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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 14 - Feed the Girls


Jaime awoke from the fleshquake nightmare alone in his bed. The familiar springs poking painfully into his back–the distant sound of passerbyers on the streets outside.  Could it really be?

Tears were forming in his eyes as he looked around, taking in all the plain, boring, and familiar sights of his plain, boring, and familiar apartment.  It was a tiny, shitty studio but it was HIS tiny, shitty studio! He pulled back his covers and looked down at his body. He wasn’t naked! Or slick with bodily fluids! Or smeared against one of millions of gelatinous fat cells! He was wearing boxers and a dingy, white, form-fitting t-shirt! He wanted to explode up from his bed and hug the stain-ridden walls! He even saw on the ledge of his one filthy window his precious cacti plant, globular and colorful.  He could have kissed it!

Was it all just a dream?  Were those beautiful, big-breasted doctors and the ridiculously-breasted Japanese woman merely succubitic figments of his overactive and perverted imagination?

Immediately, he felt a pain in his stomach.  He’d only just noticed the hunger but the sensation had actually been there all along.  Ravenous, Jaime leaped from the comfort of his bed and dashed to the refrigerator.  Memories were flooding back–the solitary dinner at the Italian restaurant the night before.  He’d brought home leftovers!  In the top rack of his otherwise bare fridge waited for him a half-eaten bowl of spaghetti.  He could see it in his mind! HOwever, before he could unveil the culinary treasure, Jaime’s excitement waned as he stood facing the fridge. Even his ancient hunger was deflating as his heart rate accelerated, entering a fight-or-flight mode.

His eyes scanned the several rose-pink sheets of paper magnetically affixed to the otherwise blank face of his white fridge.  All the sheets were of a distinct style of handwriting that he thought he might have recognized. Every sheet except the last one was poking out of a matching rose-pink envelope. They were properly addressed with paid postage and where the sender information should have been, there was a large purple heart.  The first letter read:

“Mr. Pendergraft,

I’ll be coming by next week to collect the remainder of your past due rent. Please have the entire amount ready.

Thank you,

Ms. Blum”

Jaime’s eyes glazed over and he reflected on his bank account.  It was nearly empty…he had to actually stiff the waitress in order to purchase his dinner last night.  How the heck was he going to pay his landlady when he couldn’t even offer a tip to the nice busty waitress who served him, smiling happily until the moment he stiffed her?

Jaime inspected the envelope.  There was a date printed from when the post office scanned it. It was two weeks ago…

Jaime searched his memory.  Sure, things were a bit hazy…probably from the traumatic tit-injection dream that had rocked his entire world, but surely Jaime would remember not only getting this letter, but also hanging it on his fridge, right?  He searched his recent memory but everything was hazy.  He couldn’t remember...

The next letter had a date stamp from this week.  It read:

“Jaime, I stopped by but you weren’t home…or you didn’t answer the door. It's very important that you pay your rent.  The girls need to be fed, and you know that.  I’ll check back in on you tomorrow.


Jaime gulped.  How old was this letter?  When was ‘tomorrow’?  Hopefully not today!

He proceeded to the remaining letter with an accompanying envelope. It was delivered two days ago.


I knock, knock, knock–and you ignore, ignore, ignore!  It's time to grow up and stop being a baby!  Big boys pay their rent and if you are incapable, then I will start treating you like what you are! You have been living under my roof and leeching off my resources.  You. Owe. Me. Money.   I will be back in two days to collect this month AND the previous months’ rents you owe me. You and my rent money BETTER be there!

Your impatient Landlady”

The letter shook in Jaime’s trembling hands.  He considered putting on some clothes and leaving the apartment right then and there.  The irrational child in him just wanted to get under his covers and pull them over his head…no monsters could get you if you were under your covers, right?

…but what about landladies?

There was just one note left toward the bottom of the fridge.  Evidently containing the same styles of Sophie’s unique handwriting, the letter differed from the others in that it did not have an envelope. Instead of a rose-pink color, the note was hastily written on a bright pink sheet of creased paper.  Jaime pulled it from the fridge. It felt as if it weighed 1,000 pounds as he read the note aloud:

“Little Jaime,

I let myself in and saw you sleeping in your corner on your adorable little twin bed.  Cute boxers, by the way. Judging from the condition of your apartment, I’m guessing you can’t afford to feed yourself, let alone pay your rent (feed the girls).  That’s fine.  I’ve worked out a great solution that will make everyone happy (including the girls).  We could have started right away, but I wanted to let you get a little more rest before we begin.  I’ll be back at noon!

Big Sophie”

Jaime clenched his fingers on the letter as it shook in his hands.  He released one hand and looked at his watch, his heart immediately leaping into his throat.

It was 11:58AM!

Suddenly, all the background noise of his life–the sound of people outside, the gentle hum of his refrigerator, the TV quietly seeping boring daytime television audio…

…all of it just…stopped.

All of it except for one thing.  Jaime heard thunderous footsteps getting closer to his door, and then a key finding position in the lock.

The door swung open dramatically, revealing the formidable figure he’d feared all along.  It was Sophie Blum, his landlady. Jaime gasped to behold her.

Sophie’s eyes, smokey and predatory, bore into him with a feminine intensity that chilled the blood in Jaime’s veins.  Her blood-red lips curled into an amused smirk, radiating a sinister allure.  Dark, wavy locks cascaded down her shoulders and while the thick mane seemed wild and untamed, it was intentionally arranged to showcase the mesmerizing display beneath: the frame of her expansive chest.  The hair in no way obstructed Jaime’s view of her plunging neckline, tantalizingly bare except for a jeweled Star of David hanging perilously over a deep canyon of cleavage. The jewelry looked so small centered over Sophie’s compressed breasts.  Her long fingernailed hands rested intimidatingly on her narrow waist above her wide hips.

Jaime still stood at the fridge, trembling before the approaching Jewish goddess who towered over him.  The loose knobs of his cabinets rattled with each heavy step.  She peered down at Jaime, her chin and mouth obstructed by the protruding breasts but her brilliant brown eyes burned holes through his courage, scanning and calculating as she spoke.

“So where’s the rent, little Jaime?” Sophie asked breathily.  It sounded almost as if she was hoping he’d say he didn’t have it.

Somehow, Jaime found words to speak.  “I…umm..need a little bit more time to get it–I mean–get the rest of it to..together…just a little bit more time until–”

Sophie placed a finger over his lips and he immediately stopped talking.

“Shhh…it's okay Jaime.”

Her finger drifted from his closed mouth to his chin, tickling the underside as if he were a small pet.  Her scent was alluring and it clouded his ability to think clearly.  To think about the danger he was in.

“I’m getting to know you, little Jaime…the deeper I go.  I know you’re just not cut out for all this responsibility.  You lived under your rich daddy’s umbrella for so long…and then somehow found a way to trash your entire inheritance!”

Jaime almost found the confidence to speak up and correct her. She was wrong!  Everyone was wrong!  They didn’t know the details.  They didn’t know what Wendy did.

“And now a big scary Jewish lady is here telling you to pay her or get out.  She’s telling you to feed the girls…” Sophie’s big, beautiful eyes drifted from Jaime to the stain-ridden walls.  They were completely bare except for a framed dollar bill.  Without leaving Jaime’s personal space, Sophie removed the frame from the wall.

“Ms. Blum…please…that–”

“What?” Sophie asked in a long, drawn out voice, delicately removing the dollar bill from the frame.

“That was the first dollar made from my father’s business.  That's all I have left of him…” Jaime pleaded.

Sophie smiled, with one hand she parted her huge, dense breasts and plunged the lone dollar bill deep into her cleavage.  When the landlady released her hold, the huge tits bounced back into position, greedily sealing tightly together.  The dollar bill was gone, completely swallowed.

The last tangible memory of his father effortlessly consumed by those mesmerizing tits…and it wasn’t even close to satisfying them. It wasn’t even close to enough.

“The girls are still so very hungry, little Jaime.”

Jaime’s eyes were welling up.

“I….don’t have anymore, right now.   But I can–” Jaime was interrupted once again by Sophie. And just like any other time that a woman started speaking over him, he instantly quieted down.

Don’t worry sweetheart…I know you’ve got so little left to give.  Lucky for you, there is another option.  Here’s what's going to happen:”

Her hands had somehow found position at his sides, and she seemed even taller and more imposing.  Her long fingernails dug through the cheap, thin material of his loose-fitting t-shirt.

She spoke like a disappointed mother, realizing and accepting the ineptitude of the trembling boy under her gaze. “I’m going to hire someone to come clean up this mess you made here…make it presentable for my sweet niece who is looking for a place to live. She’s just starting college…ya know…doing something with her life.”

Her hands felt bigger, and her long nails tickled his skin under his huge shirt as her fingers danced their way up to his shoulders. He could barely see her face anymore, just the heaving motion of her breasts as she breathed and spoke. The slight glimmer of the Star of David around her neck was still visible as well, and the jewelry also seemed larger.  His dingy white t-shirt was now touching the ground where he stood.

“And you…well we’re going to find you a place…”

Sophie’s hands lifted from Jaime and started playing with the Star of David around her neck.

“...a place that’s a lot cheaper…”

She released the star, letting it bounce against the pillowy wall of her left breast.

“...and so wonderfully…”

She parted her breasts with three fingers and jiggled them slightly, calling Jaime’s attention.  If he was tall enough to peer into the chasm, he wondered if he could see his father’s dollar bill.  He didn’t even feel Sophie’s free hand gripping the back of his neck.


Suddenly, Jaime’s size became shockingly clear to him, and he couldn’t understand how it took so long for him to realize.  He was no larger than his landlady’s fingertip, and she was pinching him between her thumb and forefinger.  He soared through the air up to her eye level, squeaking in nausea and panic.  She smiled cutely at him and then looked down at her cleavage. Jaime followed her gaze and saw the goddess’s fingers still parting the huge breasts.  He thought he might see his father’s dollar bill in there but he didn’t. The Jewish landlady’s chasm of cleavage was that deep.  She removed her fingers and he watched them crash back in together.  Jaime struggled in her hands as she lowered him toward her exposed chest.

“And don’t worry.  I did all the math for you, little Jaime.  Since you can’t handle big-boy rent, your new rent will be just $1 a month and look at you! You’ve already paid your first month on time!  I’m so proud of you! And let me put any concerns at ease. You’ll be able to afford it just fine going forward because from now on, you’ll be working directly for me.

Sophie held up the Star of David, which was now dozens of times larger than Jaime, and positioned him so that he was looking down through the center. The metal glimmered and he feared he would be cut on the edges.

“We can go over the job description later on tonight when we get back to my apartment, but you’ll be happy to know the pay is very good.  It’s $1 a month!  That works out beautifully, doesn’t it?”

Luckily or unluckily, Sophie had great aim.  Jaime plummeted down from her open fingers through the Star of David and landed with a soft, playful bounce atop Sophie’s pillowy bed of breast tissue. In his frantic state, he felt as if he were disrespecting the quaking Gods of orb-like flesh beneath him, jiggling under his weak movements and practically begging for his body.  He’d seen Mt. Yosemite. He’d seen the Hoover Dam.  He’d seen plenty of large things…the dangerous, heaving breasts of this Jewish Goddess were without a doubt the biggest, most imposing wonders of this world or any world that he’d ever seen.  He squirmed, feeling his whole left leg swallowed up between them. He couldn’t free himself…not until he saw two godlike hands come down on either side of him and pry the breasts apart.  He couldn’t believe how easily the Goddess could manipulate so much flesh.

“And don’t worry, my sweet little Jaime.” The landlady’s tremendous bosom jiggled and bounced as she cackled. “I’ll take care of filling out the big, scary lease for you.  You’re okay with the term ‘indefinite’, right?”

The Jewish Goddess laughed wildly as she expertly released her large breasts just in time to catch him in her cleavage. And just as the two godlike monuments of flesh had supported his insignificant weight earlier, Jaime’s poor little body was immediately subjected to the full horizontal force of the twin goliaths.  His bones creaked and his lungs emptied under their oppressive and unapologetic compression. Two soft worlds held him…fought over him, and the last thing he saw before the lights went out was the glimmering Star of David stories and stories over his head, dangling perilously over the canyon of cleavage confining him.

Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okomoto

Chapter 14 - Fat (Jaime)

“Ms. Blum, please!” Jaime screamed loudly.

“Whoa, what?!”

Jaime unclenched his tear-ridden eyes, his vision adjusting to the woman before him who looked just as confused as he did.

Jaime looked her up and down.  She was a normal sized woman, coming in shorter than him which was a wonderful change of pace from his mammary endeavors with his voluptuous landlady.  Freckles decorated most of her face, noticeable on her forehead and chin but most prominent on her cheeks.Her hair was a beautiful red, coming just close enough to her shoulders to touch her band t-shirt.  He didn’t recognize the graphic, but it was a dull amber color and the writing was difficult to read.  Something starting with an “F”, maybe?  In one hand was her cell phone and her other hand held a plastic cup with a dome lid. Scuffed black converse sneakers and loose fitting faded blue jeans…this girl looked nothing like the big-titted monsters he’d so often crossed paths with recently.  The girl was cute for sure, but not incredibly over-the-top sexy or curvy as his stepmother or step sisters or…dare he say…Ms. Blum. She seemed…normal.

“Who’s Ms. Blum?” the redhead said with a raised red eyebrow.

“Umm..I don’t…” Jaime trailed off, looking around in confusion.  They were standing on the sidewalk of a busy city, but Jaime didn’t recognize anything, nor did he recognize her.

“...who are you?”

The tomboyish redhead wrinkled her brow again, taking a long sip of her drink.  It looked like one of those fancy Starbucks drinks that, judging from the amber color, was way more cinnamon and vanilla than coffee.  A large droplet of the thick drink remained where the straw exited her pursed lips, and the frothy beverage disappeared quickly behind her tongue.

“Dude, I was just asking you for directions. Then you started spazzing. Didn’t you hear me?” the freckled redhead asked impatiently.

“Yes, yes..I did.  I’m sorry.” Jaime said. “I’m not sure what came over me.  Where were you trying to get to?”

A smile creeped up between her freckled cheeks.

“I’m trying to get to Fat.”

Jaime tilted his head.  “You’re trying to…get fat?”

Her short, tight curls bounced as she giggled.  “No silly, I’m trying to get TO Fat.”  She held her phone out to Jaime.  It was wrapped in one of those protective gel phone cases, and it matched the redhead’s drink.

…and her t-shirt.

“Can ya help me?”

Perplexed, Jaime accepted the phone. The case was slippery…oily–and the phone almost fell from his hands.  On her smartphone screen, it looked like a map of his city.  He recognized his street, but that couldn’t be right…it didn’t say Jordan Boulevard.

It just said FAT.

It must not have been his city…but then why was he here?  Where even was he?

Whatever…she wanted to get to Fat Street..or Fat Ave or whatever the hell it was.  There it was.  Maybe once he points it out to her, she can help him find out how he got here.  He was ready to hand the phone back to her with the street selected but he noticed something strange about the map that caught his eye.  The intersecting street was also called FAT. ‘How are you going to not only have a street called “FAT” but have an intersecting street of the same name?’ Jaime thought.

The next street over was also called “FAT”.  And the next one.

A business.  A park.  The next street.  And the next street.  They were all called FAT.

As Jaime zoomed out of the city view and the street names disappeared, the fine annotative detail was replaced with just the name of the city.  Printed across the city was the word FAT.

Jaime’s heart was racing as he panned up to the less congested farmland north of the city.  The farmland too was called FAT.

He zoomed out further.

The state borders materialized, indicating that the city, farmland, and several other smaller towns, all of which shared the name “FAT”, were in fact part of a larger state.  The state was labeled “FAT”.  It was landlocked, bordering 3 other states.  They were also called “FAT”.

He frantically zoomed out now, not paying attention to how eerily patient the redhead was being with Jaime’s trembling control of her phone.  He could now see all the state borders disappear as the full continent came into view, ocean touching on all sides.  He didn’t recognize it as his home.  Nothing about it was familiar.

And most disconcerting of all, it was called “FAT”.

Other continents appeared, separated by expansive, dull amber oceans, but they all shared a common name.


Jaime zoomed out as far as he could, expecting finally to see the brilliant blue, white, and green marble but instead he saw an imperfect sphere.  It was a dull and translucent amber, almost matching perfectly to the cute, tomboyish redhead’s band t-shirt, which he could clearly see now read “FAT”.

It was then that Jaime saw the icon of the app installed on the redhead’s phone.

It was called “Google Fat”.

“Why are you shaking?” the redhead asked innocently as she reached forward.  Jaime thought she was going to take her phone back but instead her unpainted fingertips interacted with her phone screen still in Jaime’s hand.  She performed a large spread gesture with her thin fingers and a prompt appeared on the screen.


Her fingernail clicked against the screen as she tapped the YES button and he watched the single amber sphere that must have been his planet join an endless lattice of equally sized and colored spheres, expanding on into infinity.

He looked up from the phone screen, shaking in awe and confusion to see the redhead smiling.  His eyes were frantically scanning the surroundings but hers were cool and collected.  The phone fell from Jaime’s hand, but it was completely unharmed for the ground was incredibly soft.  The redhead took another long sip of the pale amber beverage in her hand, savoring the flavor until the sound of air mixing into the straw indicated the container was now empty.

“I guess I wasn’t lost after all.  But you look like you might be.”

Her smile was adorable, and while he detected no malice in her smirk he did see amusement.

“It's okay to be lost, dude.  This is as good a place as any, right?”

She looked up and he followed her gaze. The sky was no longer blue, but amber.  He heard deep rumbling and began to wince.  He slammed his eyes shut.  Jaime felt a smaller hand enter his. He looked down to see it gripping his own hand.  It was the redhead.  He hadn’t noticed before, but her eyes were a beautiful emerald green.  They sparkled and shined with kindness and intelligence.  She didn’t have large tits or a fat ass, and consequently Jaime was not a stumbling mess in her presence.  He wasn’t struggling to avoid stealing glances at her chest, stomach, thighs, or ass.  She was a normal girl and he was a normal boy.  The rumbling grew louder and the redhead squeezed his hand tighter, smiling at his side.  It felt so strange and yet it felt so right.  He heard the echoing sound of a deep, bassy moan.  It came from all directions…from above him and beneath him through his feet…he could see the vibrations in his shoe laces…and then a quick metronome of wet, sticky, and hot pumping…understandable only in the way a long-descendent might contemplate the actions of an ancient god.


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