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The Grass is Always Greener

Part 4 - Hello, Miss Janet

[February 11th, 2010]

The sudden, forceful lift caused the massive world around Matt to spin like a runaway carousel ride as he blasted off from the RR Labs shipment box up toward the face of the woman who had just opened it.  He soared through the air so quickly that he felt as if his stomach was shooting down through his pelvis to split into each of his legs and collect at his feet. Human beings weren’t meant to travel so fast…but then again humans also weren’t meant to be squeezed by massive chubby fingers that smelled like sausage.

“Hey you’re not deaf right?” Janet asked.

Janet Greene’s broad, unattractive face filled Matt’s horizon.  Her dark brown hair hung in messy strands around her chubby face, creating a tangled chestnut curtain that begged to be brushed.  In the wild disarray, knots and flyaways were prominent and plentiful as the open pores on her short, stubby nose and puffy cheeks.

He thought back to the first time he’d laid eyes on Kelli.  He felt overwhelmed then as well, but in a very different way…up until he was so intimately introduced to her ass of course…that part sucked.  But before that, she was dreamy. Sexy.  Attractive.  Fit.  Toned.

Janet was the opposite of all those things.

Matt was forced to recognize the unkempt state of Janet’s overall appearance. If her face was intimidating and unappealing, her body was overwhelming! If he were limited to just a single word to describe Janet’s body, the word would be ‘excess’. The exaggerated curves of her large, thick body–overweight frame, absurdly wide hips, unsightly and exposed love handles, and deep, prominent cleavage–all fought for Matt’s attention similar to how a car crash might be impossible to look away from. She wore skin-tight gray leggings and an athletic tank top that honestly looked like it was the one getting more of a workout containing her curvaceous figure.

“Hey! Do you hear me talking to you?” Janet said, shaking Matt as if he were a toy not performing to its expected standards. “Eyes up here.”

He struggled to focus his gaze on the behemoth of a woman speaking to him but the rapid movement from his box to her face made him dizzy.  His lips, cracked and weathered from dehydration like ancient parchments, parted with a hesitant quiver as he attempted speech. Being out in the fresh air of this woman’s living room seemed to exacerbate the dryness of his lips and tongue.

“No…no, I’m not deaf.” Matt cleared his throat and it sounded like autumn leaves crunching under a boot. “Listen, lady. There’s been some sort of mixup.  I’m on my way out of this experiment…not in. I’m supposed to be going home.”

Janet laughed. “Oh, don’t worry.  Dr. Walker told me a little bit about all that; you’ll be going home soon enough. But I figured we should get acquainted first.  I’d like to learn a little more about you.”

“Can you put me down first?  I don’t like being held like–”

“--I heard that you had some problems with your last Participant.  Is that right?”

Janet had barely finished her interrupting question before splitting her attention between Matt and the purple cardboard box that was used for Matt’s transport.  She leafed through one of several pamphlets and booklets before setting the whole stack down next to her forest-green notebook.

“Ummmm, Kelli?” In his delirium, Matt had sincerely forgotten the name of his torturess. “Yeah, she was terrible.  Worst experience of–”

“--you know that works out really well because I had problems with my last subject!” Janet interrupted Matt, excitement in her eyes and a huge grin on her lips. The last items she removed from the cardboard box was a ziplock bag filled with some kind of maroon fabric and a pill bottle that looked like aspirin or ibuprofen.  She pressed down hard on the pill bottle’s cap and twisted, popping a pill from the opened bottle into her hand with little hesitation. “I tell ya, that Dr. Walker is a really patient woman.  All of them at RR Labs are.  Great bunch of girls.”

Matt forced an obnoxious laugh meant to voice his strong disagreement with Janet and it felt like dry gravel rubbing against his throat.   Janet definitely heard him but she didn’t seem interested in debating Matt over the disagreement. She’d already interrupted him twice and was fully content to just keep blabbing out of her fat face.

“If I’m being completely honest with you, I was sure they were going to throw me out of the rear-housing experiment after what happened…by accident, of course!  It was all just an accident. But anyway, here we are.  Here you are.  It looks like we’re both getting a second chance.”  Janet placed the pill atop her tongue and took a long swig from her water bottle.  Matt watched in awe as her wide throat danced, accepting mouthful after mouthful of delicious, fresh water down into her large stomach.  He felt like he was roasting in her warm fingers, struggling to gain any modicum of freedom that she would allow but even as her attention appeared fully focused on guzzling her water, she still had the sense to firmly squeeze Matt, dissuading his struggles.

“Can I have some?  Please?” Matt asked a few times, getting louder and louder as Janet continued to guzzle.  His pleading got more frantic as more and more of the freshwater disappeared before his eyes until finally he shouted Janet’s name.

“What?” Janet snapped, her tone harsh and abrupt.

“Can I please have some of that?”

Janet twisted the bottle upside down and nothing came out. Matt whimpered as she crunched the plastic in her hands and tossed the bottle out of view.  Her apology was half-hearted at best and Matt was about ready to scream at her when she suddenly swiped at her chin.  A lone droplet of water that hadn’t quite made it past her lips was now clinging to her fingertip.

“Here ya go. That should be more than enough.”

Matt did his best to conceal his disapproval and disappointment as Janet’s chubby finger extended toward him.  He was too thirsty to be prideful.  He slurped as much of the droplet from Janet’s fingertip as he could, which wasn’t nearly enough before the woman pulled her digit away and wiped it off on her pants, leaving Matt with a lingering sense of unfulfilled need.

“What do you say?” Janet’s eyes narrowed on Matt, her gaze a challenge that demanded compliance.

‘Go to hell?’ Matt answered to himself.  He had enough water in him to speak now without feeling like his vocal chords were tearing but it was as if his senses were only heightened enough to fully feel the pain of his dehydration and hunger.

“Thank you.” Matt grumbled.

“Now, where were we?” Janet said, looking visibly annoyed as she capped the bottle of pills, one less now in the container.  “Oh!  The experiment.  Our second chances.”

“Okay well, that’s good for you I guess but I definitely DO NOT want another chance.  I want out of this godforsaken experiment.” Rebellion and defiance were exhausting, but he had to muster up the strength to put his foot down.

“Yeah, but you signed the contract though, right?” Janet asked.

“I had no idea what I was signing!” Matt exploded. “It’s not legal to make someone sign something that they don’t understand, is it?”

“First off, calm down; no need to shout…I mean, obviously you need to shout for me to hear you..but not any louder than necessary,” Janet chuckled. “Secondly, I strongly doubt anyone made you sign the contract. I’m guessing you probably just didn’t read it fully.”

Matt’s jaw dropped at her skepticism and flagrant disregard for his predicament.  How on earth could this disgusting creature be okay with Matt entering into an experiment where he literally gets wedged between butt cheeks…and be so grossly uninformed?  Even though she was actually right about him not reading the full contract, so what? In his defense, Dr. Walker was not wearing her normal button-up lab coat on the day of the contract review and signing.

As Matt thought back to the hypnotic display of the smoking hot woman’s decolletage and mesmerizingly deep cleavage, no warm-blooded human being, man or woman, straight or gay, could avoid ogling those tits.  It was then that he realized for the first time that the doctor’s choice of attire probably was not an accident.

“So anyway…you’re here now.  So here are some rules of the house.  I already told you Rule #1 but I’m gonna give you one more chance to properly digest it since I know this is probably overwhelming for you: When addressing me by name, you will always, always, ALWAYS address me as Miss Janet. You’ve already messed up a few times but since I’m so nice, I’m going to let those slide. Now, do you understand Rule #1?”

Matt didn’t want to acknowledge it, but her continued gaze forced a reluctant nod out of the tiny naked man. Janet raised an eyebrow and her left eye twitched.  Matt grumbled, “Yes, Miss Janet.”

“Good.  Moving on to Rule #2.  Formalities.  ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ can go a long way, but they won’t go anywhere with me unless there’s a ‘Miss Janet’ after every one of them!” Janet snickered at her own joke, snorting a bit.

Matt began scanning wildly, looking for a way out of this, but even the act of assessing the scene was burning calories that Matt simply didn’t have. He had enough sense, however, to understand that things were not looking good. He couldn’t bring himself to believe that he’d leaped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

“If you break Rules #1 and #2, you’ll of course be punished, but Rule #3 is probably the most important rule for you to remember not to break since not only will you be punished, but breaking it could legit affect your safety.”

Matt sensed the weight of the moment and feared the shift in tone of his captor.  Janet was reaching for the small notebook next to all the RR Labs literature and items.  She opened the notebook to a fresh new page.

Are you paying attention?” Janet asked as if speaking to a child. “Eyes up here.”

Matt looked up from the notebook, where Janet was adding a single, long vertical line in the dead center of the page.

“Like I was saying, Rule #3: Don’t ever interrupt me.  Ever.” Janet warned. “I come from a house with 3 older brothers and 2 older sisters where everyone had to fight to be heard.  I fought that battle long enough as the baby of the family; I will NOT be having that fight again, least of all with something as small as you. I’m usually a pretty level-headed, rational, and fair girl…even when it comes to discipline…but if you interrupt me, I guarantee that you’re not going to like what you see.  Do you understand?”

“I understand, but I’m just trying to–”

“--There are a few more rules but honestly I’m having a hard time remembering them!  Don’t worry, you’re inevitably going to break them as we go and when you do, that’ll trigger my memory.”

“As we go?  Where are we….going, Miss Janet?”

“Well, you don’t need to worry about where I’m going.” Janet replied matter-of-factly. “But you’re going in my ass.”

“Oh god, no!  I can’t! Listen..please…hear me out.”

Janet remained quiet and began writing in her notebook again. He couldn’t believe that she was actually giving him enough silence to at least attempt to talk his way out of this. Matt took a few deep breaths and tried to center his thoughts as Janet wrote.

“I don’t know what they’re paying you but I promise…I will literally do anything if you let me go.  I’ll take out a loan for as much as they’ll approve me and I will give every cent to you.  I don’t care. You just–”

“--Okay, are you done?” Janet sighed.  Matt looked closer at the page of Janet’s notebook.  The page was mostly blank except for 3 dark, vertical lines and a sunflower that Janet was currently drawing.

She was doodling in her notebook!  Like a petulant child who couldn’t be bothered to focus on her studies, she was just waiting for the moment when Matt finished talking, and when she lost patience, she had no problem interrupting him!  For someone that cared so much about respect, she sure didn’t offer any back.

“I just…I can’t do this.” Matt said.  “Not again.”

Matt watched as Janet slowly added another dark vertical line next to the existing three.  “Yes you can.  And yes you will. I’m told you handled your last Participant’s ass just fine.”

“Barely!” Matt replied quickly and passionately.  “And her ass wasn’t nearly as enorm…”

Janet leaned in close, “Go ahead…finish that sentence.”  She said it in such an innocuous, innocent tone…but he knew how much fire was hiding behind the request.

“Just…please..I’ve been through enough. I seriously can’t go thro–”

“--Do you always complain this much?  Look how big and soft this thing is!” Janet turned away from Matt and jiggled her enormous buns.  A woman has hefty and unattractive as Janet had no business wearing such tight leggings.  It was almost enough to make Matt vomit.

“It’s gonna do an even better job of keeping you safe and secure than your last Participant.  She was a field hockey player or something, right?”

“Volleyball…” Matt replied with regret and remorse in his voice.  How had he screwed things up so royally?  Should he have just stayed with Kelli? Would that have been better than this?

“Whatever,” Janet said, waving a hand dismissively before tucking her thumbs into the tight waistband. “Either way, I guarantee I’ve got way more cushion. You’re gonna love it in there.”

Matt watched in horror as the tight leggings came down.  Scrunched up indents of the fabric’s tightness were embedded in the full circumference of Janet’s bare belly, an inch or so below her belly button. The tiny man gasped in audible shock and fear as the overweight woman’s juicy glutes exploded out of confinement.

Matt had thought Kelli’s ass was big, but Janet’s was way bigger. He thought Kelli’s ass was disgusting but at least it was well formed and gravity defying.

And smooth…so, so smooth.

“Please, Miss Janet! I can’t go in there!” Matt begged as her pudgy hands brought him on the long, tedious trip around her waistline until he was face to face with Janet’s bare fat ass.  Matt couldn’t believe how much he’d regretted calling Kelli’s ass “fat”.  He hadn’t known what fat was until this moment.

Janet’s ass cheeks hung, succumbing to gravity just as he was expected to succumb to Janet. Her twin moons were each as pale as the actual moon, and like the moon, each cheek was void of smoothness larger than a few square inches.  Most of her obscenely large ass cheeks were covered in rippling pocks of cellulite that did its own special dance independent of the ocean-like movement of her jiggling globes of pale flesh.

“Okay, seriously…who’s going to play you in the movie? Enough with the drama.” Janet said, spreading her enormous butt cheeks, revealing the dark and humid crevice of flesh between them.  “That reminds me, I never actually asked your name.  I know you have this subject number, but what’s your actual name?”

“It’s Matt.” Matt whimpered.

“Hmmm…” Janet released her bulbous right butt cheek and it jiggled forcefully back into resting position.  “That’s not going to work for me.” She reached for her notebook and scribbled something out of Matt’s view.  “One of my first boyfriends was named Matt.  We’re going to have to think of something else to call you.”

‘That’s my name, you disgusting monster.  You can’t just change it.’ Matt thought with vile contempt as Janet set her pencil back down and re-parted her expansive cheeks.  As angry as Matt was, there was no room for detestment in his heart at the moment.  Only revulsion and fear as he stared straight ahead at the anatomical marvel of horror that was Janet’s spread asscrack.

It was so dark.

It was so deep.

It was flanked by two impossibly planets worth of butt flesh.

He could smell it from here…and it was about to get so much worse.

Matt’s screams were of such agony and torment that he felt his consciousness slipping as Janet’s pudgy fingers guided him between her cheeks..and by the time he felt them jiggling back into position around him, the extreme temperature, pressure, and foul odor were all just too much for his little body.  Perhaps he was weak, or maybe it was a defense mechanism, but he lost consciousness just as Janet was packing her hefty buns back into her skin-tight leggings.

Matt cycled through surreal nightmares, but he subconsciously hugged them to his chest, preferring them to the overwhelming cruelty of reality.  Occasionally, he would come back to life, his skin burning as if he were in a sauna cranked up to max temperature.  He couldn’t take a full, deep breath due to the pressure on his chest.  Pressure everywhere, really.  Unlike Kelli’s toned ass, Janet’s fat cheeks had significantly less muscle.

That may not sound like a bad thing, but with less structural framing, the buttcheek flesh operated more like a fluid, rushing to fill whatever space it could.  The volume of space in her crack that he occupied was in high demand, and as small a number as that volume was, her bulbous cheeks greedily fought like hell to occupy as much of that space as it could. When Janet moved, he could periodically find narrow windows of opportunity to adjust his position, or force the ass flesh away from his face long enough to scratch an itch.

However, when she sat…which she’d already done a few times–and so unapologetically at that–Matt’s immobility was so extreme.  Janet’s chubby cheeks took on a consistency of hardened, smelly concrete and the tiny naked man was lucky if he could even move his fingers.

During his time with Kelli, Matt was often confined to her crack when she was stationary–lying in bed, watching TV, relaxing around the house.  He didn’t realize how good he’d had it until now.  With the way Janet’s rotund cheeks were constantly morphing and changing shape and squeezing the life out of him, you’d have thought she was running a marathon!  Everything was muffled…so much more so than in Kelli’s ass and it was most likely due to how much more fluid-like Janet’s butt cheeks were…they were incredibly and disgustingly effective at not only insulating heat and odor, but also sound.

From Matt’s best guess, Janet was cleaning her house. Perhaps it was due to how out of shape Janet was, but the simple task of routine housework was having some disastrously punishing effects on Matt.  Like a frog sitting in a pot of gradually boiling water, Matt sensed the gradually increasing humidity of the environment deep between Janet’s soft but dynamic buns.  The humidity reached a tipping point, resulting in condensation of grotesque perspiration on the increasingly slippery walls of Janet’s glutes.

At one point, Matt heard one of the few sounds he’d come to recognize while with Kelli: the sound of a waistband over his head stretching.  Was Janet going to take him out?!  Excited beyond belief, Matt literally swam in the relatively relaxed sweaty ass flesh, searching frantically for a lifeline.  He felt fingers bump into him but he quickly realized that they weren’t there to rescue him.  They’d brought him something.

It was a tiny fragment of potato chip.  The scent was unmistakable–sour cream and onion–somehow standing out amongst the salty and musky, overpowering aroma of Janet’s sweat and ass funk.  The cheeks that imprisoned him had resealed once Janet’s hand exited the back of her leggings, but before those sweaty glutes snuffed out all the light, Matt could already see the potato chip fragment absorbing all that disgusting ass sweat as if it were a sponge.

On one hand, Matt wanted to devour the tiny sliver of potato.  It had been several days since he’d last eaten and the pain in his stomach was starting to seriously hurt.  But on the other hand…Janet had literally shoved a piece of a potato chip between her butt cheeks.  And she knew how sweaty they were!  How incredibly messed up is that?!

‘She could have taken me out and fed me…’ Matt thought miserably.  Instead, she deliberately ruined Matt’s only food.  His stomach screamed at him, chastised him for prioritizing his pride over the sense of fullness that chip would undoubtedly bestow.  But he just had too much self-respect.  No way he was eating a sweat-soaked potato chip.  It took all the willpower he could muster, but he ‘swam’ away from the soaking, mushy snack.

* * * * * * * * *

Matt felt as if he was drowning in Janet’s sweat. The briney, boiling concoction clung to every square inch of his naked body, seeping through his skin and water-logging his bones. He’d somehow managed to resist fully imbibing any of the piping hot perspiration produced by Janet’s overheated butt cheeks, although he had to shamefully admit to himself that the salty taste had once or twice seeped through his lips and assaulted his taste buds.

His body had absorbed the sparse molecules of water he’d sucked off of Janet’s fingertip long ago and despite Janet’s ass sweat being so putrid and revolting, a perverted, desperate temptation to fill his mouth and swallow it into his belly was rearing its ugly head, whispering louder in his ear. He remembered watching documentaries about men trapped at sea.  One of mother nature’s greatest ironies was stranding a man amongst an ocean of water that was forbidden to drink.

“Water water, everywhere…but not a drop to drink.”

That described his situation perfectly. But it wasn’t potable water.  It wasn’t even ocean water.  It was ass sweat.  Matt was a man, not some parasite who could sustain on perspiration. Imbibing the salty concoction would not only enrage his already furious thirst but it would destroy the little self-esteem he had left.

Just when he thought the perspiration and earthy funk was going to permeate his skull and seep into his brain, Matt felt a gush of cool air and the fleshy concrete boulders on either side of him begrudgingly relent.  He’d grown so used to the strong pressure of Janet’s enormous, cellulite-ridden butt cheeks squeezing him from all sides that to feel the pressure lessen actually imparted in him a sense of insecurity and vulnerability.  Her fingertip grazed his body and with all the strength Matt could muster, he reached out for it.  He pawed at it with the last ounces of his strength, as if he were a victim of the Atlantic Ocean being rescued by a medevac helicopter.





amazing. so glad your continuing this story.

Ragaey Mahmoud

Please dont make us wait to long for the next chapter ❤️