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1. What are your thoughts on using food during sex?

Mattos: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ This is the one you want to start with? Is it because you saw me using that whipped cream the other day?

MC: ๐Ÿ‘€ Wait, what did you do with the whipped cream?

Mattos: ๐Ÿคญ Nothing. But to answer your question, I have no issue using food during sex. I think I would enjoy it even. I love food, and I love having sex with you, so a mix of both will be the most amazing thing ever. Granted, not all food should be introduce in the bedroom because things can get messy. But every now and then, I won't might the use of whipped cream, fruits, veggies, and some good protein based meal.

MC: You and your protein. ๐Ÿ˜„

2. What is your most secret sexual fantasy?

Mattos: Okay, don't judge me, but I always wanted to have sex in public. Let say one night we go for a jog together, and we find a nice little garden or bush, and we go there and do it while people are walking by and have no idea that we're there doing naughty stuff. That's my most secret sexual fantasy. I think it would be exciting and thrilling to have sex in a place where you could be caught at any moment. Plus, the adrenaline rush will make for an even more intense time together.

3. What was your most embarrassing moment in bed?

Mattos: Before I answer this you have to promise you won't laugh.

MC: Okay, I promise I won't laugh.

Mattos: Let me start by saying that this was a long time ago and my date didn't talk to me for like a week after this.

MC: Oookkayy.

Mattos: It was after a track competition, and since I won, my date at the time wanted to reward me. We went to the bedroom, started kissing and things got hot so we started doing the deed, and... for my defense, I had way too much cabbage for lunch... and... Well farted. The first one wasn't that bad... because we are all human and one fart can slip out, but... I could not stop and continued to fart the whole time.

MC: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿคฃ

Mattos: I know, it's hilarious now but at the moment it was extremely embarrassing. I couldn't even make an excuse and just had to own up to it. We never did anything like that again after that.

4. Have you ever had a threesome?

Mattos: No. I can't imagine anyone wanting to have a threesome with me. But I'm open to it if you are.

MC: Following question, so let's say, I'm open to it. Is there anyone that we both know, that you would want us to ask to join?


Longer Pause...

Mattos: There is one person, but you have to promise that we'll never talk about this again.

MC: Sure. Tell me just for the sake of this Q&A.


Mattos: Barlow.

MC: Really? Why?

Mattos: Why? Barlow is really hot and amazingly smart and the thought of the three of us all together in a bed, doing

all sorts of naughty things  is extremely enticing. But more importantly, I know that Barlow has been a big admirer of yours and they'll be the perfect addition to the kind of threesome we both want.

MC: Ha! Barlow is way too jealous to ever accept something like that, but good to know.

5. Do you like your partner with pubic hair or no hair?

Mattos: I don't really have a preference. For me it's just hair. I understand keeping it groomed and maintained, but to me, it doesn't really matter as long as it's done in a clean and hygienic way. If you want to keep your pubic hair natural, then go ahead. If you prefer shaving or waxing or any other kind of grooming, then that's fine too. I'm not going to be the one judging how my partner style their pubes.

6. Do you prefer rough sex or slow and passionate?

Mattos: I'm more of a slow and passionate type of lover.

I love the feeling of exploring each other's bodies and savoring every moment of pleasure. To me, rough sex is great too but it doesn't always give me the same level of satisfaction as slow and passionate sex does. I like to start off slow, with gentle caresses and kisses that linger on my skin as we build up to more intense moments. This way, I can fully appreciate everything that comes with a passionate encounter โ€“ from the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach when we first touch to the sheer ecstasy that we reach together after hours of exploring one another's bodies. It's these kinds of moments that make sex something special instead of just another physical activity.

MC: That's cute. I like your answer.

7. What would you like to try in the bedroom that you haven't yet tried?

Mattos: There are so many things. I mean, I'm not really good at coming up with new ideas, but, if you're into it, I would love for us to try sensual massage. I think it would be a great way to relax and increase the intimacy between us while also helping us explore every inch of each other's body. We could use some special oils and light some scented candles to create a more romantic atmosphere, and then take our time exploring areas we don't often touch during regular sex. And, if the mood is right, maybe we could even incorporate other forms of pleasure like gentle biting or scratching into this massage session. Whatever happens, I'm sure it'll be an amazing experience.

8. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off?

Mattos: I actually don't mind having the lights on. I like to be able to see my partner and appreciate the beauty of every moment that we share. Plus, I think leaving the lights on can add a certain kind of euphoria to our sex life, as if the whole world is watching us and cheering us on โ€“ which can really enhance our pleasure. That being said, I'm fine with having the lights off too. Whatever helps you feel more comfortable in your own skin is always welcome in my bed.

9. You participate in a lot of marathon and triathlon, would you ever consider trying role-playing wearing your jogging or marathon outfit?

Mattos: I... Sure, why not! I think it could be fun to try something new in the bedroom. We could pretend to be two runners who have just finished a marathon, exhausted but still feeling invincible from all the adrenaline of the race. We can take off our sweaty clothes piece by piece, slowly savoring each moment until we are completely naked in each otherโ€™s arms. And then, when we finally collapse into bed, we can embrace our newfound energy and channel it into some passionate sex that will no doubt leave us both completely content and satisfied.

MC: Wow, you really thought this through.

Mattos: I'll have to admit that those kind of thoughts do cross my mind every now and then.

MC: Noted. We'll have to try that one of these days.

10. What do you think is the most important thing to make sure your partner is satisfied?

Mattos: I love this question. For me, the most important thing in any relationship is communication and understanding. When it comes to physical intimacy, it's crucial for both partners to be on the same page. Knowing your partner's likes and dislikes, boundaries, turn-ons and turn-offs are all vital in making sure they are satisfied. Additionally, being able to provide both emotional and physical support during sex is also incredibly important. A good lover will not only make their partner feel accepted but also appreciated for exactly who they are. Finally, no one should ever forget to keep things fresh and exciting by consistently introducing new ideas or techniques into the bedroom! With that said, I hope I've been doing a good job at keeping you satisfied, and if not, never hesitate to tell me as my sole purpose is to keep you happy. ๐Ÿ’•


Syakirah Nasser

I kinda expected him to say Barlow. Manโ€™s been a fanboy the minute barlow came over to mcโ€™s place ๐Ÿ˜‚

Skippy Hugo

Embarrassing moment being farting. They so adorable.


Barlow too jealous to ever do a threesome ;_;