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OUAT S2 E21 Second Star To The Right


Lucile Byrd

So annoying how Emma , her parents, and Neal all act like Regina, Henry's only real legal parent, does not exist. I feel a little bad for Neal as he was not given a say, but Emma gave up her parental rights when she gave her nameless newborn baby boy up for adoption. Regina adopted the newborn baby boy, so she is Henry's real mother and the only one with a say. It is bad enough that Emma and her parents are actively planning to abduct Henry from his real mother Regina and take him to a different world while leaving his mother Regina behind. Neal saying that they cannot both go through the portal and let Henry grow up the way they did was infuriating BS! Henry would still have his mother, Regina, the woman who raised him for the 1st 11 years of his life!

Steve C

This isn't a spoiler because they never revisit this plot, but Owen's father is truly dead. Those were his remains. I don't how you could have jumped to the theory that Owen's dad is the shadow. You have to remember that Bae falling through that portal as a kid took place around 200 years ago, and Kurt and Owen discovering Storybrooke happened in 1983. I know you like to think outside the box, but sometimes you think a little too far outside. :P