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It was brought to my attention that I accidentally polished, bolstered, and uploaded Chapter 12 twice.  I've deleted the older post and left the newer post since it has more detail.

Anyone with a very good memory who read this Chapter on its first upload years ago might recognize that it ends a little differently than it did last time!

Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 13 - First Screening

[September 30th, 2005]

“Hello, Ms. Warren.” Dr. Walker said, cupping the receiver of her office telephone from behind her desk.

Lori went out of her way to make work feel like a home away from home.  She took pride in adorning her office cubicle with cherished photographs of her beautiful daughters Gina, Isabella, and Victoria. Some of the art served a purpose beyond motivating Lori to grind another day, such as the ceramic vase Isabella made in elementary school that was somehow still water tight. In one of her drawers rested a row of coffee mugs and atop her stack of ingoing and outgoing paper documents were clever paperweights, each with their own amusing backstory.

By comparison, Dr. Walker had not taken the same initiative in her own office but then again, perhaps the young woman didn’t look at work the way Lori did.  It wouldn’t have been difficult at all to believe that Dr. Walker loved her job and cared not for comfortable distractions.  It looked almost as if she’d just started moving in…or was about to move out.  An old-fashioned analog clock decorated the wall overtop of the doorway into her office.  Lori couldn't help but notice the abundance of degrees and awards adorning the cream-colored walls, all bearing the young doctor's name. One framed degree was a Bachelors of Science in Organic Chemistry with double-minor acknowledgement in both Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The one next to it was a Master's Degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics. Amidst the academic accolades, Lori also spotted framed paperwork documenting the establishment of R&R Laboratories, dating back to 2001.  .There were boxes on the floor filled with paperwork and her desk was a cluttered mess of forms, folders, and receipts.

The office had a mix of organized and messy elements. A plain gray filing cabinet nestled in the corner, and a long wooden table lined the east wall, cluttered with scattered papers, manilla envelopes, and peculiar devices. The futuristic contraptions looked almost alien-like, disassembled in varying degrees. Most resembled handguns with thin green plastic circuit board-type pieces surrounded by dizzyingly complicated webs of green, white, black, and pink wires.

A dark wooden desk occupied the center of the room, featuring an old CRT monitor and a gray keyboard, buried under a pile of papers. There were pictures as well.  Lori managed to catch a glimpse of a few that had been fanned out, perhaps 3 or 4.  One contained a woman in a bright red thong sitting on a beach towel in the sand.  Another was of what looked like two college students at a college party mooning the photographer.  The last image was of a black woman who was facing away from the camera against a plain wall with her fingers hooked into the waistband of her sweatpants, exposing what was without a doubt the largest backside Lori had ever seen in her life.

Lori only had about 2-3 seconds to take in the information she saw before Dr. Walker had stacked the photographs and put them in a manilla folder. Lori managed to read the label before it disappeared into her filing cabinet:

ATTN: Dr. Katie Walker

For Review and Approval - Participants and Alternates

Dr. Walker cupped the receiver of her phone once more. “Some of the interns here like to joke that I have the dream job of every 15-year old boy in the world.” Dr. Walker held the phone between her cheek and shoulder as she wedged the manilla folder into her filing cabinet. Lori couldn’t help but smile.

Lori had only identified accolades to Dr. Walker’s impressive academic accomplishments but upon closer inspection, she noticed that there were at least two personal items.  One was a captivating glass chess board with pretty pink and blue pieces. The other, stationed close to the chessboard atop a tattered Dearforms shoebox, was an intriguing piece of decorative art. It consisted of two glossy black spheres pressed together and overlapping. An inscription in gold lettering caught her attention:

"All sorts of things can happen when you're open to new ideas and playing around with things.

-Stephanie Kwolek"

But there was more to it. Right at the point where the spheres met, she squinted to read a smaller inscription:


Lori couldn't quite grasp its meaning—was it a chemical formula, initials, or an inside joke? It intrigued her, adding to the enigmatic atmosphere of Dr. Walker's office.

Lori was brought out of her pondering by the sound of Dr. Walker’s phone hitting the receiver.

“Goodness…terribly sorry about that. You now have my full and undivided attention, Miss Warren.”

She came around to give Lori another handshake.  Lori noticed the doctor, who was already not very tall to begin with, was even shorter having abandoned her footwear.

‘They were probably under her desk,’ Lori thought.  She did the same thing at work.

Dr. Walker’s toes looked to be painted to match her blackish-purple fingernails, but it was difficult to tell for sure through the smooth, dark nylon mesh encasing her small feet.  Her gray slacks started down at the tops of her feet and fluttered up her legs, disappearing into the bottom of her white lab coat.  There was plenty of give in the material down by her thighs, hips, and especially her stomach. However, the section of her lab coat that worked the hardest and was most void of slack or wrinkles was the region that covered her chest. Round and impossible to ignore, her breasts were massive for a girl of her size. They may have even been bigger than Isabella’s!

Somehow Lori ripped her gaze from the eye-catching swell in Dr. Walker’s chest to find her chocolate brown eyes creasing in the corners as the young doctor smiled patiently and politely.  They packed a professionalism and wisdom that Lori immediately identified as special and unique.

“Once again, I’m very sorry for the scene out in the waiting room.”

“Oh, it's no problem.  I know she was just angry.  I suppose it's about not being accepted?”

The cute brunette doctor was back behind her desk now. She didn’t say anything in response, only nodded. She appeared comfortable with the silence…much more comfortable than Lori. Or perhaps Dr. Walker experienced silence differently than others.  Maybe really intelligent people like her are never truly in silence, their powerful minds working constantly, running through new ideas and innovations.

“Well…that’s a shame but still…” Lori said, breaking the silence just to break it, but now she had to look for more words in her mind, “...probably for the best..”

‘Probably for the best??’, Lori thought. She spoke to herself in that sarcastic way that everyone does when they reflect on the silly things they say. ‘Yeah, probably for the best you don’t tuck a tiny little naked guy up into her bottom since it's not big and soft enough.’

As Lori sat down across from Dr. Walker’s desk, she could feel the brunette’s wise and curious eyes on her.  The chair’s teal, rough cushion was soft, but not nearly as soft as the cushion in the waiting room.  The arm rests were a little closer as well, pressing in firmly against the flesh on each of her thighs as she passed her weight to the seat.  The denim indents flanked her hips and she was sure that Dr. Walker had noticed them.  Dr. Walker didn’t say anything about the width of Lori’s hips or the size of her thighs. Perhaps most gratefully, she also didn’t say anything about the fact that the mother of three was now sitting sideways to accommodate the literal “pain in her ass”.

Instead, Dr. Walker just smiled.

Lori watched as Dr. Walker easily navigated the remaining chaos on her desk and pulled a blank form in front of her, uncapping a pen pulled from her tight breast pocket.

“Alright then, let's get started. The first week's follow-up is not incredibly in-depth.”

‘Oh yes…’ Lori thought, clenching her enormous, splayed cheeks.  ‘That’s why you’re here…so easy to forget….’

“We’ve already gotten your measurements…” Dr. Walker said, more to herself than to Lori as she moved the tip of her pen down a list of bullets. “We’ve provided you with the custom Training Underwear. Did they fit alright?”

“They’re very tight but I can understand their value.  I loved the color of the maroon ones.  I’m actually wearing them right now.” Lori replied proudly.

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” The doctor’s pretty eyes feasted upon Lori’s thighs.

Dr. Walker seemed pleased that the subject was so thoroughly confined by Lori’s compressed ass cheeks. Still, Lori blushed self-consciously to have this woman not much older than her eldest daughter looking at her large thighs.  She smiled politely back at Dr. Walker and discreetly tucked her jean skirt down to make sure no maroon was showing.

“…and we’ve provided you with instructions. To be perfectly honest, I don’t expect that we would get a lot of new information from doing a…excuse the pun…but a ‘hands-on’ analysis…” the doctor said as she did air quotes with her fingers, “…so I just need to ask you a few questions.”

Dr. Walker’s eyes returned to her form. Lori used this opportunity to recross her left leg over her right and shift most of her weight from the left side of her ass to the right side.  She had almost completed the adjustment before Dr. Walker looked up.

‘Well…’, Lori thought, ‘…if she didn’t see the underwear before, she did now.’

“Alright…first question here, of course: subject’s current location?”

The young doctor was smiling at the obviousness of her question.  Lori wondered if some women ever came in and gave an answer other than “nestled deep in my bottom”.  She sensed that any other answer would be the wrong answer, and now any slight doubt about whether or not keeping him in her rear this entire time was the right choice was completely gone.  She felt completely justified.  The doctor’s face grew an approving smile as Lori looked over her left shoulder and down at her large backside, scooting subtly from left to right.

“Wonderful.” Dr. Walker said, scribbling at the top of the clean form she’d grabbed. “Is he merely wedged between your buttocks or is he fully inserted into your anal cavity?”

Lori felt her heart skip a beat.  What a question for someone to ask!  And what a question to answer!

She focused on the sensation of the tiny naked man for a moment.  He was deep in there…sure.  He was very close to…it…sure.  But was he…INSIDE of it?  Through it?  Lori blushed at the thought!

“The….first one.” She said, a bit embarrassed.

“Great.” Dr. Walker said, scribbling something down on the form. Lori wondered what kinds of notes she was writing.

“Next question.  How long has he been between your buttocks?”

Lori looked up at the drop ceiling, focusing in on some discolorations in the tiling as she tried to remember how long the miniature person had spent tucked up between her heavy, soft glutes.

“Ummm…he was delivered to my house a week ago, and I opened him the next day…”

“I see…and when did you insert him into your rear?” Dr. Walker asked, encouraging Lori through the answer.

“The next day.”

Dr. Walker checked another box. “Okay…..”

There was another long pause as the doctor looked over the form, turning over to a new page.

“And how was the first day? How long was the subject in your rear?”

Lori’s eyes returned to the ceiling.  Dr. Walker quickly said, “We’re only looking for rough estimates here.”

Lori sighed.  Math was never her strong suit.  “I put him in my…well….”

‘Saying this out loud is going to be strange…to move my lips and say it….’ She thought.

“…I put him in my behind on Tuesday afternoon only a few minutes after opening him. He was in there until lunch about 2 hours later…then I put him inside the little cardboard box that came in the bigger box you sent him in for a few hours while I ran some errands.”

Lori rubbed her chin, ‘But wait…wasn’t Isabella’s honor society dinner that night? He was tucked away for quite a long time that day’ Lori thought to herself, ‘Oh, no…that was a few days after.  That’s right, I remember...the first day was much easier on him.’

“…then when I came home, I took him out of the box and put him back in my bottom and kept him there while I cleaned the house, ate dinner, and made the girls’ lunches for the next day.  When I went to bed, I took him out and set him to sleep in the little box on my nightstand…so I think he spent about…I’d say about 4 hours in my rear on the first day…maybe a little more.”

“That’s a great first day. The subject spent slightly over 16% of his first day completely surrounded by your buttocks.”

Lori couldn’t help but smile proudly, but the pride was strange.  This 20-something year old young girl praised her for keeping something wedged up between her ass cheeks for 4 hours…never mind that it was a living, breathing person!

“Fantastic.” Dr. Walker said happily. “I knew you would do well, Lori.  Okay, one of the most important questions here:” she said, reading her paper.  “How have YOU handled this new arrangement?”

Lori was a little taken aback.  She was expecting there to be a lot more inquiry as to how the little person was doing in her bottom…how he was handling what must surely be an abrupt and massive life change.  A change in temperature..a change in pressure..a change in odor..a change in independence.  She could keep going.

But the doctor was asking about her, but what specifically?  How did she feel about this?  About him?

“Well…” Lori said, trying to find the words as she shuffled nervously in her seat. “…the girls are getting older.  Gina is a senior now and I’ve got whiplash from how quickly I go from being her best friend to the lamest person she knows.  Isabella is in her junior year and is already talking about college herself. Victoria just started high school this year.  They’re all so busy nowadays, and it's kind of nice to take care of something…to have something so dependent on me for everything…even if I don’t get to see him all that often.” Lori caressed her left upper thigh.

She wanted so much to exude confidence…perhaps the level of confidence she was sure that Bridget seemed to naturally have…or any of the other participating women for that matter.  She thought back to when she was getting ready in the morning, and she felt the subject’s eyes dancing over her nude, moonlight-painted body as she dressed. It was power and control without any of the typical fear that might come with enticing a man.

“It's done wonders for my confidence…” Lori continued, “knowing he’s there is something of a mental stimulation.”

‘When I remember he’s there, that is…’ she added in her own head.

She felt a strong tickle deep in her crack and she rolled her eyes…time to rotate.  This time, Dr. Walker took notice.

“Is everything alright?”

A genuine expression of concern came over Dr. Walker’s face as Lori shifted in her seat.

“Oh…well…I’ve noticed that when I…do this…” Lori said, shifting her weight from one side of her ass to the other side, lifting up a cramped ass cheek and letting the other accept her full weight, “…he doesn’t kick as much.”

Dr. Walker nodded her head, “I see….well Lori, what do you believe that kicking represents?”

‘Oh, I don’t know, Katie,’ Lori thought, ‘maybe that my big ass swallows him up even more when I’m sitting and I weigh hundreds or maybe even thousands of times more than him?’

“I’m not sure…” Lori lied.

Lori felt the heat of the spotlight and pressed her palms into the arm rests, pulling more of her weight from her backside to her wrists.  It was clear that Dr. Walker wanted Lori to elaborate, and she’d established already that she was more comfortable with silence than Lori so the brilliant doctor was destined to win.

Lori continued, “I assumed it was…dissatisfaction.  I would feel him struggling whenever I sat down…intense struggling…and I noticed that when I shifted my weight over to one side, the struggling was less intense and would sometimes go away entirely.”

Dr. Walker was listening attentively and nodding along.

“I think it's because when I sit centered, my cheeks are pressing in on him very tightly.” Lori concluded.

Dr. Walker allowed more silence, presumably to see if Lori had anything else to say.  When Lori didn’t say anything else, Dr. Walker spoke up. “Lori, do you know what that sounds an awful lot like?”

Lori was remembering the information she’d read in the pamphlets, and the rules, and the phone conversations with Dr. Walker.  She knew where this was going…

“Yes, yes…I know, Doctor.  I know you said not to inconvenience myself for his sake…but it seems like such a small gesture…and it probably means so much to him.”

‘Why are you fighting for this?’ Lori thought to herself.  ‘Your glute muscles are screaming at you!  Your lower back and upper thighs are sore! And it’s all because of his complaining!’

Dr. Walker’s hands reached out over her desk for Lori’s.  They were much smaller than hers, impishly cute and almost child-like. They were incredibly soft and smooth.

“Lori, you are not doing him any favors by babying him.  By what right does he have to be treated like a king by you?”

‘That seems…a little dramatic..’ Lori thought, but she continued to listen.

“You’re the one taking care of him, and what does he do for you?”  Dr. Walker asked.

A long silence with no answer…because there was nothing to say. There was nothing he did for her.  She kept him safe all day, be it in his box or in her butt.  She kept him a secret from her daughters and the rest of the world…not only for her sake of course, but to spare him the humiliation!  Of course!  She fed him peanut butter! Lori even found out how much he liked pretzels and added those to her shopping list for him!

She did do an awful lot to make him more comfortable, an awful lot to try and make this experience a bit easier for the both of them.  And what did he do for her?


Lori didn’t even want to bring up the insults that the subject had lobbed her way…afraid that Dr. Walker might want to punish him right then and there!

‘Look at that..’ Lori thought, ‘I’m even trying to protect him from RR Labs.’

“He should be grateful.” The doctor said.

Maybe if Lori hadn’t been keeping the tiny little person a secret, she could have vented to someone. Her daughters would have suggested she do what is best for herself.  Her cubicle neighbor Janet would have said the same thing. Surely any of her friends, had they been brought up to speed on this crazily silly yet possible situation, they would all say the same thing…right?

She’d been keeping all of this to herself, never speaking a word of the tiny treasure under her denim skirt and pounds and pounds of dense flesh, until now.

‘If these walls could talk’, Lori mused.  She imagined how many women had sat in this very seat, sandwiching their own subject between their bottom and the cushion beneath her.  How many casual conversations these walls heard about rear-housing and the like.  Lori’s walls had heard no such conversations. She dared not even paint her sins upon the ceiling of her bedroom for fear that one of her daughters might be listening on the other side of the door.

Seeing the doctor’s young, compassionate eyes just made it all click.  The struggle she was feeling…it was still there, but things were pulling in a different direction now.

Lori slowly started to lean over to center her position over the chair, slowly allowing her one floating buttock to contact the cushion and slowly compress. The incredible softness and mass of her derriere was something from which she benefited during long sitting sessions ever since she was a teenager. Why shouldn’t it be looked at as something that benefits him as well? Imagine how uncomfortable it would have been to be in that thin, boney, rude girl in the waiting room earlier!

Soon, both her cheeks were evenly sharing the burden of her weight, compressing fully into the cushion, passing that weight and pressure along evenly and equally to the subject buried in her crack.  Lori almost leaned over again out of habit, immediately feeling that familiar, entitled frenzy between her bottom and the cushion.  “Oh…he’s started…” she uttered with concern.

‘Goodness…’ she thought to herself, forcing herself not to react.  ‘It’s as if he’s…. trained me.’

“And he will stop.” Dr. Walker said with a warm, firm smile.

Lori ignored her instinct to lessen the burdensome weight upon the subject nestled in her bottom and continued to sit normally in her seat, her palms lightly pressing into the tops of her thighs instead of the arm rests.

It was so distracting, feeling his writhing and panicking. It would have been so easy for her to stand up. It would have been so easy for her to just shift her weight over to one side.  It would have been so easy to press her feet a little harder into the ground or her palms a little harder into the arm rests.  For every pound of pressure she applied toward the earth with her hands or feet would be a pound taken off the poor little thing in her bottom.  He was just so small and weak.  The amount of force she could apply with just a single big toe was probably more than he could exert at peak energy.

She could have done any of these things…but instead she listened to Dr. Walker and just continued to sit.

Lori just kept telling herself that her cheeks were large enough and soft enough to keep him safe. So large and soft, in fact, that she knew they could protect him from pressures that exceeded even her own weight.  She thought back to Isabella’s Honor Society dinner. Isabella took a seat on her mother’s lap for an Instagram post. Not to be left out of the spotlight, Victoria plopped down on Lori’s other knee and squeezed into the picture.  Try as she might, Lori couldn’t keep one cheek up with the both teenagers’ full weight on her so she was forced to sit normally. As Isabella snapped picture after picture trying to get the right smiles, he was forced to accept the full weight of all three of them.

Of course it was only for about a minute or two, but that should have been long enough to prove either his durability or the safety of her cheeks.  She adjourned to the bathroom to check on him later in the evening, and sure enough he was completely fine. Angry…but completely fine.

‘So if my bottom could protect him through that…it can keep him safe…through this…I know it can.’ Lori thought. ‘He can do this… he can do this.’

As if on queue, the struggling deep between her glutes started to fade…slowly at first but then very quickly. All of the sudden, the movement in her crack stopped entirely.  Dr. Walker must have seen it in Lori’s face, because the doctor sprouted a big grin.

“You were right!” Lori exclaimed.

She flexed her cheeks a few times, trying to instigate some movement from him to confirm that he was not injured or worse.  She didn’t want him to be hurt. She just wanted him to give up fighting…or tired himself out.

‘Maybe he even found a comfy position’

She hoped it was the last one.

The flexing of her glutes did inspire some very weak, feeble movement…enough to let her know he was okay.

She couldn’t believe it.  The silence was uncomfortable, sitting there with Dr. Walker focused on the thing in her bottom, but Lori had been taught an important lesson that she wouldn’t forget: he can handle it.

He can handle ALL of it.

She even lifted her bare feet up off the floor to increase the pressure, leaving her empty sandals on the carpet in front of her.  A small part of her knew he was capable of this…and all she needed was a small little nudge to believe in him… to believe in herself.

“Of course, I was right.” Dr. Walker said matter-of-factly.  “You know, you have to be careful with these subjects.  You give them an inch they’ll take a mile.  Today they’re pestering you to sit angled in your seat…tomorrow they’re expecting to be carried around on a velvet pillow and waited on hand-and-foot.”

Lori could feel her cheeks reddening.  ‘The ones on my face…who knows…maybe the other ones too…’

She wouldn’t be mentioning the big, expensive pillow she’d purchased for sitting on.  Hopefully the store would accept a return on that since she clearly wouldn’t be needing it anymore.

“Anyway, now that we’re both finally comfortable…,” Dr. Walker teased to which Lori smiled and sank deeper into the seat. Lori slipped the thongs of her sandals back between her toes and scrunched them into place.

“…why don’t you tell me a little bit about your normal day-to-day activities?” Dr. Walker asked.

Lori was enjoying this, sitting comfortably across from Dr. Walker, not worrying about the subject but at the same time knowing that he was okay. It was such a relieving feeling.  “Hmmm…” Lori hummed, buying time to think.  Her days were not anything all that exceptional.

“Well, I usually start my work days at about 6am.  I’ll make the girls lunches before heading off to work, and when I get home I just spend time with them.  Like I said, they’re all getting so big…I’ve got to get my time in with them while I can.  We’ll usually just watch movies, relax in the backyard…. sometimes we’ll go to the beach or the movies..just fun momma/daughter things.”

“I see,” Dr. Walker nodded.  “And on a scale of 1 to 10, how much has the subject interfered with your ability to continue these traditions and routines?” Dr. Walker clicked her pen and prepared to write.

“With my routines and traditions? Ohh….” Lori breathed heavily out of her mouth and thought for a moment, “You know…I would have to say….barely even a 1.”

Dr. Walker smiled as she checked a box and scribbled some notes.

Lori continued. “And honestly, I would only say 1 instead of 0 because of how uncomfortable it's been to sit, especially for long periods of time….but I don’t think that’s going to be a problem anymore.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.  The less of an impact the housed subjects have on our Participants, the better we look!” Dr. Walker said, “and the more likely they’re to continue housing our subjects!”

The doctor turned to the next page of her packet. “How often does he spend the night in your rear?”

Lori answered, “Not often.  Usually he sleeps in his box, but sometimes he sleeps with me.  He slept with me last night…and one other night last week.”

“Do you tend to sleep on your stomach? Your back?  On the side?” Dr. Walker asked next.

“I’d say a bit of all three, but mostly on my back.”

Dr. Walker jotted down some notes, “Okay great.  Just trying to get an idea on the temperature and pressure experiences your subject has overnight.  Sounds like he spends most of the night highly compressed and, if you’re sleeping under covers, probably a substantially high temperature.”

“Is that okay?” Lori asked.  “I do have a pretty heavy comforter, but I could get a thinner one if you think that would be better for him when I keep him—”

Dr. Walker put her hand up, “Oh absolutely not!  He will be completely fine, you just keep doing what you’re doing!”

Lori was relieved, she would be lying if she said she wasn’t enjoying all this validation from the doctor.

“Okay, this one is somewhat personal….” Dr. Walker started.  “…but can you tell me about your sex life?”

Lori’s reaction could have just as easily been embarrassment or shock, but she was grateful that her initial reaction to this 20-something young lady asking her about sex resulted in an abrupt, knee-jerk laugh.

“Not existent.” Lori said, expecting the doctor to mirror her dismissive, mildly self-deprecating tone by smiling or laughing.  Dr. Walker did nothing of the sort.  She simply stared and waited in silence for elaboration.  In a much more serious tone, Lori elaborated.

“Well, it's…it's been quite a long time.  Since my ex-husband and I divorced some years ago.”  Lori was embarrassed to say how many, and luckily Dr. Walker didn’t seem interested in that number.  She didn’t think of sex often; in fact, she’d thought more about intimacy in the past hour or so after meeting Bridget and Hannah than she had since her divorce.

Lori continued, “…so it's not as if he…” her eyes lowered to her chair, where her subject was pinned beneath her hefty bottom, and then returned to the doctor’s gaze, “…it’s not as if he is really affecting anything like that.  Raising the girls on my own…and working…there just wasn’t any time.   And even now…It just hasn’t been something I’ve been seeking.”

Dr. Walker nodded, moving on way too quickly for Lori’s comfort with the next question. “And how often do you masturbate?”

This time Lori was both embarrassed and shocked, and it showed clearly on her face.  She became flush and fumbled through her response, “Well….I…you know..sometimes at night before I go to sleep if I’ve had a stressful day.”

Uncomfortable silence followed and Lori had to fill it.

“Oh, but never while he’s in his…spot!”, she blurted, trying to convince the doctor that it was true,

‘...because it WAS true!  She specifically made sure of that!’

Lori wondered for a moment if she’d convinced Dr. Walker or if she thought Lori was lying but Dr. Walker just wrote down the answer, accepting it with barely any change in expression.  It seemed almost as if she was bored with the answer.

Lori broke the silence, “….since that would probably be bad, right?”

Dr. Walker was in no rush to answer Lori’s timid question, taking her time finishing what she was writing before looking up.  One of Dr. Walker’s brown eyebrows raise up from behind her thick-framed black glasses.

Why would that be bad?”

Lori thought back to her time with Hannah in the waiting room.  She thought back to Hannah’s large breasts and deep, tan cleavage, deepening further as Hannah playfully pressed them together with her elbows.  She remembered Laura the receptionist’s light chuckle.  She remembered seeing Hannah and Bridget on their way here to see the therapist  She remembered seeing the tiny little man disappear into Hannah’s ample bosom, her lover and the unidentified woman smiling on. She reflected on their openness regarding their relationship and how he fit into it…how he was a part of it.

Lori swallowed dryly, unable to answer Dr. Walker’s simple question…so Dr. Walker answered it for her.

“You might not believe this, but it's actually quite common for our Participants to continue expressing their sexuality as if the subject were not even there.  It's natural and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.  In fact, there are a fair amount of women who seem to derive an extra component of satisfaction out of the subject’s position.”

Lori’s heart was racing and she was wildly uncomfortable, but she was intrigued by the doctor’s implications.  Her mind drifted back to watching Bridget’s tiny subject swallowed up effortlessly by her lover’s epic cleavage.

“Well, thank you doctor.  I will…definitely keep that in mind.”

Dr. Walker smiled, “That, like most everything else in this experiment, is and always will be ENTIRELY up to you. I encourage you to read the literature we provided just so that you are fully informed, and move along at your own pace and comfort level.”

Lori believed her, and she felt relieved…and also a bit strange.  She thanked Dr. Walker.

Dr. Walker stood up, “Well Lori, I have to tell you it's been an absolute pleasure meeting you.”  Lori stood up as well, immediately noticing the tiny, stationary lump reanimate as his world rotated 90 degrees and the cushion factor undoubtedly multiplied by several orders of magnitude as her compressed glutes were once again under the influence of gravity, hanging a bit more than she would have liked but undoubtedly softened to his preference.  The two women shook hands.

“Likewise, Dr. Walker.  I’m very impressed by what you’ve done here…and by you as a woman.”

Dr. Walker smiled, “Well, thank you very much!” She lifted her paperwork from the desk taking a final look at it.

“Alright,” Dr. Walker stated, “Everything seems to be in order here.  Continue to take care of the subject. 4 hours of confinement in your rear was a great start, and I was thrilled to hear that you kept him in your rear overnight last night, but..”

‘uh-oh..’, Lori thought.

“…your homework this week is to keep the subject confined in your rear for over 12 hours.

‘like last night…but that was only for one night…and the other night was only for about 8 hours and I let him have the rest of the day in his box…this girl wants him to stay in my bottom for 12 hours a day…for the whole week??’

Lori smiled nervously, unsure of herself and her abilities, “Oh my…that would mean he would spend more time inside my behind than outside of it.”

Lori had realized before that the doctor was a somewhat plain looking woman, at least compared to some of the other supermodel tier doctors she’d seen today. Even so, she had an exceptionally large chest and Dr. Walker really did have the most disarming, adorable smile she’d ever seen…and at this moment, it was as big as it had ever been during their entire meeting.

“That’s what we’re working towards!  We will likely schedule another appointment within the next few months.  Until then, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.”

Lori smiled and happily walked out of the office, an extra proud and victorious swing in her wide hips.

Upon entering the short hallway, the red-headed woman who had helped Lori’s blonde escort with key access earlier was now walking toward her.  Lori remembered her name as Dr. Stanhope and saw that she was carrying a small tray with a few items on top of it.  Lori and the red-headed scientist locked eyes.

“Miss Warren, right?”

“Lori’s fine.” She said, nodding her head.

“Oh great, I’m very glad I caught you.  Come with me.” The read-head kept walking, not looking behind her to see if Lori was following.

Perplexed, Lori turned around to follow the red head.  She was walking back toward Dr. Walker’s office and now she was knocking.

She poked her head in the open door and said, “Subject-198m’s assignment shot is here and ready.  We are administering it before Lori leaves, right?”

Lori heard the abrupt scraping of Dr. Walker’s chair in her office. “Oh, yes! Thank you for reminding me, Carla.”

Lori peeked around the corner at Dr. Stanhope’s side and saw Dr. Walker fidgeting with her ballet flats under her desk, slipping her feet in.   “We will need to administer it immediately.”

Dr. Walker was now up and out from behind her desk and entering the hallway to greet Lori and Dr. Stanhope.  She placed a soft hand on Lori’s shoulder, but Lori wasn’t looking at Dr. Walker.  She was nervously eyeing the tray in Dr. Stanhope’s hands, which contained some sterilizing wipes and a syringe filled with a liquid that practically shined. “Would you mind joining us in one of our exam rooms? We’re going to have to get a look at your subject and administer this treatment.”



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