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The new update will be released on the 12th of april.

I wanted to release the update way earlier but there's no way I'll be able to finish it before the 12th.

Here are some new maps that you'll be able to explore when the new update is out.

And a new pred character Lissandra who I came up with while working on the library. She's also the leader of the local book club. 

I really really like her look, I hope you guys do aswell:)

Last picture shows the librarian after... well.. you know.




Do you have the idea how much scenes do you plan to add into the new update?


At least 2 observer scenes, 2 pred scenes and 1 prey scene


The new maps and Lissandra look great!


Oh one more question. Will stage 6 Pri be implemented as well?


Yes Pri's stage 6 will also be implemented for next update


Looking interesting. How big do you plan the place to be? Also, judging by the small belly of the librarian, I assume it's a post-digestion scene, unless the prey is quite small. Although what I am most curious about is the fifth and sixth picture, since I can't figure out where exactly they'll be.


I plan to make it decently big. So we'll have the entrance, middle, eastern and western part and the northern part which will consist mainly of the royal "castle" where the nobels live.