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With an almost clinical gaze, I survey the room, clutching a glass of cheap sparkling wine in my hand. The firm's Christmas party is underway, and as expected, it is vibrant and enjoyable. Laughter, music, and cheerfulness fill the air as my staff and co-workers let loose. However, I find myself drifting from conversation to conversation, never truly present.

My focus isn't on the pulsating music and festivity; instead, it is fixated on Dorian. Dorian, with his carefree laugh that seems to light up any room he enters. He is now chatting with Olivier, another coworker—an exchange full of smiles and shared whispers. A pang of jealousy strikes me as I watch them.

I shouldn't be jealous, right? I'm Dorian's boss, but unbeknownst to him—or anyone else at the firm for that matter—I've developed feelings for him over time. It happened slowly, subtly; I often caught myself stealing glances when he wasn't looking or smiling fondly at his habits.

Our relationship was professional until one evening when I bought him dinner. We ended up sharing more than just a meal sitting on his desk; we shared our first kiss that night. I remember how our eyes met across the dim lighting of the room... How my heart pounded in my chest as I leaned in towards him. But nothing followed after that moment except yearning looks and formal greetings whenever we crossed paths.

Although I can be romantic, I'm not one for confessing my love with fireworks in the sky. Yet watching Dorian with Olivier tonight stirs a sense of urgency within me. Shouldn't I tell him how I feel before it's too late? Before someone else takes him away?

Lost in my thoughts, I feel a strong hand clasp my shoulder. Turning around, I see Barlow grinning at me, his imposing physique contrasting with my lean one.

"Why so serious, Wyatt?" he asks, his joyful voice breaking through my reverie.

I shrug nonchalantly, not willing to divulge my inner turmoil. Barlow has always been a bit too observant for my liking. With him being Dorian's ex, I don't want him to pick up on the vibes between Dorian and me, whatever vibe that might be.

Averting my gaze from Dorian and Olivier, I take a long sip of sparkling wine. His laughter echoes in my ears as they chat away on the other end of the room, and once again, I feel a pang in my heart.

As much as I'd love to keep these feelings to myself, it's high time I confess them to Dorian. The uncertainty of his response is terrifying, but living with the regret of never trying would be even worse, right?

Tonight is the night. I need to finally gather the courage to confess my feelings for him, consequences be damned. After all, this is a Christmas party—a time for new beginnings and unexpected confessions.