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Better a little late than never!

RR Vignettes #5 - Samantha Beaurmont

Chapter 4 - The Party


“You can do this, Samantha” she chanted to herself, walking up to the party house.  “You can do this…probably.”

Samantha’s heart was already pounding in her chest before she arrived and as she walked through the open door, she thought she might have a heart attack. She felt the familiar tickle of the boy deep in her crack and something about the sensation inflated her sense of self confidence.  If she could handle taking care of him, she could handle a silly little party, right? She gently flexed her large cheeks and made her way into the house.

The bone-rattling blend of music, laughter, and clinking glasses reverberated through the air, drowning her senses. She was worried that it would look like the crazy house parties she saw in the teen movies.  Somehow it was even worse.

The room was an explosion of color and movement, and it was overwhelming for someone as shy and timid as Samantha but she continued her brisk walk, avoiding eye contact with everyone, especially those who were looking at her as she made her way to the staircase.  Samantha’s initial courage began to wane as she ventured deeper into the heart of the party, feeling like a terrified little ice cube making its way into the pit of a volcano. Regret began to claw its way into her mind.

“I’ll be waiting for you at the staircase! Then we’ll go have some sister fun, okay?”

That was what Samantha had been told by her sister and her heart sank when she rounded the corner to see that Candice was nowhere to be found. All she saw was a couple sitting on the first step, making out with each other in what could be described as either a sloppy, drunken stupor or fiery passion. Or it could have been both.

“Ummm…” Samantha nudged the thin rug at the landing of the step with her sneaker–half of an old pair that had been her good luck charm since her freshman year of high school.

“Do either of you know my sister?”

Somehow, the boy detached his face long enough from his partner to look up at Samantha.


“Her name’s Candice. She was supposed to–”

“--are you lost?” The girl asked sweetly. Samantha started to respond but quickly realized as the boy snickered that the sweetness was mockery.  “Why don’t you go to customer service and see if they’ll page her for you?”

Their lips reunited, making up for lost time as Samantha stumbled away, red-faced and embarrassed. In search of respite, she happened upon a secluded corner where only a few stragglers ventured. An empty red solo cup found its way into her hand along the way and she was encouraged to “tap the keg”, whatever the heck that meant.  She figured it had something to do with alcohol but the thought of drinking beer made her stomach turn.

If she HAD to drink alcohol (which she didn’t!), the only thing that she might have tried a sip of would be what caught her attention earlier: a pretty white bottle on the counter that said “Malibu”. It was coconut flavored according to the label and while Samantha didn’t even know what rum tasted like, she did like coconuts.  It was a moot point though as her mother made her swear on her favorite stuffed animal that she wouldn’t drink at the party and the bottle was gone by the time she passed the same counter again anyway. Samantha was relieved to find cans of cold soda in a cooler. She’d have preferred lemonade but Dr. Pepper would have to do.

And so she stood along the wall of the party by herself, clutching her red solo cup as if it were a shield. She tilted the cup, keeping her lips pursed to allow only a thin stream to enter and the bubbly sensation against her upper lip tickled her nose in a way that she didn’t like.  This soda needed to last as it was the only thing she could do to not feel so self-conscious…and there was no way she was going to drink more than one can of soda! Every time a new color tickled her peripheral vision, Samantha whipped her head in its direction, hoping to see her sister Candice but it never was.

Samantha tried to start a conversation or two…not really having any clue what to talk about; she hoped that maybe a conversation might flourish from some simple topic but it just didn’t work.  How did other people make it look so darn effortless???.

No one seemed to care about the changing weather. No one was interested in talking about their pets. Any girl she’d speak to would respond with as few words as possible before moving back on to the parts of the party they actually enjoyed, usually shooting her a dirty look.  The boys at least seemed a bit more willing to engage with her, but the way their eyes danced over her body had her wishing for the scornful looks from the girls.

Samantha looked down. ‘I should have trusted my instincts…’

Samantha was wearing an American Eagle t-shirt, white with pale pink hearts randomly sprinkled over the front. It looked cute on Candice last summer but when it was Samantha wearing the same shirt, it just felt so unnatural.   At the last minute prior to leaving the safety of her home, Samantha grabbed a blue blazer from her closet.

The jeans, also unsolicited hand-me-downs from her older sister, were so tight that Samantha had to jump up and down just to get them on.  How could anyone enjoy having denim hugging their thighs and butt so tight?  Even her calves were being squeezed!

Of course, she had to remind herself that…well…her butt was much larger than Candices.  These jeans probably weren't stitched and sized with the idea of containing a bottom of her hefty size.  The only reason she even decided to go through with wearing them was due to the high praise she received from her mother and sister.

She couldn’t imagine how it must have felt for the boy currently tucked away in her butt. He’d gotten pretty used to her revolving wardrobe of loose fitting cargo shorts, corduroy pants, and baggy pajama bottoms which let her butt cheeks breathe and relax…descriptions she’d never thought she would express until this experiment! She figured it must have been like cuddling up in a big cozy bed with an interesting book, minus the book.

But now, her butt cheeks squeezed together around the little boy like a massive, fleshy vice and he could barely move a muscle, which honestly wasn’t a terrible thing considering how distracting it could be sometimes.  The warmth that her butt cheeks provided for him was certainly oppressive by this point since their ventilation was so poor…and Samantha’s anxiety had definitely resulted in…an uptick in humidity down there. And even though her butt cheeks didn’t quite jiggle when she walked like they usually did, it was as if her bottom was forced to sway when she walked.  She didn’t often speak or really even acknowledge him, since doing so would be awkward, but after tonight Samantha would need to think of some kind of minor reward for sticking it out with her.

Defeated, Samantha navigated the complicated maze out of the house party.  Her sneaker came down atop someone else's, offsetting her balance and causing her to stumble.  She’d had that pair of sneakers for years now and they were her lucky pair, but apparently they had chosen this moment to run out. The true irony was that she had originally planned on wearing a pair of Candice’s heels.  The first step taken in the privacy of her bedroom made her stagger, the second step made her cringe, and on the third step she stumbled, falling on her face.  Ironically enough, she’d chosen her lucky sneakers to make sure that she wouldn't stumble..and yet here she was.

She fell backwards toward the sofa, which would have been fine had there not already been someone sitting there.  “Umphh!” Samantha plopped down hard right into his lap. He was a handsome boy probably around her age but she’d never seen him before.  He was grinning ear to ear at his friends.

“Justin bro, they’re literally just falling into your lap tonight!”

“I know, right?  Tequila makes the clothes fall off, right? Haha! And look at the donk on this one!” Justin said.  Samantha squirmed uncomfortably as the boy laughed, punishing her with a bitter cloud of stale cigarettes, cheap beer, and a little bit too much cologne.  The shrunken boy in her butt squirmed even more.

“That’s a whole lotta cushion for the pushin’...we might have to do somethin’ about them dorky glasses though.” Justin’s henchmen laughed as their leader’s hands grazed Samantha’s hips. “How’d you fit this much booty into them jeans? I wonder how quick we could get ‘em off.” Samantha jumped up like an uncompressed steel spring.

“Awww, you changin’ your mind already?” Justin teased, his drunken gaze practically burning holes through the skin-tight denim covering her butt. “We’ve only just met, you tease.”

He didn’t hold her down, maybe because he didn’t expect Samantha to move so quickly off his lap but she was up and power-walking out the door, trying to ignore the insensitive and unwelcome comments about the movement of her buttocks in her sister’s super tight jeans.

She felt disgusted–with him and even with herself even though she knew that what happened was not even remotely her fault.  Samantha felt fine to scold herself, however, for not bringing a change of clothes just in case.

Samantha wished it was Justin who was shrunken to just one inch and in her custody. She’d happily take on the responsibility of teaching him how to be respectful and if he were as little as her boy, Justin would be in no position to disagree…just like her little boy.  Samantha suddenly wondered if the boy currently tucked away in her butt would do the same thing to her that Justin did if given the chance.  He was always so well-behaved.  Wide-eyed and a little squeaky here and there when she would take him out of her butt and he’d squirm and roll around a bit whenever she put him back, but for the most part he was very well behaved.  But maybe that was only because she was so much bigger.  Maybe he would put his hands on her hips without asking just like Justin did if he could.  Maybe all boys would.


Samantha flinched, feeling her butt vibrating…not the way it did when she’d forget to feed the boy in her crack.  It was a strong vibration against her left cheek.  She quickly realized it was her phone (which could only fit in her back pocket on these terrible jeans!).  Samantha’s eyes widened and relief washed over her when she saw Candice’s smiling face on the screen.

"Hi, Candice... are you here yet?"

"Hey sis! Sorry, but I don't think we're gonna be able to make it." Candice’s voice was breezy and calm, a stark contrast to Samantha’s trembling tone.

Samantha could feel her heart plummet, sinking like a stone into the depths of her stomach.

"But you're my ride! Mom dropped me off here, and home is ten miles away!" Her temples were pulsing and she felt like she might throw up. “What’s that banging sound?”

"I'm sorry, Sammi," Candice's voice wavered but carried a tone of distracted playfulness. "The guy is changing the tire now, but I don't think he knows what he's doing. I think he's drunk."

The revelation hit Samantha like a sledgehammer to the chest. "The boy driving you has been drinking?!"

"Ugh... I gotta go, sis. Cops are pulling up."

Panic welled up within Samantha, her desperation intensifying as she begged Candice to stay on the line. But the call disconnected before she could repeat once more the word “please”. Samantha was now trapped at the party all alone, the gravity of the situation hitting the anxiety-ridden girl like a sledgehammer to the chest. Her situation was more dire than she could have ever imagined.

“Oh shit, she’s still here.”

And now things were getting even worse.

Samantha turned around to see the same boy she’d just fallen atop of, flanked by several of his loyal followers all wearing smirks that matched their drunk leader.

“She must’ve been waiting for you, Justin.” One of them pepped from behind, looking her up and down as he lit a cigarette.

“I knew she was into me.” Justin smirked.

Samantha’s anxiety was through the roof. She wished the boy in her butt could protect her but that was impossible.  He wasn’t even big enough to protect himself from her goldfish, let alone defend Samantha against not one, not two, but five full-sized college boys.  Heck, if he had somehow come out from between her butt cheeks and grown back, he might even join in with them in heckling and harassing her.  Maybe all boys were like this…

“I just want to go home…and read.” She was trying her best to stay strong but her bottom lip was taking on a life of its own, quivering like she was about to cry.  Couldn’t they tell that she didn’t want all this attention?

The college boys looked at each other silently and then burst out laughing.

“He…You can come home with me.” Justin gestured up toward the second floor of the party house.  “My room’s right up there…come check it out. I’ve got plenty of books…well…mostly magazines.”  The malicious snickers over Justin’s shoulder told Samantha exactly what kinds of magazines he was talking about.  “Some interesting reads for sure.”

Samantha winced as his fingers closed around her upper arm, the calluses abrasive against her tender skin.

“Oh, heyyyyyy!”

It was like a beautiful two-word song playing from the front door of the house, ringing out pleasantly amongst the modular chaos of the front yard.

Samantha looked up from the dire situation, as did the boys, toward the source of the sound and saw a bubbly, smiling girl in the doorway.

The woman was gorgeous, standing with more confidence and expressive joy than Samantha thought she herself could ever muster in a lifetime.  The warm orange glow of the foyer light behind her practically created a golden halo atop her luscious crown of blonde locks.

“There you are!  Dude, I’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for you!”

Samantha tilted her head in confusion at the blonde woman, sure that the two of them had never met before in this lifetime or any other and yet the blonde wore an expression of doe-eyed excitement and compassion. The vintage canvas bag rustled at her hip, but a well-manicured hand secured it after her first step toward Samantha and the boys. The strap of her bag nestled securely between her large breasts and stretched her thin zip-up hoodie even tighter over her bust.

When she stepped off the stoop, Samantha expected the blonde beauty to move like a supermodel since…well…she looked just like one. Instead, her gait had a haphazard, almost clumsy sway to it.  She knew well enough that sometimes people behave a bit like energetic children when they drink and Samantha assumed that was the case for this supermodel.  She made sure to put the college boys behind her when she winked discretely at Samantha.

“Oh, god this is just getting better and better.” Justin was grinning like he’d just won the lottery and Samantha winced as she watched his glossy, drunk eyes wandering over the back of the bubbly blonde.  The blonde either didn’t realize she was getting eyed up or she didn’t care. She  winked at Samantha, a gesture associated with discretion and secrecy that was slightly diminished by the fact that the blonde clearly didn’t know how to wink since she held her left eye open with her hand.  She then spun like a momentarily energized motor, her curly locks continuing to spin after she stopped to face him.

“Who are you, angel?” Justin slurred.

“Who, me?” the blonde asked, placing a hand on her large chest.

“Well yeah. I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” Justin seemed so confused by the blonde’s chipper demeanor that he momentarily dropped his act. She didn’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation she’d just flung herself into.

“I’m Brittany.” Brittany’s response was quick and reflexive but she then immediately scrunched her eyes closed, wrinkled up her nose and gasped sharply as if she was trying to inhale the two words back into her lungs.  “I mean….no….I’m…Amanda.  Yeah.  Amanda.”

Amanda wrapped an arm around Samantha’s shoulder, pulling her in tight under her wing. Samantha winced and yelped slightly at the abrupt movement and pull-in toward Amanda. “I also go by ‘the best friend of…’” Amanda looked over at a silent, befuddled Samantha for a few seconds before returning her gaze to the boys and squeezing Samantha even tighter against her soft body. “...the best friend of…my friend here.”

Justin raised an eyebrow at Amanda. “This girl’s really drunk.”

“I haven’t had a sip, mister!” Amanda bellowed with laughter and over-exaggerated, mock indignance.  She proceeded to tap dance right there in her pristine white sneakers. “That’s just 100% Brittany comin’ at ya!” Samantha wasn’t a tap dancer herself, but she was pretty sure Brittany wasn’t either.

“Amanda, I mean! I mean 100% Amanda!” Amanda emphatically corrected herself.

Justin and his henchman began looking around as if they were trying to find the hidden cameras.  Samantha had to be honest, she was sort of doing the same thing.  She’d picked up on the fact that this girl was trying to help her out of this situation, but nobody was this oblivious to social queues.  It was borderline adorable…this girl was making Samantha look like the socially in-tuned one!

“So we’re gonna go now.” Amanda cheerfully waved, only the tips of her fingers visible beyond the thin hoodie sleeves concealing her palms.  “See ya later, alligator!”

“I guarantee you two will have more fun if you stay here.” Justin put his hands on the blonde’s shoulders.

The second that the drunk boy’s rough hands settled onto Amanda, her bubbly, energetic expression seemed to decay exponentially.  She didn’t flinch and crumple like Samantha had earlier.  Instead, Amanda’s expression was blank except for the scanning of her pretty blue eyes.  At first she was scanning the area around them, perhaps looking for a path of retreat?  As the drunk boy let his hands wander down to Amanda’s wide hips, the movement of her eyes changed, subtly so.

She looked to be scanning internally now, searching for the solution to this problem in her own head. Samantha looked at the calculating blonde with sympathy and apology in her eyes.  Not only was she suffering in this situation, but now some other innocent girl was caught in the middle of it, too. Amanda’s demeanor and disposition had changed so abruptly now that even Justin was having reservations about proceeding.

One of the boys behind Justin, perhaps his second-in-command, suddenly sprouted an expression of concern and surprise.  He leaned forward toward the expressionless, calculating blonde in Justin’s grasp and spoke quietly.

“Uhh….are you…Brittany Whitman?”

The blonde snapped out of her daze and looked over at the boy. Brittany nodded her head.

“Umm…Justin..” The henchman winced and gave Justin a ‘bro-tap’ on his shoulder.  “Not this one, man. She’s…umm…friends with ‘you-know-who’..”

Justin’s look of skepticism immediately morphed into wide-eyed concern and his hands retreated from the blonde’s wide waist as if it were an electrified fence.

“We both are!” And we really must be going.”  Brittany’s youthful, radiant smile bounced back with a vengeance. “Shall we go, friend?”

Samantha hesitated for a moment but then nodded, inspiring a huge, victorious grin from the blonde and a round of groans from the college boys.  Samantha heard Justin chastising his friends for not telling him sooner–telling him what, Samantha didn’t know for sure.  “Let ‘em go…” Justin exclaimed in frustration, obviously trying to reassemble the shards of his fragile male ego.  “Who wants an ass that fat anyway.” Samantha grimaced, suddenly realizing that somehow her large butt was no longer enjoying the concealment offered by her blue blazer.  Brittany  pressed just two fingers against Samantha’s shoulder, suggesting politely that she stop walking for a moment and turned back to face the boys.

“Do you want me to tell Morgan you said hi?”

Her voice was sweet as honey and she wore the cutest, most innocent expression as the sing-songey question fluttered through the air.  Samantha watched in awe as Justin’s face contorted, expressing some fraction of the same discomfort he’d put her through moments earlier. “No!” He realized he’d gone too strong with his response and tried to rope in his emotions but he looked like a scared little boy. “Don’t be like that, okay? Come on.”

“Okay, I’ll tell her!”

“No, stop!  I’m sorry, okay!” Justin had dropped the shards of his ego, focused fully now on appeasing Brittany.

“Umm….I mean…you could say sorry to our butts.” Brittany suggested.  “You know…for calling them fat.”

Brittany lifted the back of her hoodie to reveal her jeans, just as tight as Samantha’s but Brittany looked much more comfortable in them.  “And you may as well give it a kiss.  My friends’, too.”

Samantha’s heart leapt into her chest.  She didn’t want a boy kissing her butt….did she?” Brittany had gently faced Samantha away from Justin, who was now getting down on his knees. Samantha stared wide-eyed over her shoulder, leaving her lucky sneakers anchored just as Brittany had positioned them.

Brittany then burst out laughing.  “Oh my god, get up, you goofball!  I’m not really gonna make you kiss our butts!”

'He was really going to do it.' Samantha's heart fluttered in her chest like a caffeinated bunny rabbit.
'He was really going to kiss our butts.'

Did this ditzy blonde supermodel even realize how much she'd just emasculated Justin in front of his friends? Samantha was convinced that Brittany was either an adorable buffoon or an unrivaled genius as the red-faced Justin rose from his knees and retreated back to the party, inspiring ridicule amongst his henchman that Samantha hoped would lead to a revolt and mutiny all to the soundtrack of the blonde’s giddy, child-like giggling.

* * * * * * * * *

Samantha walked along voluntarily with Brittany but Samantha wasn’t quite as long-legged so she had to make up for her strides to keep up. Brittany’s simple, tasteful earrings caught the glow of the neighborhood street lights whenever her blonde locks shifted and her shoulder bag clanged with the sound of rubbing glass.

The two girls made a sharp right at the first intersection, turning off Justin’s street and onto Laurier Ave. Only when the party house was completely out of view and she’d confirmed that no one was following them did Brittany stop walking and turn to assess Samantha.

“Are you okay?  You’re shaking.”

Samantha nodded, trying to act strong but even putting on the performance of strength was exhausting and impossible. “I think so…why did you help me?”

“You sounded like you needed it.” Brittany’s energetic, confident face seemed to crack for a moment. She was calculating again. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No!” Samantha looked down at her scuffed sneakers. “I think…you saved me from something that could have been really bad.”

The energetic smile returned to Brittany’s face and the friendly sparkle to her eyes.  She looked to be somewhere between Samantha’s and Candice’s age and even though she appeared older than Samantha, there was a charmful innocence in her bright eyes.  And yet she was so attentive and considerate when it came to Samantha.

“You poor thing! Here, you look like you’re freezing. Are you cold?”  Brittany set her handbag down and unzipped her hoodie, her compressed chest expanding gratefully as the zipper tread released its oppressive hold.  She shook her arms out of the garment and flung it over Samantha’s shoulders. It fluttered and settled over her shivering shoulders as if it were a superhero cape.   Samantha thought the visual was appropriate, considering that this Brittany girl was essentially a superhero that had rescued her from a group of villains.

Samantha’s arms were still finding the sleeves and Brittany was already zipping it up, bundling Samantha up as if she were a child getting ready to go for an adventure in a snowy backyard.  It was tight against Brittany’s breasts but on Samantha, the hoodie was nearly a perfect, loose fit.

“Didn’t you bring a jacket, silly?”

Samantha nodded, almost defensively.  “A blazer.” Of course she came prepared! She just hadn’t anticipated that a drunk college boy would pull it off her shoulders.  Samantha communicated all of this silently, looking over her shoulder at Justin’s street.

She was beyond grateful that she hadn’t removed the subject from her bottom and stowed him in the pocket of her jacket like she originally planned.  It was yet another great reason to make sure he spent as much time tucked away safely between her butt cheeks as possible.  The more the better, it seemed.

“Oh……it’s going to be okay, ya know.” Brittany cooed, pulling Samantha in for a tight hug. Normally, having a stranger wrap their arms around her would have been a panic-inducing event for Samantha…she had to look no further back than a few minutes ago when the drunk college boy was starting to feel her up!  But this was obviously so very different. Samantha felt a strong trust for Brittany and she let herself sink into the comfort of Brittany’s hug.

She was used to gentle hugs from her sister Candice and huge, loving bear hugs from her mother but Brittany’s hug was nearly perfect, falling somewhere right between them.  Samantha could feel the blonde’s large breasts pressing up against the top portion of her chest and a few stray blonde locks tickled her nose.

“Do you want me to go back and get it? You can wait here if you want.”

“Get what?” Samantha asked, returning to reality.

“Your blazer.  I’ll put up my dukes if I have to.” Brittany pushed out her lips and squinted her eyes, raising her fists in a playful manner that brought a smile to Samantha’s face.

“No, it's okay.  Maybe it wasn’t as lucky as I thought it was…and plus I kinda like how this hoodie looks on me.”

“Oh my god, I was LITERALLY just thinking the exact same thing!”

Brittany lightly slapped herself on the forehead.  “Silly me, I just realized I don’t even know your name yet!  Can I try guessing? I’m REALLY good at it sometimes!”

Samantha raised an eyebrow.  “Umm…sure.”

Brittany tickled her narrow chin with her dainty finger as she looked Samanth up and down.


Samantha shook her head and Brittany looked startled.


Again Samantha shook her head.


“Umm…I can just tell you…if you want.” Samantha said after about 8 more incorrect guesses.

When she told Brittany, the blonde’s bright blue eyes widened and her mouth went agape. “Shut up! That’s literally what I was going to guess next!”

Her voice was loud and excited.  Samantha’s subject had only just finally calmed down and stopped squirming after the stressful encounter with Justin and now, after hearing Brittany’s excited explosion he had jumped again, in turn causing a shiver to run up Samantha’s spine.  In all the commotion and movement, he’d somehow nestled deeper into her crack and was now rubbing up against a very sensitive spot–a spot she typically tried to keep him slightly north of.

“Do you live around here, Sammi?”

“No, actually. I live about 10 or 15 miles away. My sister was supposed to pick me up from the party but she never showed up.”

“Awww…bummer!” Brittany sighed, but then her face lit up like a Christmas tree.  “Ooo, ooo! I have the best idea ever!  Why don’t you come hang out at my apartment?  It’s only a few blocks that-a-way.”

“Ohh….my..ummm..my mom is probably worried about me so I don’t know.”

“Oh, come on!  Don’t be a fibber! Your mom thinks you’re at that dumb party, doesn’t she?  She’d be much happier to know you’re hanging out with me, dontcha think? We’ll have so much fun!  Morgan and I were just getting ready to play truth or dare…or trying to convince her to play I mean…and it’s not as much fun with two people.  She may even say yes if another person is playing with us.”


She’d heard that name from Brittany a few moments earlier.

“Yeah, she’s my roommate! I’m hoping she wants to play with me still.  The last time we played, I dared her to give me a foot massage while whistling ‘twinkle twinkle little star’ and she was NOT happy.  But I think if we both ask her, she’ll definitely say yes!” A moment of silence passed and Brittany clarified through a gentle snort of laughter, “...agree to the game, I mean. Not another foot massage!”

Samantha had never played truth or dare before, but she’d read plenty of stories where the game was played.  From the way that those boys had frozen up at just the mention of this Morgan girl, Samantha had some serious reservations about meeting her, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t intrigued and Brittany seemed so nice.

“Would you be able to give me a ride home?”

“Oh, of course! That wouldn’t be a problem like at all.”

Rides from strangers now, too?  Who were you becoming, Samantha?!

The mousy brunette swallowed dryly.  “Okay…I’ll come.”

Brittany clapped her hands, “Oh, that’s so super!  We’re gonna have a lot of fun!”

The girls continued their walk, stopping off at a convenience store on the way. Samantha heard the sound of clinking glass once more in Brittany’s handbag as the blonde paid for her chocolate milk. She offered to get Samantha the same thing, but she was happy to buy her own drink.

“Did you know them?” Samantha asked, sipping on her lemonade.

“The boys at the party? Not all of them,” Brittany said with a mouthful of soda before swallowing. “I went to grade school with the boy who recognized me, I think. And I kinda know the leader one.  His name’s Justin.  I think he actually used to date Morgan…or maybe he had a crush on her? Not too sure.”

The two girls approached a crosswalk and Brittany’s hand soared out quickly, creating a barrier between Samantha and the road.  There wasn’t a single car on the road at this hour, but the two girls waited patiently for the light to change and the walking man to appear on the crosswalk indicator light.

“Why did he get so scared when you mentioned Morgan?” Samantha asked.

Brittany giggled into her soda. “Scaring boys is like…one of her favorite things to do, I think…and she’s really good at it.  Some people don’t get her but I love her to pieces and she’s my bestie for sure. Her and I go wayyyyy back. I think you’ll like her!

“Well…I like you so maybe I’ll like her, too. Thanks again for saving me back there.”

Brittany gushed. “Awwwwww, that’s so sweet! It’s really no problem though.” Brittany’s large breasts were difficult to ignore under normal, static conditions but now that they were no longer restricted by her hoodie, they bobbed proudly with each step and cold weather against her thin blouse had revealed without a doubt that she was not wearing a bra.  “Just following Girl Code!”

“Girl Code?”

“Uhhh..you don’t know about Girl Code?  Oh, come on! Every girl knows Girl Code! It says lotsa stuff.” The bubbly blonde began counting off on her fingers, decorated with pale pink polish to match her sneakers. “Like pretend to be friends if a guy is being creepy…that’s basically what I did for you just now.  Not letting guys call your butt big unless they mean it as a compliment and you like it...also what I did! Also pointing out wardrobe malfunctions…you don’t have any of those but you do look super cute in that outfit…oh!  And if a girl needs a tampon…you always, ALWAYS give it to her! Even if it’s your last one.”

The gorgeous blonde squinted as she reached into her purse. “Do you need one?”

“No, I’m okay…thank you though.” Samantha said.

Brittany giggled. “This is fun!  Usually it’s professors and Morgan teaching me things.  Now I can see why they do it; it’s fun!”

They’d been walking down Laurier Ave for some time now, dozens of houses, when suddenly, Brittany made a sharp right hand turn, her sneakers scuffing noisily against the grainy grit of the sidewalk.

“Here we are!”




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