌙✨🧚 ⚓⛵🧑🏻👦🏻 💀 ☠️👤💀 👩🏼👲🏻👸🏻👸🏻🙎🏻‍♂️🤴🏼😈 ✨🌙🌙✨