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Warren Tutelle is a Lapin de Chance, a species known for their gothic esthetic, minimal expression, and keen sense of awareness. Warren is no different, as he found his partner thanks to his species' unique ability.

While all Lapin de Chance have this special skill, not all see it clearly. Most view their intuitions as magnets that slowly pull them in a direction for a reason they can't always identify. This was the case with Warren, where he was attracted to Iseul Kirik, a Dijaga. Not seeing clearly into this attraction, he figured he was pulled in to bond with Iseul as a friend, and continued from there. However, it was only a few years later when he realized exactly why he was so attracted to his friend. During one of Iseul's many rants about their, at the time, girlfriend, Warren followed his sudden urge to kiss them, and fully realized that he was actually in love with the other Vellus. While this did not go smoothly, Iseul and his exgirlfriend eventually parted ways and the two began to date shortly after. The pair are incredibly happy to have each other, and are still on good terms with the ex.

Later on, the three of them decided to go on a trip to play Mafia! and Warren ended up getting the role of the Watchman. While it isn't the most exciting role, Warren is happy to just sit back and observe.

Fun Fact: Every character, and this story, originated from PonyTown and the ORP of the same name.



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