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OUAT S2 E10 The Cricket Games


Lucile Byrd

I seriously HATE how Emma acts like she has ANY say regarding Henry when Regina is his mother, Regina raised him alone. Regardless of what she did to them, that has nothing to do with Regina having every right to demand her son be returned to her, not condescended to by the woman who threw Henry away when he was a baby.


i would totally agree. regina was not my favorite in the first season at all, but once i got through part of season 3, thats when i really liked her character. seeing more and more of her entire story and where she is now definitely contributes to my love for her. but, as you could imagine, there’s still so much more to see, and i can’t wait!! great reaction, and i’m loving the new nails!❤️


Ahh, this episode just pulls on your heart for Regina. Can we take a moment to appreciate Lana's acting? She is so good in this role because you can see the pain and conflict she is going through. Just so well done.

Liana Z

I always love characters that are multi-dimensional and Regina is it. The first few seasons did a really great job in showing the complexity of characters.


oh I know that feeling. apparantly we have a con that is still going on this year, but it's really hard to say.

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Thank you so much! It’s amazing how much of the story they have told and we’re only just halfway through season two! I can’t imagine what other stories come next!!

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

It does! That’s actually one of the reasons I loved the first season. I didn’t think that we were going to get so many back stories for so many different characters, the world is just so big!


Regina definitely is like a drug addict when it comes to her villainy. It's so hard for her to let it go and, even when she does, she slips sometimes. And you are SOOO right about the writing. That's why I continue to watch this show over and over and continue to watch reactors watch this show to get new perspectives. I can't imagine another show ever catching my heart like this one has. It was pure magic.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Cricket Game- Another fun reaction!! And I love this episode too! Thank you very much! First... I love the moments with Hook and Cora throughout this episode, in spite of Hook's role in this episode being fairly small in comparison to in other episodes. I always love him and miss him when his character isn't in an episode much, or at all. Now... one of my favorite moments in this episode is in the beginning with David and Mary Margaret when they're still in bed together in the afternoon the morning after she and Emma return home from the Enchanted Forest. I love how Emma is embarrassed and Henry's confused upon walking in on them, and that her parents joke about how happy they were that they could still traumatize their daughter so many years later. So cute!! The Charming family is beautiful. :) I love that the Charmings' closest friends throw a party to welcome Emma and Mary Margaret home and I love David's toast... to not having to look for his family for awhile. I also love that Emma invites Regina for Henry's sake. Her and Regina definitely have a lot of issues still to work out, but this is absolutely a first good step. Sadly, tragedy strikes fast. Now... Cora does make for a great villain. However, It's so terrible that she's capable of framing her own daughter for murder, all so she can break Regina's spirit and to destroy all the good she's accomplished with just a little trickery. When I first saw this episode, I was so angry and so heartbroken when I thought that she killed Archie, because like I've said before... Archie is one of my very favorite characters outside of the major characters. I was so, so happy to see that he is still alive in the end. But it is so sad to see him get hurt and to see everyone's reactions to his death, especially Emma's and Henry's reactions. And Regina's too. Also... Archie never does break Regina's confidence in regards to the details of their sessions. He might have been wrong to say what he did to Emma, but he did so with good intentions. All he wants is to help Regina by helping the others to see the good in her she has been fighting so hard to bring back out. Archie believes in Regina and because of this, Cora sees it as a cruel opportunity to teach her daughter a lesson, believing that she can later swoop in to pick up the pieces to help her daughter again. As for everyone being so quick to believe Regina really did all this... Cora really does do the perfect frame job. For one... No one knows that Cora and Hook have arrived in Storybrooke. So of course they wouldn't even consider the possibility it is someone other than maybe Gold, who is quickly proven to be innocent. And with Regina's past, it would be incredibly difficult for anyone to believe in her. Especially since as Regina in their time together spent in Storybrooke, had framed Mary Margaret for murder back in season one, and cast the curse that ripped everyone apart. Which happens to have been the last problem they were still dealing with just before Emma and Mary Margaret fell through the portal that brought them to the Enchanted Forest. And in spite of all that... Emma still believes in Regina. She chooses to, because of Henry's faith in her. And because while hers and Regina's pasts are hardly the same, Emma still saw some of Regina in herself. And I love that. But I can also understand why David and Mary Margaret were distrusting given their past history. I love Regina, and I feel so bad for her throughout the Storybrooke storyline throughout this episode, but the others' feelings towards her are justified too. So, so sad. Sadly, even Gold's solution to have Emma look into Pongo's memories don't work, because Pongo only ever sees Regina enter Archie's office. However, he does sense something isn't right with Regina when Cora walked into Archie's office disguised as her. Pongo senses she is an impostor, which is why he barks. Unfortunately, that doesn't come through in his memories. I also love that Emma has begun to develop her magic, as Gold encourages her to do so. It's great, and it shows a slight parallel with him beginning to teach Regina her own magic too. Next... I love the backstory with Snow and David capturing Regina and putting her on trial, bringing in another parallel to the present day storyline with the Charmings questioning Regina, and attempting to arrest her despite her having magic in the present time. I love how Snow fights to spare Regina's life because Regina had once saved her life, and in so doing, Snow then saves Regina's life by sparing hers as well. I really love how Rumplestiltskin manipulates everything in order to convince Regina to cast the dark curse, by making it so that Regina wouldn't be able to kill Snow and Charming so long as they were in their world. Absolutely brilliant! And this brings us to the moment when Regina travels to their castle on the day of Snow's and Charming's wedding and threatens their entire kingdom as is seen in the Pilot episode. Once again bringing this full circle to the beginning. Beautiful!! If there is really anything negative about this episode, other than that we are left feeling so sad for Regina, which isn't a negative, just tragic, it's that there isn't enough of Hook in it. :) Overall... I really enjoy this episode a lot and it's a great beginning to the second half of the season. Thank you very much again, for another great reaction, Jessie! I can't wait for your next episode reactions!! :) Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi


I havnt watched in a week so i have some catching up to do. 3 episodes in one day is a treat xD. - I want to remind you that Prince Charming really took that arrow to save Snow. IF Snow would've killed The Evil Queen back then, her powers would transform to Snow. Snow would've become just as evil. So yea he did save her :p. And its as you said. She Just framed Snow for murder, back in season 1. And she did aaallllloooott of terrible things. And you still feel for her now. It takes amazing writing to accomplish that. Also, sometimes people cant change. How much you want to believe they could. Because you saw the good in them before. Its hard to think about because i would be the same as Snow. Giving many chances. If Regina didnt had Henry she would have been dead when the curse was broken. But Henry is the reason she tries to be good. Henry is the reason why she has this chance to change. This time its not given. She reallyyyyy has to prove herself to be able to deserve to be given a chance. Which i really like.


While I can't STAND Cora, the, "How am I supposed to know? It's my first day in town," line is so funny to me. The way it was delivered made me laugh a bit when I first watched this episode and even now it makes me giggle. I'm enjoying your reactions to these episodes very much and I'm glad you're still enjoying the show. 😊

Jessie Dobbie Reactions

Thanks!! It’s funny because I can truly hate a villain so much, but I feel like that’s just my show talk for I love them, because without them there wouldn’t be an interesting story and I wouldn’t feel as involved lol