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The Grass is Always Greener

Part 5 - Lessons Learned

[February 11th, 2010]

“Jeez, who would have thought cleaning could work up such a sweat!” Janet said with a chuckle.

‘I’ll bet brushing your teeth works up a sweat, you disgusting cow.’

Matt’s hair was soaking wet and gritty with what he hoped were only salt crystals.  His entire body carried a persistent shine and he hung like an overcooked noodle, draped atop Janet’s fingers.   “Wow, you look like you just got out of a pool! Or maybe a piping hot jacuzzi is more like it!”

“Please…” Matt sputtered, particles of Janet’s ass sweat sprouting from his lips.  “Please don’t…ever do that to me again.”

While it took all of his strength to tighten his core enough to speak, he could already feel his blood cooling in the open air.  The thick fuzz that clouded his peripherals was beginning to retreat and fade away as clarity slowly returned.  The fresh air was doing him good and he was already feeling his strength returning.

“Who needs the gym when you’ve got a house that refuses to stay clean, am I right?” Janet joked, mopping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.  She then used her gray camisole shirt, hardly appropriate attire for the strenuous, sweat-producing work she’d just done, to dry her sweat-soaked hand.  ‘Here we go…’ Matt braced himself for another rapid movement. Surely Janet was about to give him the same treatment that she’d just given to the back of her own hand, wrapping his little naked body in the soft camisole material and rubbing until he was more-or-less dry.  But it didn’t happen.

“The AC feels good, huh?  I’ll bet maybe it’s probably even a little TOO cold for you!”Janet plopped down forcefully onto the foot of her bed. “Okay, so here’s the thing…ugh…I forgot, I was going to try and think of a new name for you while I was cleaning but I got distracted by my music.  Darn 80’s!” The titaness leaned forward, momentarily hugging little Matt’s body against her sweaty bosom as she reached forward for her dirty clothes hamper.

“I’ll think of a new name for you tonight, I promise.  And Miss Janet ALWAYS keeps her promises!” Janet tickled Matt under his slimy, trembling chin. His blood cycled between boiling hot with rage and freezing cold with fear as she stared down at him in a long, uncomfortable silence. What was she waiting for?

Another one.

“Fair enough.” Janet’s notebook appeared again in her hand.  Matt would have loved to know what she kept on scribbling about. “So anyway, you’ve spent about 4 hours in my butt which I’ll go right ahead and admit was probably hard for you since you and her have only just met.”

“It was terrible!” Matt cried.  “I’ve never experienced anything like that! I need–”

“Shhh.  It’s not your turn to talk yet.” Janet’s attempt at a soothing tone did not match the tightening of her grip as she squeezed just a little bit harder than she needed to around his slick, slippery waist.  “Since it’s your first day and I got waaaaay sweatier than I thought I was going to, I was thinking that it would be really nice of me to give you a break while I finish up the rest of the yard work.”

Matt’s ears perked up.

Could this whale of an ugly bitch really do something as nice as that?  No, there had to be a catch…

“But………unfortunately, I’m gonna have to punish you.”

Yup…there it was.

“P-punish me?” Matt echoed in disbelief. “Punish me…for what?!  What the hell could I have done wrong? I was in your ass this whole time!”

“Well, for one thing, I can do without the foul language, thank you very much. But to answer your question, you’re being punished for breaking Rule #1.  Don’t think I wasn’t keeping track!  In fact…”

Janet flipped to the appropriate page and turned her notebook to face Matt.  There were doodles and scribbles in the margins, but the section calling the attention of his eyes were the deep, dark tally marks in the center of the page.  As he was counting them, Janet added another two.  “See, in the…I dunno…3 minutes you’ve been out of my butt you already broke Rule #1 four times.”

Matt felt sick to his stomach.  She’d been keeping track of these so-called infractions without even telling him?!

“So…” Janet continued, feigning some form of perverted and sarcastic contrition, “...sorry not sorry, but you’re going to be punished.”

“Jeez, how is that fair? I’m sorry, alright? I won’t do it again!”

“See, you say one thing and do the exact opposite.” Janet said with a condescending chuckle as she added another deep tally mark right before Matt’s eyes. “You don’t even realize you just did it again!  Or maybe it’s even worse: maybe you do realize and you just don’t even care!” “You just used my name without saying “Miss” first.  It’s like you’re literally begging me to go back in my butt!”

“That is the last thing on Earth that I want to do.” Matt annunciated aggressively.

He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  This ugly psycho bitch expected him to call her ‘Miss Janet’ every time he addressed her? Judging from the shit-eating grin she wore as she added yet another tally mark, that was clearly the case.

“I’m sorry, Miss Janet.  I didn’t understand the rules, Miss Janet.” If Matt clenched his teeth any harder, they would have shattered like porcelain under a hammer. “I’ll call you Miss Janet everytime I speak to you, Miss Janet. Okay, Miss Janet?”

The lights seemed to dim as Janet lifted Matt up closer to her face so that he was practically touching her nose. “Is that attitude? Are you getting an attitude with me?”

“No, Miss Janet,” he replied.  His words carried a tinge more fear and subservience now as he struggled and sputtered in the warm, humid currents of Janet’s foul breath.  The suffocating embrace carried a pungent aroma containing abusive hints of garlic and onion.  Matt was learning quickly that there were multiple ways that Janet’s body odors could offend and break him. He was reminded of the first day that Kelli brought him to her home.  She nuzzled him up against her soft face and planted several kisses on him. He protested the affection and yearned to escape the sharp, crisp scent of the giggling blonde’s mouthwash and strawberry bubblegum.

He’d have given anything to trade Janet for Kelli.

“I mean…I must just have misunderstood you.  Because getting an attitude like that would be incredibly stupid of you, right?” Janet said, incorporating a fair amount of her own brand of sass and unkind playfulness.  “Look at you…and look at me.  I could probably knock you over with a bat of my eyelashes, right? I think one square inch of one of my ass cheeks weighs more than your tiny little body, right?”

Her fingers tightened around Matt’s torso, eliciting a high-pitched yelp. “Right?!”


“Yes what, you worthless lump of butt lint?” Janet’s voice, already powerful in a normal tone, was now laced with aggression and a dominance that echoed off the walls of her bedroom, the putrid, hot wind from her breath blowing back his drenched hair.

“Yes, Miss Janet!”  Matt’s teeth were no longer clenched.  Now they were chattering with knee-buckling fear.  He’d not seen this side of her yet and it was far too much for his vulnerable frame to handle. Did she even realize it was way more than necessary?  Half of that intensity would have been terrifying enough.

“Then apologize to me!” Janet shouted point-blank range from Matt’s shivering body. “Now!!!”

“I’m sorry, Miss Janet!”

Combining the relatively cold air of the sadistic monster’s bedroom with the gusts of hot, angry air projecting from her lungs, the ass sweat clinging to Matt’s skin had almost fully evaporated, which made it all the more humiliating and demeaning when Janet pooled a large quantity of saliva to the front of her mouth and spat right in Matt’s face. That’s where she seemed to aim anyway, but due to the quantity of saliva and the diminutive stature of Matt, his entire body was blasted, now coated in a thick layer of her viscous spit.

“Say it again, you little shit!” Janet bellowed. Veins larger than his thigh bulged from her portly neck.

“I’m so sorry, Miss Janet!” Matt wailed. His vision was clouding over with bitter, acidic tears, but it was impossible to tell if it was due to fear, humiliation, or the speckles of food present in Janet’s saliva that were now burning his eyes.

Janet had effectively glazed Matt like a donut and still he was too terrified to even move a muscle as her gaze melted his confidence and cracked his self-respect.  Here he was, staring eye to eye with a woman who had not only confined him to her fat, cellulite-ridden, sweaty ass for four hours but now she’d literally just spit all over him…and he was the one apologizing to her?  What planet was this??? Kelli would have NEVER done something like this!

Matt continued to shake like a leaf, traumatized and stunned, chanting with unwavering intensity his sincerest, most frantic apologies even after her expression began to soften. “Ugh…bad start, I guess.” Janet sighed. “But in my defense, I have absolutely no tolerance for sass.  There’s a lot you’re gonna have to learn about me, little guy…and I hate sass almost as much as I hate being interrupted.” She paused, letting the silence fill the room; one could say the silence belonged to both of them but they would be wrong.  It belonged to Janet.

Everything did.

It was yet another tool she used to dominate and intimidate him. Janet raised an eyebrow, “We’ll call that Rule #4: No being a Mr. SassyPants.  So now you know, alright? No excuses.

Was THAT you letting me off with an excuse, you dreadful fucking cow?! You’d never even TOLD me Rule #4!

“Yes, Miss Janet.” Matt uttered quietly, wiping Janet’s thick, bubbly saliva from his eyes with one arm she ‘so graciously’ permitted free from her chubby-fingered grasp.  If he had a tissue to blow his nose into, it would also have filled up with Janet’s saliva.  The thick, food-speckled, smelly spit was in his sinuses, in his hair.  It was in the back of his throat and under his tongue. It was everywhere. And despite her half-hearted apology, if you could even call it that, she wasn’t offering anything to help him clean himself off. He remained caked in her saliva and his shame.

“Okay…where were we before you got me so mad?” Janet sat in silence, pondering.  Matt hoped she would never remember.  Maybe then the two of them would remain there in silence and static until the end of time.  He’d have taken that over Janet’s ass any day of the week.  He’d have taken Kelli’s ass over Janet’s 100 times out of 100.  As her eyes lit up, Matt realized no such luck existed.

“Ah!  That’s right.  Punishment.”

Janet swung a huge, thick left leg up and crossed it over her equally chubby right knee.  Her fingers snuck into the stretchy cotton mouth of her damp white socks.  They were mostly white, anyway…but there were some interesting hues of lightish brown and gray decorating the bottoms, particularly represented in toe prints, most of which were nearly as large as Matt’s entire body.  The part of the sock that poked out of her sneakers had taken on the unmistakable green hue of freshly cut grass.

“So here’s what’s going to happen.” Janet started, her speech excessively slow as if she were speaking to an unruly child.  “Like I said, you were gonna get a break while I go out and do yard work, but you’re going to go in time-out for violating Rule #1.  I think you might have set a record  That’s impressive, but for all the wrong reasons.” Janet shook her head in disappointment and bit her lip in concentration as she scribbled in her notebook. “So let’s see….10 minutes for each violation comes out to…”

Matt watched silently on the edge of his seat as the towering goddess flipped the notebook over for Matt to see.

His heart sank at what he observed on the page.

Four ticks and a diagonal line through.  That indicated five violations.

And there were three of those in total.

Fifteen violations.

And an infuriatingly cute smiley face drawn underneath the fifteen tick marks.

“Unfortunately for you, that translates to 150 minutes of time-out…which is a major shame.  That’s probably just about how long it’ll take me to finish my yard work…so much for a break, right?”

Matt’s eyes were beginning to run again.  This overweight, unattractive woman was a bully, plain and simple, and Matt was the most vulnerable of targets for her ridicule and condescension.  There was nothing he could do about it.

He thought back to the time when one of Kelli’s friends tried to take him out of his cage.  It was so terrifying! But Kelli swooped in like a superhero and stopped her friend, chastising her for trying to take things that didn’t belong to her.  Thinking back to it now, it was an incredibly kind thing for Kelli to do but in the moment, Matt only screamed at her for suggesting he was a possession.  He stared longingly at Janet’s door.

Every second that passed was another prayer unanswered–a prayer that Kelli would break down that door and say, “What’s going on in here?  What are you doing with my Matthew?”  She’d set one hand on her wide hip and extend the other out toward Janet and say “Give him here.”  And then she’d probably put him back in her ass..but he’d have burrowed in himself if it meant he could get away from Janet.

The door remained closed though…Kelli wasn’t here.  It was just Janet and Matt.

“It’s perfectly fair though,” Janet continued. “I told you how important these rules are to me…and that means they’re important to you, right?”

“Yes, Miss Janet.”

Matt’s eyes danced frantically between the disgusting, well-worn sock in Janet’s grubby hand and her unwavering, unsmiling gaze.  This sadistic woman was dead serious.

“But!” Janet said, putting a finger up to emphasize the coming point.  “I’m gonna be generous and let you pick where you spend your punishment.  Isn’t that nice of me?”

Matt stared up in a daze until Janet grabbed her pencil and added another tick mark.  He then blurted out “Yes, Miss Janet.”

He hoped that she might erase the tally mark but instead she darkened the 16th line in her notebook. “And that’s where this comes into play. You can spend it here in this sock.” Janet modeled the sock as if she were Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune proudly showing a vacation resort.

“....or…” Janet reached into her dirty clothes hamper and pulled out a pair of plain gray underwear.  Matt didn’t know a lot about women’s underwear, but he suspected they were full coverage ‘granny panties’.  The only girls’ panties he’d seen, sad to say, were Kelli’s and the pair in Janet’s hand was much larger than anything Kelli would have needed to wear.

“...you can stay in my panties.  Balled up of course so you don’t fall out.  So which is it gonna be?” Janet asked Matt.  “My sock or my panties?”

How could he make this decision?  How could he consciously tell this horrible, gross woman that he would prefer her filthy feet or her rancid ass?  This was an impossible choice.

“I pick…neither,” Matt said cautiously.  “I’m sorry, Miss Janet.  But….I..I don’t even know how to pick….this is…I’m sorry but this…it’s just…this is wrong…Miss Janet.”

Janet smiled, ignoring a majority of Matt’s statement and appealing to reason.  “So your choice is neither, then?”

Matt was taken aback.  Was neither really an acceptable choice?  He was afraid he was going to get spit on again!

“Yeah!  I mean…yes, Miss Janet.  I pick neither.”

“Okey-dokey!” Janet said with chipper acceptance as she stood back up and peeled her soaking wet yoga pants down.

“Miss Janet, what are you doing?” Matt winced and whined as he could literally feel the clouds of hot air escaping the confines of Janet’s tight sweaty garments.

“You’re spending your time-out in my ass, of course.”

“What?!  I’m going back in your ass?”

Janet paused for a second, patiently waiting and it wasn’t until she added another long tick mark in her notebook that Matt realized he had just earned himself yet another ten minutes of punishment.

“Absolutely, you are.” Janet said, acting as if he’d just asked an incredibly stupid question.  “You said no to the sock.  You said no to my panties.  Where else would you go?”

“No!  Not your ass!  I didn’t pick your ass!  Miss Janet, please!”

“Umm..you don’t have to pick my ass.  My ass picked you…and it always will.” Janet’s smile was perverted and horrific. “You two are meant to be together.  Sometimes there’ll be situations where you can go other places, like the choices I just gave you, but in the absence of any alternatives, your default location is my ass.  It’s your home.  I don’t get why you don’t understand that by now.”

“Miss Janet, wait!  For the love of god, please wait!”

“What is it?” Janet hissed impatiently.

“I’m…so hungry, Miss Janet.”

Janet looked at Matt in disbelief.  “Are you serious?  I fed you like 2 hours ago. Could you not find it or something?”

Matt’s heart dropped.  There’s no way that she was actually expecting him to eat that sweat-logged mushy clump of potato pulp, was she?

“Miss Janet, I did see you..” Matt twitched in revulsion, trying to get through the sentence.  “...I did see you put something in there for me.  But..it was..well…it was really sweaty in there.”

“Yeah, so?” Janet asked, looking at her watch. “I told you, I was cleaning.”

“I mean..the sweat was everywhere and it…I mean–”

“--get to the point, little thing!” Janet interrupted.

Matt took a deep breath, trying to center himself.  Why in god’s name was she allowed to interrupt him but not the other way around?  A question for another time, as he’d surely not get a fair answer today.

“..Miss Janet, my point is that the potato chip or whatever it was…it was completely soaked in your sweat.  It wasn’t edible.”

“Of course it was edible.  My last subject had no problems with it…for the most part.  You just chose not to eat it.”  Matt flinched as a chubby, accusatory digit prodded at his chest.  He was flabbergasted.

“There are some pretty big changes coming tomorrow, little guy.  Once again, I thought I’d do something nice for you but once again, it looks like you’ve chosen against it.  You want to do all this on ‘hard-mode’?  Not sure if that’s smart but I guess it’s brave–I’ll give you that.  I think you’ll regret it but whatever.”

“Can I please just have something to eat, Miss Janet?  Please?  I’m so hungry.”

“If you can find the piece of potato chip, feel free.  Otherwise, I’ll feed you tomorrow, little guy.  Like I said..big changes are coming and we’ll be starting a new routine. Well…new for you…second time for me.  Honestly, it's probably best that you don’t eat today because when it’s time, it’ll probably make things easier if you’re really hungry.”

With one hand, Janet shimmied her yoga pants down, exposing her porcelain-pale, cellulite-laden fat ass in all its horrifying and nauseating glory. And then she pried the dense left cheek away from its sister, preparing to insert Matt right back to where he’d just spent four hours.

“Miss Janet! Please, wait!” Matt’s tone was uncharacteristically timid. He knew that he was in a seriously terrible situation and he would do anything to get out of it.

“What is it, little thing?” Janet asked, her tone oozing with exasperation and a lack of patience.

“I want to change my answer…to…your sock, please.  Miss Janet.” Matt added her name on at the end just in case…and then his heart sank at her response.

“That ship has sailed, my dear.  I made the offer and you rejected it.”

“But it was a mistake, Miss Janet!  I want it now! Please!” Matt cried, beginning to hyperventilate at the thought of swallowed back up between those globular, sweaty glutes.

“Oh…well, look at you!  Telling Miss Janet how much you wanna go in her stinky sock!  It’s kinda cute, actually! But you know what? It feels more like you’re telling me…and I don’t think I have to point out how ridiculous it is for you to tell me to do anything.  I think you can do a better job of asking me, don’t you think?”

Matt was burning red with embarrassment and shame, but Janet wasn’t even close to done.  She was going to make her point, and Matt was going to let her do it because..what other choice did he have?  He wasn’t going back in that ass. He’d do anything to avoid it, even beg this monster of a woman to put him in her disgusting footwear.  But that didn’t mean he had to be excited about it.

“Please, Miss Janet.  Can I go in your sock?” Matt grumbled.

“You know..normally, I think I would let you....” Janet said, batting her eyelashes in a way that was meant to be cute but made Matt cringe and want to hurl. “...but it doesn’t really seem like you want to.” He resisted the urge and pressed on, swallowing down another mouthful of pride.

“I really do, Miss Janet.  I want to go in your sock. Please let me.” Matt said, aware of how unconvincing he sounded but he just couldn’t bring himself to surrender what he was sure was his last ounce of pride.

“Okay then.” Janet said with a hauntingly chipper tone, dropping the sock. Initially, Matt was revulsed to imagine that he’d finally reached the end of Janet’s raunchy torment, but once again he was put in a position where he lamented the loss of a disgusting opportunity in lieu of an even worse punishment.

“No...no! Miss Janet, pleeeeeease!” Matt whined pathetically as Janet brought his tiny body around her expansive waist once more, the landscape of pale blemishes, cellulite, and stretchmarks zooming like bushes and trees in the eye of a low-flying pilot. He stared down longingly at the crumpled sock on the floor, dingy with dirt and beaten down by hundreds of steps from the heavyset woman. Oh, how he envied it!

“You weren’t convincing enough, little thing.” Janet said matter-of-factly.

“I’m sorry! I want to go in your sock instead! Please, I want to so bad, I’ll do anything to go in there. I love it, I want to kiss it, clean it, I’ll do ANYTHING to go in your sock!”

“Haha, well that’s A LOT more like it!” Janet laughed.  “But I gave you your chance, little thing. And you blew it. I’m detecting a pattern here…and I really hope that you are, too. It’s important for us to learn from our mistakes, right?” Janet asked, sounding like a teacher lecturing a student.  “Something else you need to learn about me: when I close a door, it’s closed.  Don’t try opening it again because you’re just going to waste your time.  You’re not getting another meal until tomorrow.  You’re not spending the next 2 hours and 50 minutes anywhere other than my ass.  This is where we are.”  Janet motioned toward her epic, wide ass…still spread open and waiting to accept a blubbering, inconsolable Matt.  “And this is where you are going.”

Matt sobbed as Janet moved him closer.  He could see clear as day the stark difference in complexion of her hefty cheeks compared against the clammy, sweaty flesh that barely ever saw the light of day. It was so much darker than the much more commonly visible skin of her glutes and there was still a noticeable shine.

“Please, Miss Janet!  Please!” Matt begged incessantly, all the way up to the point where Janet’s fingers brought him as deep into her crack as they could go. “Stop being such a crybaby. We’re gonna try this break thing again later on...as long as you’re good!”

Janet released the iron-grip hold she’d had on her rotund buttocks and it eagerly rushed in toward its equally fat and sweat-sheened twin to gobble up its prize. That familiar and unique pressure was starting up all over again.  It made his time spent in Kelli’s crack seem like a vacation resort.   Matt struggled to block out as much of the torture as he could but it was invading all of his senses. Her ever-present fingers only relented their stern, possessive grip on him once she was certain that the sweaty, darkened walls of cheek meat had a sufficient hold–the custody of a prisoner seamlessly transferred from one entity to another.

When Matt was first birthed from Janet’s bulbous, round ass the first time, he had made a promise to himself that he’d never go back.  How unfortunate and defeating it was for him to break that promise to himself no more than a few minutes later.  Janet’s sweat and spit had not even fully evaporated before he found himself rocketing back between those dense, sweaty bare cheeks again, finding his home buried at the absolute depth of their dark and smelly cleavage.

If being wedged in a fat girl’s ass crack wasn’t bad enough the first time, it was a million times worse this time around. Now, Janet was actually outside.  And not only was her fat ass baking in the sun like a set of jumbo buns, but she was actually doing some strenuous yard work.  Plenty of squatting and standing that caused her fleshy cheeks to part enough to let in a breeze of fresh air, immediately filtered by the putrid, soaking wet lycra of her yoga pants.  At one point she was sitting down on the curb, her doughy buns compressing into rock solid boulders that squeezed the life and soul out of his sweat-logged body.  His hunger was reaching new heights but the constant bombardment of jiggly flesh compacted into concrete assaulting his face and the steady increase of perspiration between Janet’s glutes was having a strange effect on Matt.  The greedy, bulky pale flesh was stealing him.  Stealing his senses.  Stealing his strength.  Stealing his soul.  And he was giving it up willingly.

It felt so good to lose his senses.  To let the constant, unrelenting extreme pressure fade into a dull hug.  To feel the sweat soaking into his pores dilute over to a gentle dampness. To let the briny taste on his tongue water itself down, if only due to an overload of salt on his palette that temporarily removed his ability to sense it.  Somehow it was so terrible that time seemed to move even faster.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Okay…” Janet said, holding up her dingy white sock and a wrinkly pair of full coverage panties.  “Which do you want while I get a shower?”

“The sock! The sock!” Matt shouted with an enthusiasm that made Janet snicker.  He was practically trying to wriggle his little naked body out of Janet’s sweat-soaked fingers to get to the disgusting, dirty sock.“Okay, that was so friggin’ cute, I’m not even going to punish you for not addressing me as Miss Janet.”

Janet then dropped her dingy white sock on the floor, which caused Matt to nearly have a panic attack.

“Instead, though…I think I’m gonna keep you in these.”

Janet pulled out a pair of thin, black transparent stockings. “I mean..these are WAY stinkier…but at least they’re transparent and you can look around for a bit, right?  Lord knows you won’t be able to see much being in my butt, right?”

“Right, Miss Janet.”

How am I really excited about this?  How am I looking forward to going in that stinky fucking nylon?”

“Okay, in you go!”

Janet cackled as Matt bounced down into the toe section.  He swore he was assaulted by the warm, vinegary aroma before he even crossed into the mesh material, and now that he was bouncing down into the gritty toe section, he could feel the accrued, dried sweat clinging to his feet, legs, ass, and back as he finally settled into the dirty toe section.  The smooth material was so soft and glide-ey up toward the top part that would hug her chubby thighs..but the section that wrapped around her feet was noticeably rough and worn from the pummeling of her hefty weight. He watched in misery as Janet knotted the top of the stockings hundreds of miles over his head and gently laid the new knot atop the doorknob of her closet, hanging him there to face her bathroom.

Matt had been trapped in the musty, earthy mesh prison of Janet’s stockings with nowhere else to go, five minutes or so into his 30 minute sentence when all of the sudden Janet’s bedroom door practically burst off its hinges.

Janet was completely nude, sprinting toward Matt.  His jaw hit the floor, in sincere awe and abject disgust to see just how much flesh there was on Janet’s body to jiggle so freely.  Her breasts swayed with an intimidating presence, as too did her belly, her waist, and her thighs.  She was running so fast, completely naked and barefoot…and she was running right towards Matt!

“I’m sorry, Miss Janet! I’m sorry!” Matt squeaked, cowering and hiding best he could in the toe section..

“Sorry..I just…” Janet started, one eye pinched shut in focus as she quickly unknotted the stocking.  What was wrong with her?  She appeared so confused…uncomfortable..and yet so frantic.  Janet let out a light whimper and lurched forward, her fleshy stomach tightening.  She roughly scooped Matt out of the stockings and before he could really even respond, she was shoving him into her bare ass.

Just like before, he glided with little effort between her jiggly buns.  It was immediately clear that she had not yet showered…but one thing that wasn’t clear to Matt: why was she rushing so quickly to get him back in her ass so quickly after having just promised him that he could have a break!  She was forcing him way deep into her crack, deeper than she had the last two times. So deep that he couldn’t go any deeper. He felt slippery, oily skin contracting and expanding.  A fleshy, slick ring widening.  And then…


There’s no way…there’s no way she really just did that..

“Ahhhhh…” Janet sighed, relaxing her core and her tightened butt cheeks.  Matt felt like he’d just been blasted in the face with a fireball.  Much like before when he’d been speckled with food from Janet’s spit, he was speckled again only this time, Matt felt like he could die of embarrassment and shame.

“Wow, that was a close one!” Janet cackled from the outside world, patting her big, spherical butt cheeks.  “You almost missed it!”

Matt was crying, reviled and utterly emasculated, unable to accept that he’d not only just been farted on by Janet, but that she must have felt it coming on and instead of just doing it in the privacy of her bathroom, she felt it necessary to run out and stuff Matt back into her crack and force him to experience it.

Kelli would have NEVER done that to him…at least not on purpose.  He could count on one hand how many times she’d done it by accident and despite the fact that he’d yelled at her until he cried, it truly wasn’t anywhere near as bad as this bomb that Janet just detonated in his face…on purpose!  What did Matt do to deserve all this?

“You know, I can feel a few others coming.  I knew I shouldn’t have eaten that chili before I started cleaning.” Janet giggled, patting her stomach and her big glutes.

“No one deserves this.  No one.” Matt thought, trying to retreat from the furious, pulsating asshole that had just spewed poisonous gas all over his body, inside and out.  It was pulsing quicker this time, and the iron-clad cheeks held her firmly where he was.  Matt was reminded of the older mob-type movies he’d seen where two mobsters held a guy by the arms and the third mobster punched him in the stomach.

That’s what was happening to him now.  Janet’s fat ass cheeks were holding him still, and the third mobster was now spewing off some more hot words for him, bringing him to broken tears.

“There’s plenty more where that came from.” Janet’s voice could be heard through the regular blasts of gas coating the front of his exposed body.  He kept waiting for Janet to remove him from her crack so she could get her damn shower, but the time never came.  His heart sank as he heard the labored bedsprings groaning in uncertain protest beneath her significant weight.  She was getting into bed!

“Please, Miss Janet!  You haven’t even showered yet!”

The sweat was somehow beginning to dry in Janet’s ass crack, but it did nothing to diminish the gritty, dirty feeling…and least of all the all-encompassing smell.

“You promised, Miss Janet..you promised a break.” Matt whimpered as she settled into her bed.  She must have changed her mind about the shower and didn’t feel the need to tell little Matt. It would have been great if she at least told him.  It would have been fantastic if she kept her word and gave him his well-deserved break from her bottom.  But the heartless bitch was already snoring…rolling over onto her back.

It was going to be a long night buried in her booty.  He’d already spent over 8 hours inside of it, and now he was clearly in for at least another 8.  As Janet sleepily let out another loud, LONG fart, Matt cried in despair, unable to do anything but accept the full brunt of Janet’s gas attack. He couldn’t believe how much had changed.  Just a week ago he was in Kelli’s cage watching TV and eating his snacks. Or was it a month ago?  How long had he even been with Janet?

Oh, that’s right.  Just one day.

He slept not a wink, spending every second of confinement in Janet’s fat, quaking ass praying that he could go back to Kelli’s ass.




Ragaey Mahmoud

Wow great chapter Janet is awesome


This is so amazing, love the foreshadowing of what his diet is soon to be.. ;) Hope a new chapter for this comes out soon! Obsessed