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Fiffer and MC texting


Fiffer: Hey, you! How's your day going? 😊

MC: Not bad, just the usual work stuff. What about you?

Fiffer: Oh, you know, hustling at the café as usual! 

MC: You're always so dedicated. It's admirable.

Fiffer: Thanks! It's not easy, but I do what I can. How's Nugget?

MC: Nugget is doing okay. He/She's outside, playing in the backyard.

Fiffer: Backyard? I thought you said you were at work.

MC: Working from home today.

Fiffer: Nice! Wish I could do that. Well, if you ever need someone to babysit on my days off, feel free to ask.

MC: I don't even know when are your days off.

Fiffer: You would if you texted me more often. 😄 Anyway. If you ever need me, just ask. I'll let you know if I'm free or not. Amari and Nugget seem to get along well and I would love for them to keep being friends.

MC: Same here.

Fiffer: So, Umm... I've been working on a side project, a PleaseFundMe campaign to help with Amari's medical bills.

MC: Oh, wow, Fiffer. I had no idea. That seems like a good idea.

Fiffer: Yeah, it's been a rollercoaster, but I'm doing what I can. Anyway, I just wanted to share something with you. Someone anonymously donated a huge amount - $15,000!

MC: What?! That's incredible!

Fiffer: Right? I couldn't believe it! But then I dug a little deeper into the donations, and I noticed something... the timing of it all. The anonymous donor gave right after Amari and I, well, you know... were at your place.

MC: That's strange.

Fiffer: Strange, right? 😄 Here's the thing... I put two and two together, and I have this feeling that it was you who made that generous donation. Was it?

MC: Would you be mad if it was?

Fiffer: Mad? Of course, not! I just want to know how you want me to show up at your place to repay you. I mean I can show up in a furry costume, butt naked, we can meet up somewhere in a parking lot, or you can chain me up in your basement, anything you want, I'll do.

MC: Lol. At this point, I don't know if you're joking or being serious.

Fiffer: Ha! It's okay if you don't see me that way. All I'm trying to say is thank you, and I'll be forever in your debt.

MC: Can you stop it? Of course, I see you that way. But I also want you to be in a better place financially and stop worrying about where the next payment for bills is coming from.

Fiffer: Ha! It will take time, but I'm working on it. Again, thank you for the donation. It's going to help us immensely.

MC: You're welcome. Anything I can do to help.

Fiffer: Any chance I can get you to come outside?

MC: Outside? For what?

Fiffer: Stop arguing and just come outside.

Putting your phone aside, you push yourself up and quickly glance into the backyard. Nugget is happily playing in the garden with no care in the world as you make your way to your front door.

The second you open it, you find Fiffer standing on your front porch, a wide grin on their face.

"Sorry I showed up unannounced, but I was already here when I started texting you," they say.

"Fiffer," you smile back. "You didn't have to come."

"I had to," Fiffer grins. "I had to give you this in person."

Fiffer closes the distance and hugs you tight, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You're a bit taken aback by the sudden display of affection, but you can't deny that it feels nice. Fiffer smells sweet and warm, like the coffee they serve at the café. You hug them back, feeling a little flutter in your stomach.

After a while, you both pull back, but Fiffer keeps their arms around you, looking up at you with those big, shiny eyes of theirs.

"Thank you so much," they say again. "You have no idea what this means to me."

You smile, feeling a little bashful. "It's nothing, really. I just want you and Amari to be okay."

"Fiffer leans in and kisses you on the lips this time, a soft, gentle kiss that sends a shiver down your spine. You're not sure how to react, but you don't pull away. Instead, you kiss them back, feeling warmth fill you from head to toe.

"Fiffer..." you whisper. "Not here. Nugget is inside, and..."

"I know, I know," Fiffer pulls away. "I have to get back to the café, anyway."

"Yeah," you smile. "Go back to work."

"I am," Fiffer chuckles. "I keep thinking that we've never had a proper date. You know, the type where we both spend the night getting ready, and one of us picks the other up, and we go somewhere nice? Would you like that?"

You pretend to think about it before nodding. "I would love that."

Fiffer grins from ear to ear. "Great! I'll set something up. It's about time we do something like that."

As they walk down the porch steps, Fiffer turns around and looks back at you. "By the way," they say, "I still owe you for the donation."

You chuckle and shake your head. "You don't owe me anything, Fiffer. But if it makes you feel better, you can pay for dinner."

Fiffer nods and winks. "You got it. I'll text you later with the details. Bye for now!"