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OUAT S2 E11 The Outsider

This is "OUAT S2 E11 The Outsider" by Jessie Masters on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Melissa Amato

Thank you hon. We all go WHT--TH FU***!! CUZ THIS EP. IS SERIOUSLY CRAY CRAY!! 😱💥🚘☠️🐁😷?? 💗🌎💗🆘⚓

Melissa Amato

Here's a juicy idea Jessie. Celery Juice with preferred Mellon, makes the flavor more tolerable. 🍉Also Carrot juice is amazingly good. 🥕& Crisp Apple. 🍎🍏 & Water🥤🥤🥤🥤Keeps you hydrated, & feel super lighter. 💗🌎💗👩🏻🐶🐁💗

Melissa Amato

Don't deny yourself a craving every now & then. Like Dark Chocolate, or nuts & berries Lotsa vitamins.🍓🍫Dark Chocolate has Serotonin in it. really good for brain, & memory activity. 🍫🥤🥤🥔🥜& healthy proteins. 😼😾🙀😼✨🧚✨ 💗🌎💗 👩🏻🐶


I always loved this episode. Then again, Belle is my favorite character, so I love all the Belle Centric episodes. Her sass towards those hunters is probably one of my most favorite things. "What's that?" "A book, I trust you've seen one before?" it kills me every time. And then there is Hook...that boy could have a scene with a lamp post and have chemistry with it. Seriously, I ship him with just about everyone haha (Yes this is me admitting that I ship him and Belle too...a girl can multi-ship) Belle has so much faith in Rumple, she is trying so hard to help him, it warms my heart. I really love her. Also, she probably has the cutest wardrobe in the whole show. I know that it seems dumb that she kind of jumped into going on the ship without thinking it through, but she's just trying to prove that she's brave and is a hero. "I always wanted to be brave, I figured, do the brave thing and then bravery will follow" Mulan and Belle is such a great team-up tbh. I love them together. I've been watching this show since season 2...but I somehow only just got why it's called "the outsider??" PS. I think you look beautiful.


i love this episode!! it feels like a normal episode and it stays pretty chill until the end lol. like i said before, this second half is so good and i forgot how much i loved it! i rewatched it to remind myself of details and just to see it again, and oh boy, are you in for a ride! i can’t wait!!❤️

Melissa Amato

Jessie, I can hear you fine, in your OUAT💗Reactions But not the Episode it's self. I have tried everything, but the last two Episodes of OUAT have been to Quiet to hear, & I don't know if any other ONCER is having the same problem?¿ Could you, check on it? Thank you, Jessie. 💗🌎💗👩🏻🐶. 🗣️👂🏼👂🏼🆘 🤪🤕🙎🏻‍♀️⚠️🤘🏻

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

I Love checking to see what outfits Bella has on as well! She has always been my favorite Disney princess, so I love whenever she is in an episode! Hook definitely has chemistry with every scene he is in no matter who is with him! I loved how they connected her in that meet up! Thank you so much!!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Yes, that’s exactly it! It felt like a pretty low key episode, yet still had a lot of excitement, but then the ending just was crazy!


I think that's a consistent thing with Belle tbh. her clothes are always on point. I really loved Mary Margaret's clothes in season one, but as the seasons go on I dont love them as much.

Melissa Amato

I think you should look at Snow in Season three, Logical D. She has some Amazing outfits. Say no more. 🤐🤫 Jessie hasn't got that far yet, don't want to spoil, anything. But Belle, is definitely the fashionista of Storybrooke, Rumple must have a Magiqed wardrobe, cause Storybrooke doesn't look all that fab at all. & When she goes to check out the Library, before Mr. Smee goes & takes her to her father's Game of thorns flower shoppe, she has these red Six inch kicks on. Too bad she didn't use them to kick the H***!! Out of 👠Smee. 🐭💃 👩🏻Speaking of rats. 💗🌎💗

Melissa Amato

Thank you, so much. So how's the celery torment going Jessie, any luck with Mellon, or carrot juice. Even Apple can help. 👩🏻🐶💗🌎💗Lei & CC

Melissa Amato

Dancing is so much fun, I dance all the time, when I'm washing dishes, cleaning the house, taking the trash out. It's fun, & you don't need to worry about what anyone else thinks. Plus awesome work out. ✨🐁✨🧚✨ 💗🌎💗👩🏻🐶

Melissa Amato

Man, Ok let's talk about Hook... Man he's so naughty, that Pirate needs to be taught a lesson, he's too Cocky, & he's well aware he pisses people off. He's cartoony at times. What a Punk, he's full of Sass, & fire, he has a death wish to go after Rumple, he must have fallen on his fricken head, cause he wasn't even frightened of Cora. He's absolutely beautiful & cunning. But he's the little kid, you tell him don't poke that bear, kid! & he makes friends with the bear. You tell him don't go near that lion, & he sticks his tongue out at you, & caught in the act, yet the next thing you know lion is licking his right hand & purring up at him. That's Captain Hook. He doesn't care, he has no fear. ⚓🧑🏻⚓ That's his main traits, for his Character. That's why he's so much fun to watch, it's a train wreck, ah Car wreck, but we love to watch him anyway. ⚓🧑🏻⚓☠️👿⚠️🤪 Everything is still in tact. I wonder, I think he got hit, too many times in his head, I think he might have some Drain bramage ¿🙍🏻‍♂️😟🙃😬🤕& Frankenstein should give him a brain scan. Something is definitely wrong with Hook. But ohh definitely chemistry oozes from him. But in a good way. 🧑🏻💗 Just stop attacking Belle, Dude. Geeze! He really is messing with Rumple's feathers tho. Yeesh, & he was only hit by a car. 😬👿⚡

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Outsider- Yay!!!! What a fabulous episode!!! I love it!! Thank you so much for your reaction for it, Jessie! To me... Hook is phenomenal throughout this episode. And he's finally begun to get his revenge against Rumplestiltskin by hurting the woman he loves, like Rumple killed Hook's love. It's definitely wrong. I'm not saying it's not wrong and a part of me is mad at him for hurting Belle. And yet I completely understand Hook's character and his desperate need for revenge against Rumplestiltskin. Rumple after all killed his love, so it absolutely makes sense that Hook would do the same to Rumplestiltskin. And in these circumstances within the rivalry of Hook and Rumplestiltskin, Rumple is most definitely more the villain in this entire situation. Not that Hook isn't wrong for seeking revenge and hurting innocent people to get it, but Rumple killed his wife because she left him and their son, and left to go off with another man, who Rumple then wronged as well when he cut off Hook's hand. Hook's only mistake was falling in love with a woman who happened to be married to Rumplestiltskin. The two punishments are hardly equal. Now with all that being said... I love that Hook spares Belle's life rather than actually killing her, which he definitely could have done very easily. I was surprised by this honestly, and yet I love it. Especially because to me... I feel like this decision shows that Hook's heart is not as black, and that he is not as evil as Belle has wrongly accused him of being, given that she doesn't know him or all that he's been through in his past to bring Hook to this darkness. Yes... Hook wants Rumplestiltskin to suffer, and he doesn't appear to care about who gets hurt in his quest for revenge. Rumple killed his love. So by all means, Hook could have killed Belle in return, but he didn't. I just really love this about Hook. Unfortunately, Belle no longer remembers Rumple or her fairytale life. She's cursed all over again. Poor Belle, and poor Rumple. But also poor Hook. I still feel for him because he's suffered for so long with the loss of his love and with his lust for revenge. He may be seeking revenge of his own free will, and he can't let go of it, but his anger and hatred for Rumplestiltskin and his hatred even for himself has consumed him. And on top of all that, in this present day storyline alone, Hook is beaten up quite badly by Gold, and then he is hit by a car. Whether or not Hook has a death wish... I think the answer is definitely yes. He shows in taunting Gold so cruelly, that he really doesn't care what happens to him so long as he gets his revenge before he dies. And either by hurting Belle or killing Rumple... he's definitely begun. Yikes! And by the way... this ending was a complete shock for me when Hook suddenly comes from out of nowhere and shoots Belle, as is the car appearing too. I didn't see any of it coming at all when I watched it for the first time back when it first aired on TV. And I absolutely love it!!!! As for the close up on the license plate shown on the unknown car in the end... it is only meant to show us the car and driver are from out of town. From Pennsylvania. That is why this episode is titled... The Outsider. You aren't meant to recognize the plate. When I first saw this episode, I kept trying to think of all kinds of theories that would explain why we were supposed to recognize this plate, until it finally dawned on me why it was really shown. Although... "The Outsider" is also a parallel reference to Belle in the backstory as well since she is an outsider among the men seeking to kill the Yaoguai, which is also interesting. Next... I love the scenes between the Charmings as they struggle with deciding what they should do about staying in Storybrooke and finding a new place to live, or trying to find a way to return home to the Enchanted Forest, because most people still see it as their home. I understand David's and the dwarfs' yearning to return to the Enchanted Forest, as well as Mary Margaret's and Emma's yearning to stay in Storybrooke. I can understand both perspectives. And I really like seeing David and Mary Margaret on opposite sides because it feels very real. It feels like a normal married couple struggling to find the perfect home. In this case... they're not just Snow White and Prince Charming. I also feel so badly for Henry as he grieves for Archie even though he wasn't actually dead. They didn't know this and Henry is so broken. And it really hurts Emma because she couldn't comfort him. But I love that she gives Pongo to him before they discover Archie is alive. It is so great for her because she knows how much Henry loves Archie, and Pongo too. So cute! As for the backstory... I really enjoy Belle's story with meeting Mulan and her saving Phillip from his curse cast on him by Maleficent. I love seeing Belle make new friends outside of those within Storybrooke and it is a testament to her character. It shows how good of a person she really is, as well as how smart she is. Belle isn't a warrior, but she didn't fight this Yaoguai. She found a way to save the man cursed to be one. Plus... Mulan is always good to see too, especially when she fights as the warrior she is. I love that she also actually speaks of her experience with fighting in the Emperor's Army, in China which is a reference to her true story and her Disney movie... Mulan. And I also love that this episode shows her first meeting with Phillip too, which we know of their companionship from this season's premiere... Broken. And his story throughout this episode shows us how he had been cursed by Maleficent so that he couldn't be with Aurora until his curse is finally broken, thanks to Belle. :) And in the end of the backstory, it is revealed how the Evil Queen comes to capture and imprison Belle in her tower like we saw her as a prisoner in a previous episode... Queen of Hearts, before Belle can make her way back to Rumplestiltskin. I am happy to have gotten one scene with Regina, or rather the Evil Queen, and it's nice to see how Belle's imprisonment within the Evil Queen's castle has come about. And we also have another brief scene between Belle and Dreamy again, which allows us to understand where within the timeline this episode takes place. And it's sweet seeing Dreamy offer Belle some good advice, like Belle did for him back in season one's episode... Dreamy. And that he gives her some fairy dust that allows for her to save Phillip, out of gratitude for her helping him before. Also... the beginning is very sad with everyone having a funeral for Archie, especially the brief moment with Geppetto saying goodbye to his friend, as well as seeing Pongo there as he is sadly whimpering from the loss of his friend. I'm just so glad they didn't drag this storyline out. But later seeing Henry and Archie hug when they see he's alive is so sweet. And now they finally know it was Cora who took him and framed Regina. Yay!!! Back to Hook again... I love the scenes between him and Belle aboard his ship too, just before Gold arrives. I love how Hook reveals the truth to Belle about how Milah really died. And I absolutely love how he talks with her, in such a soft, seductive manner. It's eerie, terrifying, and it just makes me love Hook all that much more. Colin O'Donoghue's acting skills are phenomenal! In this episode and in every other he's in as well. :) And at last... we finally get the first confrontation between Hook and Gold again, which is brilliant! It's been a long time coming for them both. :) I love how Hook taunts Gold, as he keeps egging Gold on to kill him in order to try to prove to Belle her love was still a monster. This shows that Hook is absolutely no coward and sadly, he doesn't care if he dies so long as he gets his revenge in doing so. He just wants Gold to lose everything. And he almost succeeds, and would have were it not for Belle. Yet Hook still didn't kill Belle in the end like he could have. Hook is just a phenomenal villain for his role throughout this episode, especially in the end when he shoots Belle. It's cruel and inexcusable, but it's the perfect revenge for what Rumplestiltskin did to him upon killing Milah. And Rumplestiltskin has done far more evil too. I understand Belle wanting to protect the good man we know Rumple can be, but she is naïve to think that Rumple isn't still a villain on top of his efforts in trying to be good. And his heart definitely isn't as true as she claims it to be to Hook, nor is Hook completely evil like she claims him to be either. And I know Rumple is trying to be a better man, but he's definitely not there yet. Far from it. Overall... I love, love, love this episode!!! It's fabulous! Oh... and Smee's now a rat too. Nice twist. Like always, I look forward to your next reaction. Thank you again, so much, Jessie! I am continuing to love watching this show with you all over again. And I am so, so happy that you are continuing to love this show with every episode. So thank you very much for all of your fun and insightful reactions! Until next time, my friend... Stay healthy, and be happy! :) Sincerely, Heidi


Rats are cute. My friend has two rats and they are really cute. And dont even smell. I think its because they are helped..maybe? XD Anyways, if you realy want a rat (i advice you to get two because otherwise its pretty lonely) just convince your boyfriend (^-^)/ Here with Rumple is the same kind of situation as with Regina. Both are trying to be good and do the right thing.. but at what cost?


Just like Rumple, Belle tends to be involved with almost every single character. I would just add that, as bad as Hook is, and with every evil deed he does, he truly feels justified in his actions. It’s all about revenge at any cost for him. Heidi’s comments are brilliant, but I would only disagree in that Hook only THINKS he wants to die. As Rumple is beating the crap out of him, he’s still giving lip, but there is fear in his eyes. When Belle talks Rumple down, I think Hook gets a bit of his swagger back because he believes Rumple is still a coward (he thinks Rumple is incapable of change…a case could be made), and Hook is once again willing to do whatever it takes to get his revenge, including hurting Belle.

Melissa Amato (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-27 02:05:42 I think Hook has a death wish, Jessie, he wants to die so he can be with Milah again. True Sad. Perhaps Emma can get thru to him. Like Dr. Hopper needs too. Does Storybrooke have a Suicide watch? I think Hook, might do himself in. He's Dangerously close to needing, a nice lil room with a view, plenty of meds, & nice comfy bed, & Hello Nurses to ease his Venging heart. 💗 & Other in tact things...🙀 Poor unfortunate Soul🧑🏻💗🌙🌙💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🙀"OHH, NOO!"
2021-06-06 12:57:47 I think Hook has a death wish, Jessie, he wants to die so he can be with Milah again. True Sad. Perhaps Emma can get thru to him. Like Dr. Hopper needs too. Does Storybrooke have a Suicide watch? I think Hook, might do himself in. He's Dangerously close to needing, a nice lil room with a view, plenty of meds, & nice comfy bed, & Hello Nurses to ease his Venging heart. 💗 & Other in tact things...🙀 Poor unfortunate Soul🧑🏻💗🌙🌙💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🙀"OHH, NOO!"

I think Hook has a death wish, Jessie, he wants to die so he can be with Milah again. True Sad. Perhaps Emma can get thru to him. Like Dr. Hopper needs too. Does Storybrooke have a Suicide watch? I think Hook, might do himself in. He's Dangerously close to needing, a nice lil room with a view, plenty of meds, & nice comfy bed, & Hello Nurses to ease his Venging heart. 💗 & Other in tact things...🙀 Poor unfortunate Soul🧑🏻💗🌙🌙💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🙀"OHH, NOO!"

Melissa Amato (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-19 20:51:57 I am not making fun of Suicide. So don't anyone, get back to me on this Horrendous subject. Sadly I know it personally, so Thank you. 🙍🏻‍♀️🐶💗🌏💗 & Sorry didn't mean to be offensive Just thought Hook is unstable. He shouldn't be on the prowl for the Dark One. Or have a pistol, on him, or Sword that anyone can feel, Errhem, he said it, in Queen of Hearts to Emma, Cheeky Pirate. He shouldn't be alone, & unsupervised. He should have been safely tucked away, in a nice comfy room, down in Regina's frightful Replica, of a Kook koos nest🆘🧑🏻🆘 Not the main Hospital, where Rumple can get to him. & so he can be far away, with plenty of intensive care. Errhem. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶 Hopefully... 😳😬🙀Taken care of, intensely, inappropriately, Naughtily. "Ah, Hello Nurses, We have a dangerous Pirate, who needs some attention, Statt!" 👉🏻🧑🏻🤬😱. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶
2021-06-06 12:59:13 I am not making fun of Suicide. So don't anyone, get back to me on this Horrendous subject. Sadly I know it personally, so Thank you. 🙍🏻‍♀️🐶💗🌏💗 & Sorry didn't mean to be offensive Just thought Hook is unstable. He shouldn't be on the prowl for the Dark One. Or have a pistol, on him, or Sword that anyone can feel, Errhem, he said it, in Queen of Hearts to Emma, Cheeky Pirate. He shouldn't be alone, & unsupervised. He should have been safely tucked away, in a nice comfy room, down in Regina's frightful Replica, of a Kook koos nest🆘🧑🏻🆘 Not the main Hospital, where Rumple can get to him. & so he can be far away, with plenty of intensive care. Errhem. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶 Hopefully... 😳😬🙀Taken care of, intensely, inappropriately, Naughtily. "Ah, Hello Nurses, We have a dangerous Pirate, who needs some attention, Statt!" 👉🏻🧑🏻🤬😱. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶

I am not making fun of Suicide. So don't anyone, get back to me on this Horrendous subject. Sadly I know it personally, so Thank you. 🙍🏻‍♀️🐶💗🌏💗 & Sorry didn't mean to be offensive Just thought Hook is unstable. He shouldn't be on the prowl for the Dark One. Or have a pistol, on him, or Sword that anyone can feel, Errhem, he said it, in Queen of Hearts to Emma, Cheeky Pirate. He shouldn't be alone, & unsupervised. He should have been safely tucked away, in a nice comfy room, down in Regina's frightful Replica, of a Kook koos nest🆘🧑🏻🆘 Not the main Hospital, where Rumple can get to him. & so he can be far away, with plenty of intensive care. Errhem. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶 Hopefully... 😳😬🙀Taken care of, intensely, inappropriately, Naughtily. "Ah, Hello Nurses, We have a dangerous Pirate, who needs some attention, Statt!" 👉🏻🧑🏻🤬😱. 💗🌏💗🙍🏻‍♀️🐶

Jennifer Clark

Hey- You're cracking me up with the Celery juice! Take a vitamin, it's a lot easier. Can you possibly turn the volume on the audio some? I've got it full blast and still having trouble. (But I do listen to stuff loud...


Wait, did I miss something? Who thinks you are making fun of suicide? I personally never thought that and I ADORE you comments Melissa!! Must be a deleted comment? I think that Hook doesn't want to die because of comments he will make later on. I think, at least in this particular episode, he doesn't think Rumple has the stones to kill him, so he's only sort of worried about it, hence the bit of fear you see in his eyes when Rumple is beating him. Later on though, he answers the question for us undoubtedly. I've just been waiting to point it out at the right moment (spoilers and all).

Melissa Amato (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-27 02:05:43 Jennifer, I asked Jessie, the same thing. The volume could be turned up, on her monitor for the show. She said she would check on it, tho, but maybe she forgot? Jessie, Jennifer is having trouble hearing the Episodes too. Please check your Monitor & check the volume. You were on Lacey, last time. Maybe you can just check on the volume, of the E next Episode, so no one misses OUAT💗 Thank you. 💗🌎💗🙆🏻‍♀️🐶🤘🏻🙀
2021-06-18 21:41:43 Jennifer, I asked Jessie, the same thing. The volume could be turned up, on her monitor for the show. She said she would check on it, tho, but maybe she forgot? Jessie, Jennifer is having trouble hearing the Episodes too. Please check your Monitor & check the volume. You were on Lacey, last time. Maybe you can just check on the volume, of the E next Episode, so no one misses OUAT💗 Thank you. 💗🌎💗🙆🏻‍♀️🐶🤘🏻🙀

Jennifer, I asked Jessie, the same thing. The volume could be turned up, on her monitor for the show. She said she would check on it, tho, but maybe she forgot? Jessie, Jennifer is having trouble hearing the Episodes too. Please check your Monitor & check the volume. You were on Lacey, last time. Maybe you can just check on the volume, of the E next Episode, so no one misses OUAT💗 Thank you. 💗🌎💗🙆🏻‍♀️🐶🤘🏻🙀

Melissa Amato (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-27 02:05:42 Keebles, I adore your Comments as well. I really think Hook has a serious Death wish tho. He, shot Belle, Doesn't care what Rumple's going to retaliate with. & When Hook See's the mysterious Car racing towards him, he just stands & 🎯 Doesn't care that he's hit, by a Greg Mobile. He's not Stupid, he knows what cars are, apparently on the high open seas, he saw a lot of them. Transportation in Neverland, & the Enchanted forest, must be full of horseless carriages, right?¿Ah?¿ Wait no, Cars? How did Hook, not freak OUAT💗When he saw the strange roaring creature baring down into the street?! & Not fleet away from the on coming high beams? Where's the Oracle's Adam & Eddy? This scene is so Wrong, Hook wouldn't be so Stupid, unless he does need a head scan. & Rumple couldn't wait to get him, now that The Captivating Capt. Was down & helpless as a kitten stuck in a tall tree. Nearly under Stupid Selfish Greg Mandibles dorky car. 🚗⛵Safer aboard the Jolly. Oh, & tell me how the hospital staff got Hook OUAT of his leather, & into a Johney, & his cute baby blue bathrobe, that makes him look even more cuter, if possible? Just curious. 🙍🏻‍♀️👿💥🙎🏻‍♂️💥🚘⚓🚓 🏨🏥🚑👸🏻🤴🏼🤦🏼‍♀️✨🧚💗🌎💗🤦🏻‍♀️🐶🤘🏻 Keebles💗😈😼
2021-06-18 22:22:22 Keebles, I adore your Comments as well. I really think Hook has a serious Death wish tho. He, shot Belle, Doesn't care what Rumple's going to retaliate with. & When Hook See's the mysterious Car racing towards him, he just stands & 🎯 Doesn't care that he's hit, by a Greg Mobile. He's not Stupid, he knows what cars are, apparently on the high open seas, he saw a lot of them. Transportation in Neverland, & the Enchanted forest, must be full of horseless carriages, right?¿Ah?¿ Wait no, Cars? How did Hook, not freak OUAT💗When he saw the strange roaring creature baring down into the street?! & Not fleet away from the on coming high beams? Where's the Oracle's Adam & Eddy? This scene is so Wrong, Hook wouldn't be so Stupid, unless he does need a head scan. & Rumple couldn't wait to get him, now that The Captivating Capt. Was down & helpless as a kitten stuck in a tall tree. Nearly under Stupid Selfish Greg Mandibles dorky car. 🚗⛵Safer aboard the Jolly. Oh, & tell me how the hospital staff got Hook OUAT of his leather, & into a Johney, & his cute baby blue bathrobe, that makes him look even more cuter, if possible? Just curious. 🙍🏻‍♀️👿💥🙎🏻‍♂️💥🚘⚓🚓 🏨🏥🚑👸🏻🤴🏼🤦🏼‍♀️✨🧚💗🌎💗🤦🏻‍♀️🐶🤘🏻 Keebles💗😈😼

Keebles, I adore your Comments as well. I really think Hook has a serious Death wish tho. He, shot Belle, Doesn't care what Rumple's going to retaliate with. & When Hook See's the mysterious Car racing towards him, he just stands & 🎯 Doesn't care that he's hit, by a Greg Mobile. He's not Stupid, he knows what cars are, apparently on the high open seas, he saw a lot of them. Transportation in Neverland, & the Enchanted forest, must be full of horseless carriages, right?¿Ah?¿ Wait no, Cars? How did Hook, not freak OUAT💗When he saw the strange roaring creature baring down into the street?! & Not fleet away from the on coming high beams? Where's the Oracle's Adam & Eddy? This scene is so Wrong, Hook wouldn't be so Stupid, unless he does need a head scan. & Rumple couldn't wait to get him, now that The Captivating Capt. Was down & helpless as a kitten stuck in a tall tree. Nearly under Stupid Selfish Greg Mandibles dorky car. 🚗⛵Safer aboard the Jolly. Oh, & tell me how the hospital staff got Hook OUAT of his leather, & into a Johney, & his cute baby blue bathrobe, that makes him look even more cuter, if possible? Just curious. 🙍🏻‍♀️👿💥🙎🏻‍♂️💥🚘⚓🚓 🏨🏥🚑👸🏻🤴🏼🤦🏼‍♀️✨🧚💗🌎💗🤦🏻‍♀️🐶🤘🏻 Keebles💗😈😼