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So I made a few new character models.

1) Don't know what to do with her for now.

2) Gwenn she will be some kind of a secretary. Not sure yet.

3) Sir Robert's new wife

4) librarian

5) The innkeeper's sister?

If you have ideas what role these girls could play in the game, don't hesitate to share them!

I'm currently also working on the first big city Aldorada. It's a ton of work to build an entire town from scratch. I'm making progress step by step. Next update will probably come out in late march or early april. 

I'll try to implement Sir Robert's quest, a quest from the innkeeper and a quest from Merida the head of the garisson and the city guard for next update with approximately 3 new scenes.




Do you want them to be prey or pred?


Here's an idea: The quest you receive from Merida is that there is a pred stalking the streets at night illegally eating up pretty girls, and she tells you that there is a reward for any information that you could gather. When you go to investigate you encounter the redhead who feeds you some line about how she just saw someone suspicious go down a back alley. If you choose to believe her she follows you down the alleyway and reveals herself to be the pred, resulting in a fight where if you win you can either turn her in or eat her, or if you lose she eats you. It just occurred to me you said you were kinda color blind a while ago, so to clarify when I say the red head I'm talking about the first model that you don't know what to do with.


The one in the middle, Sir Robert's new wife is definitely going to be prey. The others could be prey, pred or both.


Oh nice idea! Thanks for sharing! I think I'll implement it exactly like you described:)


Maybe Glenn, the secretary one can be the secretary to the evil boss back from the real world. Pri still has unfinished business there, and if the evil boss somehow found the portal way before Pri, she has already established herself there. You persuade Glenn (or some quest) to give you the keys to the boss’ office where you can eat her and then finish off Glenn easily.


Gwenn could be a maid in the house of the one woman who eats your friend I honestly can’t remember names at the moment and it could have three choices you eat her she eats you or she takes you to her boss for her to eat you like if you encounter her with the maid outfit off she recognises you and takes you to her but if you have the outfit on then it’s a decision on who eats who


Maybe a scene in which Gwenn wants to eat Pri, but you can choose to eat her instead, like on the Jenny one. And if you decide to eat her you will get to play as a maid and do the jobs for the Boss and if you do good you get the chance to eat the Boss too but if not, you will end on the Bosses curves.


Also for the 4th one, the librarian maybe a Observer scene. The Library is closed and you can watch through a window or there is a second floor with a open window and you see the librarian eat someone, after the scene you can normaly enter the library and talk with her. And at night she will be at her own house where you can find her sleeping and having digested her meal and you can then eat her yourself.

Secret Moose

Out of Curiosity, I think you mentioned this earlier, but what program do you use to make your models?


I kind of like where this is going. So Pri gets to see how the librairian eats somebody who forgot to bring back their books. Afterwards you can talk to her and she'll give you a quest. Like find missing books or something like that. Then when she trusts you enough to let her guard down, Pri gets the opportunity to gurgle her at her house or somewhere in the library.


I use Koikatsu Party with a mod pack called HF mod to make the models.


Oh you mean the evil boss made her way to Zenidore and has build herself a secret place. And Gwenn is her secretary who is actually from Zenidore (because of the horns). Okay this sounds fun. So Pri will actually be able to eat the evil boss. This will be good! I think this is where the main story will continue. As of for now Pri is on the run from the evil corporation. By defeating the evil boss she can finally really focus on regaining her throne.


Then the evil boss must be the boss of the chapter. Add some bodyguards when you eventually decide to do it.


1) Her clothes look too modern, so I think it could work her being from OG dimension and got lost, which could also tie with your project of having the other rich club girls be eaten in Zenidore, so she might have gone with them and ended up separated from them (while they managed to arrive at Aldorada (and you'd find them in a bar). So Pri could find her too delicious to pass and eat her. I think having her in the forest, maybe near the lake would work. 2) I approve of that guy's idea of having the secretary being the Zenidore's of the evil boss. You'd find her in town during her work break where you could chat with her and eventually revealing her role. This could lead to her showing where she works and when you're finally alone, she'd confront you saying that she figured out who you are and will defend her boss, resulting in a fight where if she wins, she eats you, otherwise you eat her and have to leave, not before getting the keys for the boss room. Alternatively you could have her hate her boss and actually support you in getting rid of her boss, by giving you full access to wherever the boss reside. When eventually you beat the boss, you could meet with her again and as thanks for doing it, she's give you a new piece of armor, otherwise you could convince her to be your dessert. 3) I think this one you already have a good idea, so I'll skip it. 4)The librarian I can see it as someone who can be exclusively pred. At least for now. Add the library where you can check various books about lore and stuff and have to avoid making too much noise or she will eat you as punishment. Maybe have an observer scene where Pri read a book about some of the species found at Zenidore, while a girl does too much noise and the librarian eats her, with Pri envying her job a little. 5) For this, I think it would be neat to have her be at a billboard in town where various requests are hanged on for those who want some money. She'd explain that she's making a request to help discover what happened to the maid and her niece who disappeared, even if deep down she believe they got eaten. Pri would feel a little bad but her hunger is too much, so she'd accept to help her, by going with her at the maid house and there Pri would eat her. This idea could lead to the billboard being source for other quests to have Pri gain moneys or other potential pred/prey scenes, from simply getting some items, to defeating some monsters, to "help" people. Maybe you could add there as quest the idea I suggested on Eka's of the lost child in the forest with the lamia.


1) Her clothes do look kind of modern and I like your idea. But I already started implementing the quest/scene Gamma_470 suggested.. 2) Yeah I think she's going to be the evil boss' secretary. Finding her in town after her work break which then leads to her opening up about her job and so on.. This sounds good. 4) Yeah she definitely looks a lot like a pred. An observer scene in the library where she gets rid of a noisy girl by digesting her is definitely going to happen. 5) I really like the idea of a billboard in town where Pri can start a few quests and earn rewards for it. I'll definitely implement that! Thanks a lot for sharing all these ideas:)


I like the idea so.. Your 1) idea is probably going to be added for another girl at some point.


Would be interesting to see Pri have a triple stuffed meal. Or a meal like a turducken but use all four of the girls you are thinking could be both pred and prey. Then have Pri show up for a full course meal.


How do I get to the 10th carrot that is behind the bushes and trees? Is that a glitch?


That was an oversight Oppi made and I think they said that would be changing in the next update (don't quote me on that), but an easy way to complete the quest is to take the carrots from the inn at night.