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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 10 - The Injections (Emma)


The raven-haired doctor checked the first of five manilla folders and walked toward the girls, five young minds eager to learn and participate.  The raven-haired doctor gave the first manilla envelope to Emma’s neighbor, Luanne.  “Luanne,” Dr. Bexley handed the first manilla folder to the southern intern. “Your subject is a 17-year old male from right here in North Carolina. He was charged with reckless driving and resisting arrest.  His sentence was 2 years so his immersion period length is 1.8 years.”

“Aww,” Luanne said, accepting the manilla folder, accidentally brushing it up against the SC&VF syringe.  In a tender, almost maternal gesture, she leaned closer, her voice a soft, reassuring murmur that Emma could barely discern over the murmur of the lecture hall. “Don’t worry, you’re better off here with us.”

“Oh my god...almost two whole years?” Emma whispered to Luanne who was positively beaming. “I know, right?  That’s soooo long!”

Dr. Bexley handed off the next manilla folder to the impatient, bratty ‘Jewish Princess’ intern from New York.  “Tatiana, your subject is a 52-year old male from Florida. He was charged with solicitation of a prostitute. His sentence was 90 days so his immersion period length is 81 days.” Tatiana’s upper lip curled as she accepted the folder; she looked down at the syringe resting at chest-level, not even trying to hide her judgment and disdain for the practically invisible man in her syringe. “Ugh….gross.”

“Dr. Thompson, your subject is a 35-year old male from New York. He was charged with armed robbery.  His sentence was 8 years so his immersion period will be 7.2 years.”

Dr. Thompson smiled as she opened the manilla folder and started browsing through it, jotting down notes in her notebook.

Just a moment ago, Emma and Luanne were losing their minds over the idea of a subject living in Angela’s body fat for 2 years..and now there was someone staying nearly three times as long?!

Emma tried to control her rapid breathing as the raven-haired doctor moved toward her as if in slow motion.  Dr. Bexley extended the manilla folder toward Emma’s trembling right hand. “Your subject is a 26-year old male from Pennsylvania.  He was charged with involuntary manslaughter while operating a vehicle under distraction.  His sentence was 15 years so his immersion period is 13.5 years.”

Luanne gasped in disbelief, her large pink lips forming a near perfect circle coated in shimmering lip gloss. She immediately latched onto Emma’s ear to whisper through her brunette friend’s locks amidst the general shock and fascination present in the room full of women.  “He’s gonna spend 13 and a half years in that lady’s fat?  When I’m 30 years old, he’ll still be there!” Emma’s face was flush, both loving the attention she was getting for her tiny little subject’s punishment and also loving the power she had over his fate.  Which was easier: hiding her smile or her growing arousal?  Hard to say. “Pretty crazy, huh?” Emma replied to Luanne as if it were an accomplishment on her part.

“And that leaves….Nicole.” Dr. Bexley twiddled her fingers over the remaining pale blue manilla folder before handing it to the elegant blonde.  “Your subject is a 19-year old male from California. He was charged with Class-C possession of methamphetamine with intent to sell.  His sentence was 24 years so his immersion period is 21.6 years.”

The whole room gasped in unison.  Everyone except for Nicole, that is.  She only smirked, showing off those annoyingly adorable dimples in her cheeks as she leafed through the subject’s files.

“Whoa…” Tatiana said. The girls echoed her sentiment.  Even Angela seemed surprised.

‘Really just friggin figures…’ Emma thought, crossing her arms over her chest with palpable disdain.  Why wouldn’t Nicole’s boy have a longer sentence than her own?  It was yet another reason to be jealous of the attention that Nicole was getting.  Her subject just had to have a longer sentence than hers, didn’t he? Nicole’s lips naturally perked up in the corners, making it hard to tell if her expression was in fact a smile or just the natural curve of her lips, but there was no mistaking the grin growing on her face at all this attention.

‘What a bitch…’ Emma roughly shifted the SC&VF syringe atop the folder and folded her hands next to it. The rapid movement must have been unpleasant for him but she didn’t care.

“As I said earlier, each subject’s sentence after time deduction will be served in its entirety from inside the body of our participant Angela.” Dr. Walker said. The squeaky wheels of an exam room table pushed by Dr. Bexley echoed throughout the large room as Angela unbuttoned her blouse. “I’d like you all to pay attention as we prep Angela for Injection Therapy. While you watch, please run a check on your SC&VF syringe to confirm your subject’s presence in the solution.”

Dr. Bexley added, “Also, please make a selection on Angela’s body for your subject’s injection site. Reference your assignments from last week on subcutaneous and visceral fat distribution ratios.  And girls…keep in mind the area you choose will be where your subject carries out his FULL immersion sentence!”

Emma’s scorn for Nicole felt trivial as she reveled in the glory of her godlike powers. She bit her soft lower lip and carefully picked up the SC&VF syringe containing her helpless, doomed subject, bringing it close enough to her face for her eyelashes to scrape the clear vessel. ‘Oh, I know where you’re going, you bad, bad boy.’  She looked from the invisible swimming subject right up at the heavy, middle-aged woman who was now removing her shirt. Angela’s enormous rack rippled best it could considering its degree of compression and confinement by a tasteful yet boring beige bra that looked way too small for her J-cup breasts. “13 years..”

Emma carefully turned the SLM device on and ran the check on her SC&VF syringe.  She smiled as it confirmed that her subject was within the clear vessel.  He was probably swimming around in there, all naked and cute, staring up at her like a goddess just waiting to be injected.  “Can you help me with mine?” Luanne asked, her unsure fingers hesitating over the grid of square buttons.

“Sure thing.” Emma accepted the SC&VF syringe from Luanne and as she ran the sequences, Dr. Walker continued speaking about the procedure.

Dr. Thompson raised her hand.  “Dr. Walker, have these subjects been TD-boosted?”

The busty brunette co-founder grinned ear to ear.  “Excellent question, Dr. Thompson.  Yes, indeed. Considering their unique assignment, they have all been boosted.  Girls, do we remember what TD-boosting is?”

Luanne started to raise her hand but then quickly lost her nerve.

With her hand raised and her eyes pinched closed, Emma answered the question. “TD-boosting is the systematic enhancement of a microscopic subject’s physiological robustness, aimed at facilitating their resilience during the process of intratissue migration, particularly when introduced into the adipose tissue of a Participant.”

“Incredible, Emma!  That sounds word-for-word from the Injection Therapy Handbook!” The corners of Dr. Walker’s lips already angled upwards into a permanent, natural, and subtle smirk but now they were arching even higher.  “As we all know.  Every subject injectable’s immunomodulatory capabilities are refined prior to injection, allowing them to evade detection and hostile actions by the Participant’s immune system, but we’ve recently taken it a step further.  Thanks to our very own Rose Torres, the ‘T’ in TD-boosting, we’re now able to fortify the structural integrity, cellular adaptability, and overall survivability of the micro-miniatures, thereby optimizing the prospects of their successful long-term integration and harmonious coexistence within the Participant’s fatty tissue.”

Rose Torres…god, if only Emma was in the same lecture as her!  She’d have traded Nicole for Rose in a heartbeat!

“Who is the ‘D’ in TD-boosting?” Tatiana asked.

“Named after the subject, right?” Nicole offered, looking toward the doctors at the front for approval.  That didn’t sound right to Emma, who was now eagerly looking to the front of the class hoping for a big fat ‘wrong’, but Dr. Bexley lifted her eyes from her necklace and smiled with a nod.

“They really put a subject’s name in there with an RR staff-member?” Emma asked.  “Even I didn’t know that.”

“A non-viable, actually.” Dr. Walker’s tone held a hint of unfamiliar sass as she cleared her throat and continued.  “Anyway, since your subjects have all been TD-boosted, you are free to inject them anywhere without concern for pressure intensity or dynamic range of movement.”

“That was going to be my follow-up, thanks!” Dr. Thompson said, smiling down at her syringe before jotting down some notes.

By the time all the girls had confirmed their subjects were present in their respective syringes, Angela had removed her tight bottoms and was now showcasing her very tight and frilly, full coverage panties, also a boring beige to match her overburdened bra.  Emma was not surprised to see such a conservative set of undergarments considering Angela was a bit heavier than the average girl and also a bit older.  In fact, Emma was pretty sure that her own mother owned the same set of underwear back home. How amusing that a woman who wore such modest underwear would agree to have beyond microscopic men injected into her body fat.  It made Emma wonder how many women she’d crossed paths with in her life…how many women she’d known…would have been open to this.  She found herself even wondering if her own mother might be interested. Stranger things had happened at RR Labs!

“You see all that?” Emma whispered to her SC&VF syringe, drawing a dirty, confused look from Nicole that Emma chose to ignore. “That’s where you’re going.” All that glorious jiggle…that soft, warm mass of mammary fat to hold this boy. The only thing Emma hadn’t decided yet for her little injectable was which of those middle aged Latina woman’s fleshy tits she was going to inject him into. “You’re going to LOVE it.”

Emma smirked at the thought of these mostly younger boys getting to spend so much time with an older woman, following her everywhere she went.

“Ready to climb up, Angela?” Dr. Bexley patted the exam room table, lined with sterile aqua blue paper.

Emma watched with mesmerized focus as the hispanic woman climbed onto the exam table. She huffed a bit, already seeming a little out of breath. Her breasts swayed as if to tantalize their new prospective inhabitants as she swung one heavy leg up onto the table and then another, using Doctors Bexley and Walker as arm supports on either side.  Her big breasts, pale by comparison to her relatively bronzed arms and legs, jiggled and rolled outboard into her armpits as she found a comfortable position on her back.  

Even as excited as she was to inject her subject into one of those huge jugs, Emma wished she could inject him into the Japanese girl’s boobs instead.  As large as Angela’s breasts were, the Japanese girls were probably twice as big.  They’d be the perfect forever home not just for her poor little rule-breaking subject, but all of them.  They’d all love it there, Emma was sure of it.  She figured that every man in the country could have fit in those massive mammaries with room to spare! 

So much warm, soft, maternal flesh to call home, and surely they’d have all the privacy they needed.  The chances of them ever encountering each other amidst all that endless universe of cosmic breast tissue was non-zero, sure...but so were the chances of getting struck by lightning 15 times in a row!

The two founders of RR Labs slickened their bare hands with massage oil, splitting to different ends of Angela’s nearly nude body.  Dr. Bexley started down at Angela’s bare feet, gently tugging on each of her black-painted toes and then massaging her soles.  Dr. Walker was rubbing her neck and shoulders as Angela laid there on the table, her eyes closed and lightly moaning.

“It's not often that we have a Participant undergo five injections all at once so we want to make sure she’s taken care of.  This will help with loosening the injection areas that end up being selected as well as lowering Angela’s stress levels.”

“Oh, I’m not stressed. Juggling three girls in three different schools playing three different sports. That’s stress.” Angela moaned in a pleasurable daze. “This is just wonderful.”

“Shhh...part of our funding agreement for Injection Therapy included ahem! necessary massage therapy lessons for our Participants prior to multi-injections” Dr. Bexley said with a grin, inspiring a round of giggles from the spectating girls as she firmly kneaded the Hispanic woman’s thick soles.  She applied more massage oil to her hands, having surrendered all of her first dose to the woman’s chubby feet and moved up her calves to Angela’s big, meaty thighs.

Dr. Walker had moved down from Angela’s neck and shoulders, now kneading and massaging the hispanic’s breasts.  They looked so large and heavy in the doctor’s small hands, glistening from the oil and taking every opportunity possible to slip out of grip and retreat back to Angela’s armpits.

“He’s gonna live in one of those boobs…’ Emma repeated in her own mind as if it were some enthralling tantric chant.  “He’s gonna live in one of those boobs…and it’s because of me. I’m gonna put him there.’

The two accomplished scientists eventually met at the woman’s stomach and when the quick massage was over, Dr. Walker looked up and smiled, pushing a few disorderly brown locks out of her eyes with the dry elbow of her lab coat and beckoned the audience toward the front of the room.

“Okay girls, bring your subjects up to the front, please.”

Chairs scraped noisily before Dr. Walker could even finish her sentence as each intern quickly rose, snatching up their SC&VF syringes and crowding around Angela.

“Calm down, girls! Everyone will get their turn.” Dr. Bexley said with a chuckle. The only reserved member of the audience was Dr. Thompson, who took position next to the raven-haired doctor and whispered something in her ear. Dr. Bexley’s pretty green eyes trailed down to her neckline. With a shared giggle between the two women, she then adjusted the fair, thin gold chain around her neck and made visible a tiny, beautiful purple jewel that had until now been hidden between her large breasts.

Despite Dr. Bexley’s assurances, all the girls crowded in tighter around Angela, as if they feared the doctors would change their minds at any moment and not let them inject their tiny little subjects into the Latina woman’s body. Luanne stood by Angela's left hip and Nicole stood across from Luanne, anchored to Angela’s right hip.  Next to Nicole was Emma staring longingly at Angela’s chest. Across from Emma was Tatiana, and Dr. Thompson had taken position between Tatiana and Luanne at Angela’s stomach.

Dr. Walker stood behind Angela’s head and Dr. Bexley stationed herself at Angela’s feet.

“Emma and Tatiana, I’m sorry but only one of you will be able to inject your subject into Angela’s breast.  One of you will need to pick a different location.”

Emma’s heart sank at the thought of her boy having to go somewhere other than Angela’s breast.

“Same for you two.” Dr. Walker said, motioning toward Luanne and Nicole at Angela’s hips.

“Oh, my subject is going into Angela’s left glute.” Nicole said.

“And mine is going in her thigh!” Luanne’s curly blonde hair bounced as she hugged her SC&VF syringe.

“Oh okay, then no problems there.  And you two?” Dr. Walker asked Emma and Tatiana.

Emma and Tatiana both looked up from Angela’s splayed breasts.  Emma knew there was no way her bad boy was going anywhere other than this big, fat tit.  As far as Emma was concerned, she was an agent of destiny. That tit was meant for him and he was meant for it. She’d already made her decision and she wasn’t going to back down.  Unfortunately, it didn’t look like Tatiana was going to back down either.  She was a tough New York girl who her girlfriends might call sassy and her family might call a brat.  Tatiana raised a fist and Emma raised an eyebrow.

“Best two out of three?” The undaunted, cocky Jewish intern asked.

Emma wanted to scream. It was a fair proposition, she had to admit. The fairest that could be suggested in what stood the chance of being the most unfair world ever in Emma’s opinion. She wanted to stomp her foot and shout ‘No! Find another spot!’  Didn’t Tatiana see how important this was to Emma?  Emma wanted her subject to live in Angela’s breast! Not her butt, not her belly, not her thigh.  Her big, soft breast!  He needed to! And Emma needed to be the one to put him there.  Tatiana was ruining everything! Emma looked down at the syringe in her hand, running her fingertip along the clear chamber holding the microscopic subject. This was going to work out.  It just had to.  She looked back up at Tatiana, took a deep breath, and raised her fist.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!

Tatiana delicately placed her palm over Emma’s hand and laid five scarlet-red painted fingers neatly over Emma’s closed fist.  The mousy brunette felt her eyes clouding with bitter tears.  She needed to stay professional. She needed to fight back against the boiling emotions. Emma wasn’t going to let Tatiana take this away from her.  Emma raised her fist for round two.

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!

“Ouch!” Tatiana huffed, watching her scissors break under Emma’s rock.

‘You can do this, Emma.  You can do this.’

The strategy her brothers used when she was a child suddenly entered her mind. It felt like the wrong thing to do but it always worked for them.  Emma threw rock a third time.

“Ugh...figures.”  Tatiana said, rolling her eyes.  Tatiana looked around and lifted Angela’s arm, trying to find a new place to inject her subject.  The Jewish intern looked like she was considering the tricep but then said, “Ummmm…my subject will go into her dorsal roll.”

“Her what?” Luanne asked, peering over Angela’s large body, where Tatiana’s hand was touching the intended injection site.  “Oh, her back fat.” Dr. Walker cleared her throat, a stern eyebrow raised and Dr. Bexley whispered, “Not very polite, Luanne.”  Luanne blushed and apologized profusely.

Emma was on cloud-nine. She couldn’t believe how close she’d almost come to having this taken away from her.  She looked down at her syringe and smiled. ‘That was a close one, huh?’, she thought.

“And yours, Dr. Thompson?” Dr. Walker asked.

“I’ll be performing my injection into Angela’s stomach, a few inches above her belly button.”

“Great, why don’t you go first and show these girls how it’s done.” Dr. Bexley said.

Emma watched Dr. Thompson fiddled with the syringe. It was interesting to watch her, so proficient in her role as Acclimation Therapist, attempt something new.  It was inspiring to see someone so accomplished still want to learn new things.

“Don’t forget first to press the shorter plunger..yes, just like that.  See how the main, visible chamber’s liquid volume increased slightly, everyone? Perfect.” Dr. Walker said encouragingly as the other interns watched.

Dr. Thompson swabbed Angela’s soft belly with an alcohol swab and lowered the needle.

“As it just so happens, Dr. Thompson picked an excellent spot for a stomach injection.  Keep in mind that if you are performing an injection in the stomach, you have to be very aware of how deep you go.  There are plenty of undesirable places the subject could end up. Stomach injections can be tricky and we’ve seen it all. Subjects accidentally injected into the bladder, the stomach itself, the intestines…’

“Didn’t Allison from the other class inject hers into a woman’s uterus last week?” Nicole asked.

“I heard it was the bladder.” Tatiana replied. “And they had to wait over two hours for her to hydrate enough to pass him.”

“Don’t be silly.” Dr. Walker said dismissively.  “We’d never be able to retrieve a subject injectable in such a condition nor confirm that he was passed.”

This was the first time Angela showed any sign of discomfort or concern.

“Is that…safe for me?”

Dr. Walker was quick to respond.  “Oh Angela, we wouldn’t dream of allowing this if it wasn’t! While the experience varies significantly for the subject depending on the injection inaccuracy, there is no difference for the Participant.”

Angela still looked a little uncomfortable, but she smiled and relaxed enough to allow the team of female scientists and interns to continue.

You’re doing great though, Brandi.  Perfect depth.  Now just go ahead and..yes, that one.  Go ahead and press.”

“You know, my husband and I have a New Year’s resolution to start going to the gym.  If I start losing some of this tummy fat, is that bad for the little guy?” Angela asked, and all the young intern’s faces turned toward Dr. Walker.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t worry about that.” Dr. Walker said and Dr. Bexely agreed, saying, “Yes, I agree with Dr. Walker.  When you lose weight, your fat cells simply shrink, but the subject in your stomach fat will be so comparatively small, it would be like...hmm…”

As Dr. Bexley thought, Dr. Walker spoke up, “If we go with the Pyramid of Giza comparison, it would only be like removing a few hundred bricks from the pyramid as he stood before it.  Barely anything at all, and still soft and bountiful enough to support, protect, and feed him.”

Emma swallowed dryly watching the pink liquid disappear into Angela’s soft stomach.   7 years.  He was going to exist in, around, and off that stomach fat for 7 years…

“Perfect, Brandi!  Now run the SLM device check.”

Brandi applied some petroleum jelly to the hispanic woman’s soft belly and ran the check; the device chirped cheerfully three times and emitted a blue light to let all the interns, doctors, and Angela know that the subject was right where Brandi intended for him to be. She also checked to make sure the syringe wasn’t detecting any extra subjects.  It wasn't.  He was in there.  He was actually in her belly.

Before the doctors could say anything, Luanne blurted, “Can I go next? Or...him? You know what I mean!” Luanne said playfully gesturing toward her syringe.

Angela spread her legs wide enough so that her thighs were not touching. “Actually, I think I changed my mind.  You said they’re TD-boosted, right?”

When Dr. Walker nodded, Luanne followed up. “Can I inject mine into her foot then?”

“Of course!  Plantar injections are very interesting.  Can I ask why?” Dr. Bexley inquired.

“I just think it’d be cute to have Angela stepping on him each time she walks.”

The girls all laughed, including Angela as Luanne joined Dr. Bexley at the foot of Angela’s prep bed.The southern blonde fumbled with her syringe for a few moments.  Her hands were shaking, but Emma couldn’t tell if it was nervousness or excitement, it could have been both.  Dr. Bexley carefully took the syringe out of Luanne’s hand and set it down between Angela’s bare feet.

“Just take a deep breath, dear.” Dr. Bexley said, rubbing the southern blonde’s narrow shoulders.  Emma stared at the syringe between Angela’s feet.  The Hispanic woman’s painted toes twitched slightly...god, they must look as high as heaven to the little subject in there.

Emma looked up toward Dr. Bexley and noticed the raven-haired doctor was watching her watch the syringe.  Dr. Bexley smiled, still rubbing Luanne’s shoulder.

“Another fun little fact…” Dr. Bexley said to the girls but looking at Emma.  “The average woman is 5’4” tall.  Angela here is slightly taller than that at 5’7”.  To Luanne’s subject here…” Dr. Bexley lightly stroked the shaft of the syringe between Angela’s bare feet, “...Angela’s beautiful brown hair would seem to be over 2,600 miles away right now.  In case you were curious, if we were to eject Luanne’s little subject right next to Angela’s foot and have him walk to her head, does anyone have any idea how long it would take him to get there?”

None of the girls answered, they were just looking back and forth between Dr. Bexley and the syringe at the latina’s feet.

“If he walked 12 hours a day...every single day...it would take him 109 days to get there.”

Angela actually spoke up, “My goodness…”

“She’s right.” Dr. Walker confirmed, “Over 3 and a half months to get from toe to head.”

“And that's assuming he walked next to her body on flat ground.  If he had to walk atop her skin, it would take MUUUCH longer...our friend Angela here is anything but flat!” Dr. Bexley joked.

“Well, let's try it then.” Angela joked, moving her pale soles inward and cradling the needle between her bare feet.  All the women had a nice laugh.

Dr. Bexley picked the syringe back up from between Angela’s feet and handed it back to Luanne, who was now completely relaxed, focused, and had a happy smile on her pretty young face.

“Go ahead and grab the toes and scrunch them forward..yup, just like that!” Dr. Bexley advised. Emma watched as the Latina woman’s sole wrinkled up.  “Do you see where the wrinkles start?” Dr. Bexley ran a finger up the wrinkled sole of Angela’s left foot. “Right above the heel here and right below the ball of the foot? You can inject in either of those non-wrinkled areas, but try to get as close to the wrinkles as possible so as to avoid the area where the fat pad naturally thins over time.”

“Can I inject him in the toes?”

‘Oh god..can she please?’ Emma thought.

Dr. Bexley shook her head.  “Afraid not, dear.  While there is some adipose tissue in the toes, the fat pad thinning locations are not quite consistently located in the same place from Participant to Participant.  The fat pad is also already quite thin and Angela likely takes somewhere between 7,000 to 9,000 steps per day.  I’d leave the toe injections to the experts for now.”

Luanne smiled and nodded, happy to inject her subject into the heel of Angela’s left foot.  Angela’s toes curled lightly as the needle tip entered her heel. Luanne forced the fluid and her subject into the fleshy sole of Angela’s foot under the watchful, fascinated eyes of the other interns. Emma liked to think it was the last thing he saw…their young, energetic and entertained faces smiling goodbye to him as he left this world and entered a new one.

‘1.8 years...shouldn’t have resisted arrest…’ Emma thought snarkily to herself of the subject now immersed in the foot of the thick hispanic woman. Dr. Bexley encouraged Luanne to scan Angela's sole to confirm that the subject was properly embedded in the fat pad of her foot...and he was.  The last thing she had to do was massage Angela's foot post-injection and she sighed a major sigh of relief to learn that she'd done everything correctly.  

“Want to go next, Emma?” Dr. Walker asked, nudging Emma.

Emma replied with more breath and voice, her heart racing a million miles a minute. “Uh-huh..”



Love this chapter. Thinking about a sole injection with the Japanese girl, too. The story is extremely interesting