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*EDIT - Intended to make this one available to all tiers but forgot!  

Uncensored Version on Discord and DeviantArt

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"So I just lay down right here?" Andrea asked, gesturing toward the bed.  "Yes, on your stomach if you don't mind."  You banged on the glass, screaming for this unaware, towering goddess to notice you but you were just way too small.  "So does it matter...like...which cheek?"  Andrea's huge bare bottom jiggled as she got comfy in the prone position on the bed.  "No, not at all.  Remember, it's an experimental, all-natural permanent anti-histamine that will diffuse through your adipose tissue.  As long as it's injected into a glute, it doesn't matter which one."

Dr. Katie R. Walker, the busty brunette doctor who conned you into signing the contract and made you microscopic, just lied out of her perfectly straight teeth to Andrea. The devilish doctor was fully aware that you were there in the room with the two of them, vulnerable and helpless in the very syringe that Dr. Walker was clutching.

You felt ready to faint as Dr. Walker swiftly approached Andrea's huge ass, swabbing a tiny square of the peachy curvature with a sanitizing wipe.  You pleaded with the sadistic doctor, you bartered with uncaring gods, and you cursed yourself for paying more attention to Dr. Walker's low-cut shirt and epic cleavage than the contract you signed.  The syringe rattled as the tip penetrated the pillowy cheek and the blonde whimpered lightly as Dr. Walker's thumb hooked around to press down on the plunger, sending you straight into  Andrea's bulbous bare butt cheek. You cried as the tiny pinprick of light from the injection point got further and further away as Dr. Walker's needle forced you and the surrounding fluid deeper into Andrea's dense, warm cheek flesh, finally ejecting you into the tight latice-structure of fat cells that would be your new home. You sobbed as you watched the glistening syringe tip retreat into the heavens and the tiny pinprick of light was already beginning to close.

"How long until I'm able to eat carrots again?" Andrea asked, rubbing the sore injection site with two fingers. She had no idea that you were there, buried in a planet's worth of muscle and fat. "If you do see results, it won't be until summer.  I'll have the receptionist schedule you for a followup appointment in 6 months. Until then, just make sure to remain active and keep your glutes in continuous motion for the next 24 to 48 hours."



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