Update 0.2.4 (May Update) (Patreon)
2024-05-29 21:58:03
2024-05-30 08:46:06
Edit: Fixed a bug where the new stomach would stay on screen
New update is here!
I'm happy to release a new update of STHW:D
The added scenes are a little smaller than in the previous update, but I tried something new and I hope you'll like it heh
Change log:
New Sabrina as pred scene
New Sabrina as observer scene
Tons of reworked images
New self made sprite when reaching weight stage 5
New somtach internal images
A little bit of bug fixing
New self drawn snake sprites and images
New palace maps
Download: https://oppi-games.itch.io/sabrina-the-hungry-witch/patreon-access