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Vivian Talesman is your typical edgy, emo teenager. She adamantly wants to pursue her father’s career as an enforcer of justice and the law. However, she is often disappointed, as her overbearing father keeps her away from this path in fear of her safety. Viv almost constantly gets herself into trouble by breaking boundary rules that he has set.

Adding onto those broken rules, Vivian had overheard her father's investigation into Mafia! and secretly tagged along to be a part of the experience, as she heavily admires him and what he does as a private investigator. Her role is the Detective, and she's been having quite a lot of fun snooping around and following in her dad's footsteps.

Fun Fact: Every character, and this story, originated from PonyTown and the ORP of the same name. Additionally, Vivian goes to the same school as Luka Noghol from Luka and the Peony Princess, meaning that these two storylines are connected.



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