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As mentioned before, MC will get the chance to jump ship and go work with Fox's firm.

Chapter 8 will be where you have to decide. For the readers who jump ship, below is a note from Green. (It will be part of the game)

A Note From Green. ๐Ÿ’”

Dear MC,

I don't even know where to start. I've been sitting here, staring at this blank screen, trying to find the words to express how disappointed and hurt I am by your decision. You quitting your current position to work with Fox feels like a betrayal on so many levels, and it's breaking my heart.

I know it's wrong of me to say this because you made this decision to advance your career, get more money to help you take care of things, and even build a better life for your child. Believe me, I understand that. What I don't understand is the fact that you didn't come to me, talk to me, and at least ask if there was something I could have done here.

I still remember the first time I met you, in that lobby. I think from that very first day I was drawn to your energy and enthusiasm. We shared moments, both personal and professional, and I thought we had something special.

That kiss we shared was a connection I had never felt before, and it filled me with hope and joy. Seeing you every day, talking to you, going through meetings with you, now it all seems like a distant memory.

I don't know how Fox managed to convince you to switch and take our biggest client, The Barlow Project, with you, but I want you to know that it's not just a loss for the company; it's a personal loss for me.

The disappointment is crushing, MC. It's like you've shattered the trust I had in you, and I'm left here picking up the pieces. I never expected you to do something like this, especially after everything we shared. Still, I can't help but wonder if it was all just a game to you.

I long for the days when we used to work side by side, sharing ideas and dreams. Now, all that's left is regret, the bitter taste of what could have been.

I hope someday you realize the impact of your decision, not just on the company, but on the other people here who cared about you... and on me as well.

As much as I'm hurt and disappointed, there's still a part of me that wishes things were different, that wishes you'd come back. But for now, all I have are these words and this ache in my heart. 

All that must sound pathetic to you, but it had to be said. Anyway, I hope you're happy where you are. Just know that there will always be a place for you here.




Syakirah Nasser

Aww dont worry mr green. Iโ€™m all yours ๐Ÿฅน

Nessy Lovegood

Oof the angst :( I Ily Wyatt. My MC Max won't leave you for that sleezeball Fox (sorry but Fox is a bit sleazy.) But argh this is so hard. I love Wyatt, I love Fiffer, I love Eli, I love Costa, I love Shane argh you're making this so hard!!! I want them all XD Barlow I'm still undecided on. The rest of them ugh ๐Ÿ˜ฉ