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Released to The cats Meow/Meeow on jUne 5th!!


Genera+ion Episode 13 There's Something About Hamburger Mary's



it was so funny watching you listen to Megan singing as the credits popped up. I haven't re-watched in a while, so we had the same reaction. I was also shocked that Megan even bothered to show up given the amount of pushback she has been giving Nathan about everything. I do think Nathan is in a place right now where Megan has never genuinely listened to him express how he feels about figuring out his identity, so right now he just enjoys watching her skin crawl. I think he's lashing out because he doesn't feel supported by her, and she has disregarded him whenever he has tried to talk to her about it. It's a hard situation because he should make her feel more welcome in that environment, but he just lets it happen out of spite because she hasn't been making him feel welcome at any point since coming out. I did similar things when I was a teen and my parents weren't very accepting, so I understand where he's coming from although it is immature. I haven't watched this second half of the season for a long time, so I feel like I'm blind reacting with you too in most of these scenes. I'm glad you're enjoying it! And thank you Lyah for suggesting this show! (I doubt I spelt that correctly, but thank you!)


Oh sidenote: I am not going to say much about Greta because I don't remember 100% and I don't want to spoil anything. But yeah the timing that Greta and Riley have is just insane to watch. It makes me upset for both characters. And Nathan and Chester should've ended this whole charade once Chester and Bo started dating. It's all just so messy lol